Global Learning
At DAS, we bring the world to you. Our Global Learning program provides you with opportunities to study internationally through field trips, exchanges and studios abroad. If travelling isn’t for you, not to worry. Our department attracts students from all over, so you’ll still gain a global perspective. We also offer shorter trips within Canada and day trips throughout Toronto. However you take part, Global Learning will be a highlight of your education.

Exchange Opportunities
Immersing yourself in another culture is invaluable. Not only do you encounter new designs, contexts and building methods, you gain an enriched perspective on life. At DAS we offer one- or two-term exchange opportunities with a growing number of prominent universities in many other countries, including Norway, England, the Netherlands, Germany and France. Explore your options and consider taking part; the world awaits.
January 30 is the deadline to participate in an exchange for the upcoming fall and winter academic terms.

“Studying in Paris allowed me to see architecture through a different lens. I had the chance to develop close friendships with other international students and learn about their approach and views. I also had the opportunity to see, in person, the great architectural masterpieces that I had studied in class.”
Daniel Sobieraj
Architectural Science ‘18

Field Trips & Excursions
To reimagine cities, you need to experience them. That’s why our professors lead field trips to Toronto museums and architectural sites of interest and innovation, plus excursions to other urban centres in Canada and the U.S.

4th Year Studios Abroad
Our fourth-year students may have the opportunity to take a course or studio abroad for a few weeks. Whether you travel with your classmates to China, Germany, Italy, Turkey or elsewhere, you’ll not only encounter a new culture, you’ll impact it by taking part in studio projects on site and often in collaboration with local architecture students. Contact Cheryl Atkinson for more information.