Dr. Uxía Otero-González
Uxía Otero-González is a Postdoc Fellow from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (2023–26), where she obtained a PhD in History (2022) with a dissertation on normativity femininity and its sartorial embodiment in Francoist Spain (1939–75). In her research, clothing constitutes a tool to verify to what extent official discourses around «being a woman» were embodied.
As a Visiting Scholar at TMU School of Fashion, Uxía is enriching her research from a transdisciplinary and transnational perspective. During her 12-month stay (January–December 2024), she works closely with Prof. Alison Matthews David on the history of fashion and textiles. Uxía deepens her knowledge of the (im)material culture through the TMU Fashion Research Collection (FRC).
Uxía's Postdoc Project, CostuMe(s), addresses the ties between gender, clothing, memories, and (in)material culture in 20th-century Spain.
You can learn more about this project by visiting @costu_me_s on Instagram and X.