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Map of 80 Gould Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 2K3, Canada

Is Journalism For You?

Study journalism and change the world. Search for the truth and create insightful and engaging news stories. Cultivate transferable and marketable skills in interviewing, critical thinking and research. Learn to put current events in context and understand key issues and trends. Develop professional writing and storytelling techniques for text, audio, visual and social-media formats.

Every day, you will receive hands-on training from the industry experts among our faculty, staff and guest lecturers. When you graduate, you'll be ahead of the curve with intensive reporting experience in the country's most vibrant, diverse city and multimedia production in our leading-edge editing suites and digital-first newsrooms. We offer internships and course partnerships in one of North America's largest media and communications markets. The third year provides an international exchange term in Europe, Asia or Australia.

Your Career Path

In this information age, there has never been a greater need to dispel rumours and misinformation and present an accurate picture of the world. Our graduates' research, interviewing, critical thinking and communication skills and entrepreneurial focus help them thrive in diverse career sectors, including:

  • Television, radio, newspapers, magazines and digital journalism
  • Research agencies, communications and public relations
  • Business, government policy and international development
  • Arts, sports and fashion media

Advanced Studies

Pursue fields such as law, politics, international relations or information science.

Visit the University's Journalism page for more information on the program.