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Backup Bookmarks

You can export browser bookmarks to backup or transfer them. Once exported, they can easily be imported to another browser. Here are instructions for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Export from Chrome
- Open the Google Chrome browser.
- Select the Chrome menu icon located in the top-right corner of the window.
- Select Bookmarks > Bookmark manager. A Bookmarks window will display.
- Select the Organize menu icon located in the top-right corner of the window.
- Select Export bookmarks.
- Enter a name for the saved bookmarks and select Save. Please make a note of the location of the file.
Learn more about exporting bookmarks, external link (external link) .
Import to Chrome
- Open the Google Chrome browser.
- Select the Chrome menu icon located in the top-right corner of the window.
- Select Bookmarks > Bookmark manager. A Bookmarks window will display.
- Select the Organize menu icon located in the top-right corner of the window.
- Select Import bookmarks.
- Select the file with the saved bookmarks and select Open.
Learn more about importing bookmarks, external link (external link) .
Export from Firefox
- Open the Firefox browser.
- Select the Open menu icon located in the top-right corner of the window.
- Select Library > Bookmarks > Show all bookmarks. A Bookmarks window will display.
- Select Import and Backup > Export Bookmarks to HTML
- Enter a name for the saved bookmarks and select Save. Please make a note of the location of the file.
Learn more about exporting bookmarks (external link) .
Import to Firefox
- Open the Firefox browser.
- Select the Open menu icon located in the top-right corner of the window.
- Select Library > Bookmarks > Show all bookmarks. A Bookmarks window will display.
- Select Import and Backup > Import Bookmarks from HTML.
- Select the file with the saved bookmarks and select Open.
Learn more about importing bookmarks (external link) .
Export from Internet Explorer
- Open the Internet Explorer browser.
- Select on the Star icon located in the top-right corner of the window.
- Select the down arrow next to Add to Favorites.
- Select Import and Export. An Import/Export Settings window will display.
- Select Export to a file and select Next.
- Select Favorites from the list and select Next, and then Next.
- Select Browse to the locate where to place the file and enter a name for the saved bookmarks and select Export. Please make a note of the location of the file.
Learn more about exporting bookmarks (external link) .
Import to Internet Explorer
- Open the Internet Explorer browser.
- Select on the Star icon located in the top-right corner of the window.
- Select the down arrow next to Add to Favorites.
- Select Import and Export. An Import/Export Settings window will display.
- Select Import from a file and select Next.
- Select Favorites from the list and select Next.
- Select Browse to the locate the file with your favorites and select Next.
- Selct the folder where you want to put the imported bookmarks and select Import.
- Select Finish.
Learn more about importing bookmarks (external link) .