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File restrictions

Rule for file/type Warning Size (MB) Block Size (MB) Warning Message Block Message
Missing Extension   0   Your file must contain a valid extension before it can be uploaded.
Spaces in Filename   0   Spaces in filenames are not permitted. Please rename the file before uploading. Remove spaces completely, or replace spaces with hyphens or underscores. Do not use restricted characters in a filename.
(avi, asx, f4v,
flv, mov, mp4,
mpg, wmv,
mkv, mov, qt,
mp2, mpeg, webm)
  0   Video files are not permitted in AEM. Please use YouTube or visit
to request access to this video-hosting server
Audio 0.5 4 This audio file exceeds 500 KB. Consider optimizing or uploading to (opens in new window) . This audio file exceeds the allowable limit of 4 MB. Consider uploading to
Images 0.6 1

The file size for this image
exceeds an acceptable limit
for web use. This will result in poor performance for users viewing
this image on your webpage.
Please consider optimizing all
web images to a file size less
than 600 KB.

Optimize images for free using Squoosh (external link, opens in new window) .

The image file size exceeds the allowable limit of 1 MB and cannot be uploaded. Please optimize images to a file size less than 1MB. Recommended: < 600 KB
Microsoft Documents (PowerPoint, Excel, Word)   25   The file size for this document
type exceeds normal limits.
Please reduce your file size
before uploading. You can find
out how at (external link) 
PDF   25   The file size for this document type
exceeds normal limits. This
may result in performance issues
for users. Please consider optimizing
your file before uploading. You can
find out how at (external link) 
Temporary (.tmp)   0   This file type is prohibited in AEM.

(exe, jar, bat, 7z, arj, deb, pkg, rar, rpm, tar.gz, z, zip, msi)


  0   This file type is prohibited in AEM due to security restrictions.