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Site Map

The Site Map component allows users to easily display a list of pages in their site.

  • Found in Side Panel > Components > Site Map
  • Display options: List and Grid
Grid display

How to use

  1. Select the "Toggle Side Panel" button in the top left corner
  2. Select the Components button on the left
  3. Drag and drop the Site Map component onto the page
  4. Double click to edit
  5. Next to "Root Path" select the grey checkmark to select the root of your website folder
  6. Optional fields: None
  7. Select the "Sort Type" — Page Order (default), Alphabetically (ascending), or Alphabetically (descending)
  8. Select "Display" — Title (default), Filename, Title and Filename
  9. Select "Depth Level" — Level 1, Level 1 + 2, Level 1 + 2 + 3
  10. Select the "Display As" tab — List (default), Grid
  11. Select the checkmark when complete