Leadership Matters Video Series
The Graduate Leadership Institute offers a library of leadership development videos. This collection of videos covers a broad range of themes designed to help students reflect on their research and graduate studies from a leadership perspective. As graduate students face many time constraints due to their busy schedule, each video is designed to only be a few minutes long but is packed with leadership principles for the student to consider and apply to their context.
Preview three leadership videos and complete the following (google form) Action Plan (external link) for each video to earn one unit towards your Future Smart program completion.
Ideas into action: Dr. Wilson Leung joins the Ryerson Student Leadership Conference "Envision 2020" as a panellist in the "Ideas into Action" panel discussion. The session asked panellists from different fields to share insight, leadership experiences and empower students in their own leadership journeys.
Finding creativity in chaos: Dr. Wilson Leung believes you can find creativity and opportunity in moments of chaos and challenge, like the Toronto Symphony Orchestra coming together virtually to perform Aaron Copland's “Appalachian Spring” while practicing physical distancing in their individual homes
In "Leading in a VUCA World" Dr. Wilson Leung offers advice for leading in a constantly changing and unpredictable environment.
In "Sharpen your Communication" Dr. Wilson Leung speaks with Adrienne Tsandelis, Nutrition Communication master’s student, about developing communication skills as a leader.
In "What’s Your Leadership Motto?" Dr. Wilson Leung shares GRAD Contest mottos to inspire leadership.
In "Advancing Career Leadership," Dr. Wilson Leung speaks with Career Education Specialist Wincy Li about applying leadership to career readiness.
In "Playing for Team Success," Dr. Wilson Leung reflects on importance of team roles within a leadership group.
In "Tilt into 2020," Dr. Wilson Leung offers some advice for a new year of graduate studies and leadership.
In "Expert Tips on Resilience," Dr. Wilson Leung speaks with Dr. Diana Brecher, Scholar-in-Residence for Positive Psychology and Ryerson’s ThriveRU initiative about building resilience during graduate studies.
In "EQ in Action," Dr. Wilson Leung speaks with Ted Rogers MBA student Dustin Orr about applying emotional intelligence to leadership.
In "Leadership as Service," Dr. Wilson Leung says one of the traits of leadership is being in the service of others.
In "Meet the Rocketman," Dr. Wilson Leung speaks with Aerospace Engineering MASc student Mohi Khan about launching team-building skills to new heights.
In "Habitude of Gratitude," Dr. Wilson Leung reflects on the importance of gratitude as a daily practice.
In "The Ace of Visualization," Dr. Wilson Leung discusses the importance of discusses the power visualizing success.
In "Self-Care is Never a Selfish Thing," Dr. Wilson Leung discusses the importance of well-being during graduate studies.
In "Catch Your Academic Wave," Dr. Wilson Leung shares lessons learned from surfing in Portugal.
In "What’s Your Flight Destination?" Dr. Wilson Leung discusses the importance of visioning when starting a new research project.
In "Diamond of Failures," Dr. Wilson Leung offers a fresh perspective from baseball on overcoming failures.
In "Team building tips from Jurassic Park," Dr. Wilson Leung shares lessons from NBA world champs.
In "The sound of "good" stress", Dr. Wilson Leung explains how the right amount of stress leads to peak performance.
In "Winning Through Adversity", Dr. Wilson Leung discusses navigating adversity by using principles from athletic leadership.
In "3 minutes can change our world", Dr. Wilson Leung discusses how your research can be transformed into your leadership vision.
In "How strong is your brand?", Dr. Wilson Leung discusses how to start building your own personal brand.
In "Meet a Difference Maker", Dr. Wilson Leung and nursing MN student, Krisel Abulencia, discuss how to Inspire with Story.
In "The Lab of Leadership", Dr. Wilson Leung discusses four key elements of leadership and the importance of experimentation.
In "Does Practice Really Make Perfect?", Dr. Wilson Leung discusses the importance of practicing leadership skills in order to progress.
In "How to Lead Without a GPS", Dr. Leung discusses the important factors that can influence your leadership direction.
In "From Scholar to Influencer", Dr. Wilson Leung and Dr. Samantha Wehbi, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, discuss their respective roles in leadership.
Director Dr. Wilson Leung explains “The Domino Effect of Influence” in first installment of series from YSGS Graduate Leadership Institute.
Dr. Leung discusses "The Giving Influence" and the importance of being purposeful and thoughtful in leadership as you move through your graduate studies.