Wireless Configuration Instructions for Android

These instructions will configure your wireless connection to the TMU wireless network. It will allow you to authenticate and browse using a higher level of security and protection. It will also automatically log you in after your first connection – no need to login and authenticate every time you come onto campus.
Note: These instructions will assume you have Android version 6.0 or above on your device.
TMU Connection Instructions
From the home screen swipe down from the top of the screen, then press and hold the wireless icon to open the wireless connections
When the available networks appear, select on TMU
The network configuration for TMU will open, please enter the following:
Identity: Your torontomu.ca username, this is the same as your toromtomu.ca email address – your student number will not work.
Password: Your torontomu.ca password
Select on CA certificate and from the drop down menu, select User system certificates.
Select on Online certificate status and select Request status
If there is a “Domain” field that is required, please enter ryerson.ca and then select connect
Your device should now be connected to the TMU wireless network
If you encounter any issues connecting, please contact wireless@torontomu.ca