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- About Us
- Faculty
- Darcy Ballantyne
- Jason Boyd
- Sarah Bull
- Jennifer Burwell
- Colleen Derkatch
- Laura Fisher
- Irene Gammel
- Naomi Hamer
- Sarah Henstra
- Craig Jennex
- Lauren Kirshner
- Anne-Marie Lee-Loy
- Jennifer Meness
- Nima Naghibi
- Andrew O'Malley
- Ruth Panofsky
- Elizabeth Podnieks
- Rahul Sapra
- Hyacinth Simpson
- Dale Smith
- Sophie Thomas
- Monique Tschofen
- Jumoke Verissimo
- Hoa Nguyen
- Lorraine Janzen Kooistra
- Contract Lecturers
- Staff
- Faculty
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Research
- News & Events
- January
- February
- 3D Visualization With XR Technology
- 3 Books
- Coem, a poetic programming language
- Undertale (Toby Fox, 2015)
- Roundtable on Undertale podcast
- Creative Writing from Research
- Contemporary Poetry Colloquia
- "I joined the wellness set just like Kate Moss. Am I woo-woo too?" by Jane Mulkerrins
- ‘Overtly racist’: Lawsuit challenges Canada’s migrant farmworker system
- Hoa Nguyen Awarded the C. D. Wright Award for Poetry
- March
- Open House
- A Literary Evening with Canisia Lubrin
- “Creative DH” with Decker
- Wilde ’82 Launch
- “When Blogs Were Blogs”
- Foo Foo, by Buster Hudson (2016)
- Shadow of the Colossus (Bluepoint Games, 2018)
- Roundtable on Shadow of the Colossus podcast
- She Who Has No Masters performs in NYC
- Making Myself Up: Re-Membering Black Life
- April
- Solarities 3: Alice Notley, Hoa Nguyen, and Dale Martin Smith
- Call for Papers: “First Night in Tehranto: Memories and Reflections of Toronto’s Iranian Immigrants”
- Launching Yellow Nineties 2.0: A Symposium & Celebration
- 2024 Undergraduate Awards
- Inside Out: Representing the Romantic Museum Launch
- 2023 Robert Coover Award
- English Students Win Dennis Mock Award
- May
- Book Launch with Hoa Nguyen
- Call for Papers: “Austin Clarke, Black Studies and Black Diasporic Memory"
- “First Night in Tehranto: Memories and Reflections of Toronto’s Iranian Immigrants.” Public Reading
- Awards–Digital Humanities and New Media Writing Prizes
- Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- Book Launch for Sex Work in Popular Culture by Lauren Kirshner
- Dr. Craig Jennex’s exhibition: Liberation on the Dance Floor
- Launch of White Wall Review Issues 52 and 53
- The Modern Literature and Culture (MLC) Research Centre has partnered with Councillor Chris Moise’s Office to host the exhibition, Threads of History: Repatriating Canadian World War II Quilts
- December
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- DH@XU The Ninth Annual BHPC
- CDH Virtual Drop-In: Writing as Programming as Writing
- DH@XU Reads: “Punching Holes in the International Busa Machine Narrative” by Arun Jacob
- CDH Virtual Drop-In: Sarena Johnson’s “In Their Moccasins: An Open Educational Game for Post-Secondary Student Staff, Instructors
- Human Rights, Freedom and COVID-19
- MENA Studies Centre: Dining, Shopping and Reimagining Home in “Tehranto”
- December
- Sitemap