Please note that employees coming back with a new contract may need to request VPN access again.
Use TMU-VPN when accessing Toronto Metropolitan University's (TMU) online administrative systems such as RUFIS or CFAPS from off campus or through a wireless connection. To use TMU-VPN you need to download and install TMU-VPN on your computer and obtain an TMU-VPN login ID and password from the CCS Helpdesk.
TMU-VPN uses a digital “certificate” that is installed on your computer and is accessed using an TMU-VPN login ID and password. TMU-VPN provides a secure connection and protects your data transmissions against "sniffing" (or digital eavesdropping) by creating a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which is a “secure tunnel” through which all communication between the user's PC and TMU pass. All data transmissions are “encrypted” so that they cannot be read while travelling across the Internet.
Employees can request an TMU-VPN ID by visiting go to Self Service > Personal Account > Security to request or manage your VPN access, then download and install the software from the Software Download section.
TMU-VPN Overseas Profile
For those in overseas countries that need all internet services like Google, where such access may be blocked, an overseas profile is available. Through TMU's secure private network, users need to login to TMU-VPN and connect to the profile.