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Delete page

On this page, you will learn how to delete a page. Before you do, consider the following:

  1. Check to see if the file is being referenced by any other page(s) in your site. (See how below)
    Deleting a file may cause broken links.
  2. Once you delete a file it can be very difficult to restore, especially if more than a day has passed.

 If you think you might need that file in the future, consider unpublishing instead of deleting.

How to delete a page

  1. In Sites Panel> locate file 
  2. Select the file thumbnail
  3. Hit backspace to delete (or select the trash icon)

Find page references

  1. In Sites Panel, locate file
  2. Select the file's thumbnail
  3. Check References by:
    1. Selecting Alt-3, or
    2. Expand Rail selector, choose References
    3. Under Content References, select Incoming Links to see the pages linking to the file you want to delete. (not pictured)