Hitesh Doshi

Areas of Specialization
Performance of building walls, windows and roofs
Sustainable roofing including green roofs, cool roofs and blue roofs
Value engineering related to building walls, windows and roofs
Building energy and water conservation
Construction performance and new home warranty
Sustainability and energy policy research
In 2014, Hitesh Doshi became a bit of a celebrity. An innovator in green roof technology, he is no stranger to media interest and acclaim. However, on this occasion the attention was for something entirely different: Doshi discovered a misidentified mountain on a Bank of Canada new Frontiers Series $10 polymer bill. His finding led the Bank to correct the design description. “It was a real thrill,” he says.
This talent is a direct result of Doshi's powers of observation—powers that serve his students well. An award-winning professor, he often takes photos of small architectural details that others may miss, such as an unusual combination of steel and wood, or pipes that add aesthetic interest while also serving as drainage. He shows the photos to his students, who unpack the reasoning behind the design and discuss how they would approach it.
Doshi hopes that his students apply his observant approach to their education experience and their careers. “If you look closely enough at something,” he says, “an amazing story will be revealed.”

“Every student has the potential to contribute something important to society.”
- Certificate of Authorization Holder with the Professional Engineers Ontario working as a sole proprietor providing building science services