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Block quote
The Block quote component provides a common style for text quotes.
- Found in Side Panel > Components > Block Quote
- Two styles available
- Fonts available: Replica, Polaris, Lyon
- Required content: Text
- Optional fields: Author, Source
- Custom Colours Applicable: No
Block quote Styles
Style 1 (font: Polaris): "Chance favours the prepared mind."
Style 1 (font: Replica): "Chance favours the prepared mind."
Style 1 (font: Polaris): "Chance favours the prepared mind."
Style 2 (font: Replica): "Chance favours the prepared mind."
How to use
- Select the "Side Panel" button in the top left corner
- Select the components button on the left
- Drag and drop the Block quote component onto the page
- Double-click the component, or use wrench, to open for editing
- Enter content into the fields
- Select font: Replica or Polaris
- Select "Style" and select Style 1 (Default) or Style 2
- Select the checkmark when complete