You are now in the main content area
If a staff member or student staff changes their email address and username after they have been added to AEM, they will need to send a request to add their new username.
Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are the recommended browsers.
- Select the Accordion component to edit
- Select the left or right buttons OR Select the "Open All/Close All" button
- View the Accordion page for more information
If you rename a file and the name doesn't change, refresh the page.
Activation is now called 'Publish.'
- To publish a page, go to Sites Console> select the thumbnail of a file> select 'Publish' in the toolbar
- In an open page, select the page information icon the top left corner> select 'Publish' in the dropdown.
There are three options to do this:
- Publish a root / main page and that publishes all pages within.
- Press and hold the shift key on your keyboard and right click on all the necessary files (so that checkmark appears over thumbnails) and select Quick Publish or Manage Publication.
- Go to Touch start page (Navigation panel) > Select Tools> Deployment> Replication> Activate Tree > On 'Activate Tree' page, navigate to your website path via: /content/ryerson/your-site name > Select OK
You will need to repeat this process for the site's DAM assets. Navigate to /content/dam/your-site-name
If you don't currently have VPN, find out which version you need to connect on or off campus.
If you are having technical issues with VPN, please email
You do not have access to AEM while doing the training, unless you have requested access to a training sandbox, in which case you will have access to a training sandbox AFTER you pass the D2L training.