Sepali Guruge
Sepali Guruge’s program of research focuses on the health of immigrants who constitute a significant proportion of urban communities in Canada.
Within this broader program of research, she has investigated a range of key health concerns including aging, elder abuse, mental health, HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular health, tuberculosis, and interpersonal violence, in the context of the health inequities resulting from:
- socio-economic marginalization
- limited access to healthcare
- education, employment, and language training
- housing insecurity
- unsafe neighbourhoods
- racism and discrimination
Her research program connects these key local urban health concerns to those occurring at global levels. To this end, she has worked on a number of related projects with colleagues in several other countries.
Her work has been supported by a range of funding agencies, including:
- Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility
- Movember Foundation
- Wellesley Institute
- Women’s College Hospital
- Department of Justice, Government of Canada
- Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care
- Immigration, Settlement, and Adaptation Program
Her research findings have been disseminated in over 10 languages, making her work accessible beyond English-speaking audiences.
Her research has gained national and international recognition, and in 2014, she was selected to be part of inaugural cohort of the College of the New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada.
Research Projects
- Social distancing challenges faced by immigrants and refugees living in apartment buildings: Focusing on effective strategies
- Year: 2020-2021
- Inclusive Communities for Older Immigrants (ICOI): Developing multi-level, multi-component interventions to reduce social isolation and promote connectedness among older immigrants in Canada
- Year: 2020-2027
- Co-creating resources and strategies to address the wellbeing of older persons and their healthcare providers during COVID-19
- Year: 2020-2021
- How best to care for older people in long-term care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from family members and healthcare providers
- Year: 2020-2021
- Local stakeholder consultatoin in developing multi-level intervention strategies to address violence against women in Rio de Janeiro
- PI: Zanchetta, M
- Year: 2018-2019
- Addressing obstetric violence in Brazil: Multi-stakeholder perspectives, empowerment, and care in the context of Brazil’s National Humanization of Labour and Childbirth Policy
- PI: Zanchetta, M
- Year: 2018
- Creating a user-centric toolkit for service providers to address elder abuse in immigrant communities in Ontario
- Year: 2018-2019
- Suicide Response: Partnering to develop prevention strategies in the Tamil immigrant community
- Year: 2018-2019
- Developing a comprehensive understanding of elder abuse prevention in immigrant communities
- Year: 2016-2020
- Aging well: Partnering to optimize social network and support for older immigrants in Ontario
- Year: 2016-2019
- Emerging Voices: How Syrian Newcomers and other key stakeholders perceive Canada's three sponsorship programs for refugee (re)settlement
- Year: 2016-2018
- Online informational and social supports for promoting health of Syrian refugee women in Ontario
- Year: 2016-2017
- Reducing stigma of mental illness among boys and men in Asian communities in Canada: An innovative intervention study
- Year: 2013-2016
- Highlighting the role of resilience, leadership, and capacity-building among immigrant seniors in addressing elder abuse within immigrant communities
- Year: 2013-2014
- Immigrant and racialized women’s health project – KTE focus on mental health, maternal health, and chronic illness
- Year: 2013-2014
- Surgeon-Nurse cooperation and team behavior in surgical teams: A pilot study
- PI: Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V
- Year: 2013-2014
- Guruge, S., & Collins, E. (Eds.). (2008). Working with Women: Issues and Strategies for Mental Health Professionals. Toronto, ON: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
Journal Articles (*refereed)
- Morrow, M., Guruge, S., Lal, R., Jiang, C., Hoong, P., Nimesh, P., & Bryson, S. (2019). Intersectionality as an analytic framework for understanding the experiences of mental health stigma among racialized men. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-14.
- Seifi, S., Guruge, S., & Zanchetta, M. (2019). (PDF file) Housing concerns faced by immigrant women dealing with intimate partner violence: Findings of a qualitative study in Vancouver, Canada (external link) . Arts and Social Science Journal, 9(6).
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Matsuoka, A., Man, G., & Pirner, D. (2019). Developing a comprehensive understanding of elder abuse prevention in immigrant communities: A comparative mixed methods study protocol. BMJ Open, 9(1), e022736.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Wang, L., Sethi, B., Spitzer, D., Walton-Roberts, M., & Hyman I. (2019). Understanding social network and support for older immigrants in Ontario: A multi-methods study protocol. JMIR Aging, 2(1), e12616.
- Wang, L., Guruge, S., & Montana, G. (2019). Older Immigrants’ Access to Primary Health Care in Canada: A Scoping Review. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement, 38(2), 193-209.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Illesinghe, V., Younes, R., Bukhari, H., Altenberg, J., Rashid, M., & Fredericks, S. (2018). Healthcare needs and health service utilization by Syrian refugee women in Toronto. Conflict and health, 12(1), 46.
- Sidani, S., Guruge, S., Fox, M., & Collins, L. (2018). Gender differences in perpetuating factors, experience and management of chronic insomnia. (external link) Journal of Gender Studies, 28(4), 402-413.
- Livingston, J., Bryson, S., Patel, N., Hoong, P., Lal, R., Morrow, M., & Guruge, S. (2018). Stigma Associated with Mental Illness Among Asian Men in Vancouver, Canada (external link) . International Journal of Social Psychiatry.
- Guruge, S., Fung, K.P., Sidani, S., Este, D., Morrow, M., McKenzie, K., & Wong, J.P.H. (2018). Study Protocol: Mobilizing Asian men in Canada to reduce stigma of mental illness (external link) . Contemporary Clinical Trials, 71, 133-139.
- Guruge, S., Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Jayasuriya, V., Ganesan, M., Sivayogan, S., et al. (2017). Intimate partner violence in the post-war context: Women’s experiences and community leaders’ perceptions in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka (external link) . PLoS ONE, 12(3), e0174801.
- Guruge, S., Wang, A., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., & Sidani, S. (2017). Knowing so much, yet knowing so little: A critical review of literature on interventions that address the stigma of mental illness in the Canadian context (external link) . Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(5), 507-523.
- Sidani, S., Ibrahim, S., Lok, J., Fan, L., Fox, M., & Guruge, S. (2017). An integrated strategy for the cultural adaptation of evidence-based interventions (external link) . Health, 9, 738-755.
- Jayasuriya, V., Guruge, S., Gamage, B., & Espin, S. (2016). Interprofessional work in operating room teams: A qualitative study from Sri Lanka (external link) . BMC Surgery, 16(1), 61.
Souto, R.Q., Guruge, S., Merighi, M.A.B., Jesus, M.C.P., Egit, S., & Knowles, L. (2016). Intimate partner violence among Portuguese speaking immigrant adult women in Canada (external link) . Journal of School of Nursing, 50(6), 905-912.
Hyman, I., Vahabi, M., Bailey, A., Patel, S., Guruge, S., Wilson-Mitchell, K., & Wong, J. (2016). Taking action on violence through research, practice, and policy (external link) . Global Health Research and Policy, 1(1), 6.
Guruge, S., Morrison, L., Jayasuriya, V., & Mock, T. (2016). Intimate partner violence in Hawai’i: Communities in distress. Arts and Social Science Journal, 7(2).
Souto, R. Q., Guruge, S., Merighi, M.A.B., & Pinto de Jesus, M.C (2016). Intimate partner violence among older Portuguese immigrant women in Canada (external link) . Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(5), 961-979.
- Fredericks, S., & Guruge, S. (2016). Cardiovascular interventions for immigrant women: A scoping review (external link) . Clinical Nursing Research, p. 1-22.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya, V., Gunawardena, N., & Perera, J. (2015). Intimate Partner Violence in Sri Lanka: A scoping review. Ceylon Medical Journal (Official journal of the Sri Lanka Medical Association), 60, 133-138.
- Guruge, S., Al Jamal, A., Yercich, S., David, R., Rossiter, K., & Dillon, M. (2020). Domestic Homicides in Immigrant & Refugee Communities. In P. Jaffe, K. Scott, & A.L. Straatman (Eds.). Preventing Domestic Homicides: Lessons Learned from Tragedies. Academic Press (pp. 111-135).
- Guruge, S., Hershkowitz, M., & Hart, C. (2019). The five W’s of migration and settlement decision making. In H. Bauder (Ed.). Putting Family First. UBC Press (pp. 133-152).
- Shields, J., Gintova, M., Guruge, S., Tandon, R., & Hershkowitz, M. (2019). Settling on services: Understanding the place of services in immigrant family integration. In H. Bauder (Ed.). Putting Family First. UBC Press (pp. 252-277).
- * Guruge, S., Zanchetta, M., Roche, B., & Lucchese, S. (2019). New lives, new challenges: Access and utilization of IPV-related health, social, and settlement services among Portuguese-speaking immigrant women (external link) . Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem, 21.
- * Morrow, M., Guruge, S., Lal, R., Jiang, C., Hoong, P., Nimesh, P., & Bryson, S. (2019). Intersectionality as an analytic framework for understanding the experiences of mental health stigma among racialized men (external link) . International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-14.
- * Seifi, S., Guruge, S., & Zanchetta, M. (2019). (PDF file) Housing concerns faced by immigrant women dealing with intimate partner violence: Findings of a qualitative study in Vancouver, Canada (external link) . Arts and Social Science Journal, 9(6).
- * Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Matsuoka, A., Man, G., & Pirner, D. (2019). Developing a comprehensive understanding of elder abuse prevention in immigrant communities: A comparative mixed methods study protocol (external link) . BMJ Open, 9(1), e022736.
- * Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Wang, L., Sethi, B., Spitzer, D., Walton-Roberts, M., & Hyman I. (2019). Understanding social network and support for older immigrants in Ontario, Canada: A multi-methods study protocol (external link) . JMIR Aging, 2(1), e12616.
- * Wang, L., Guruge, S., & Montana, G. (2019). Older Immigrants’ Access to Primary Health Care in Canada: A Scoping Review (external link) . Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement, 38(2), 193-209.
- * Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Illesinghe, V., Younes, R., Bukhari, H., Altenberg, J., Rashid, M., & Fredericks, S. (2018). Healthcare needs and health service utilization by Syrian refugee women in Toronto (external link) . Conflict and health, 12(1), 46.
- * Sidani, S., Guruge, S., Fox, M., & Collins, L. (2018). Gender differences in perpetuating factors, experience and management of chronic insomnia (external link) . Journal of Gender Studies, 28(4), 402-413.
- * Livingston, J., Bryson, S., Patel, N., Hoong, P., Lal, R., Morrow, M., & Guruge, S. (2018). Stigma Associated with Mental Illness Among Asian Men in Vancouver, Canada (external link) . International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 64(7), 679-689. doi:
- * Guruge, S., Fung, K.P., Sidani, S., Este, D., Morrow, M., McKenzie, K., & Wong, J.P.H. (2018). Study Protocol: Mobilizing Asian men in Canada to reduce stigma of mental illness (external link) . Contemporary Clinical Trials, 71, 133-139.
- * Guruge, S., Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Jayasuriya, V., Ganesan, M., Sivayogan, S., et al. (2017). Intimate partner violence in the post-war context: Women’s experiences and community leaders’ perceptions in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka (external link) . PLoS ONE, 12(3), e0174801.
- * Guruge, S., Wang, A., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., & Sidani, S. (2017). Knowing so much, yet knowing so little: A critical review of literature on interventions that address the stigma of mental illness in the Canadian context (external link) . Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(5), 507-523.
- * Sidani, S., Ibrahim, S., Lok, J., Fan, L., Fox, M., & Guruge, S. (2017). An integrated strategy for the cultural adaptation of evidence-based interventions (external link) . Health, 9, 738-755.
- * Jayasuriya, V., Guruge, S., Gamage, B., & Espin, S. (2016). Interprofessional work in operating room teams: A qualitative study from Sri Lanka (external link) . BMC Surgery, 16(1), 61.
- * Souto, R.Q., Guruge, S., Merighi, M.A.B., Jesus, M.C.P., Egit, S., & Knowles, L. (2016). Intimate partner violence among Portuguese speaking immigrant adult women in Canada (external link) . Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 50(6), 905-912. doi:
- * Hyman, I., Vahabi, M., Bailey, A., Patel, S., Guruge, S., Wilson-Mitchell, K., & Wong, J. (2016). Taking action on violence through research, practice, and policy (external link) . Global Health Research and Policy, 1(1), 6.
- * Guruge, S., Morrison, L., Jayasuriya, V., & Mock, T. (2016). Intimate partner violence in Hawai’i: Communities in distress. Arts and Social Science Journal, 7(2).
- * Fredericks, S., & Guruge, S. (2016). Cardiovascular interventions for immigrant women: A scoping review (external link) . Clinical Nursing Research, p. 1-22.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Gunawardena, N., & Perera, J. (2015). Intimate Partner Violence in Sri Lanka: A scoping review. Ceylon Medical Journal, 60, 133-138.
- Guruge, S., Hynie, M., Shakya, Y., Akbar, A., Htoo, S., & Abiyo, S. (2015). Refugee youth and migration: Arts-informed research to understand changes in roles and responsibilities (external link) . Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 16(3), Art 15.
- Guruge, S., Birpreet, B., & Samuels-Dennis, J. (2015). Health status and health determinants of older immigrant women in Canada: A scoping review (external link) . Journal of Aging Research, Article ID 393761.
- Guruge, S., Thomson, M.S., & Seifi, S. (2015). A scoping review of mental health among older immigrants in Canada: Looking back, moving forward (external link) . Canadian Journal on Aging, 34(4): 1–16.
- Guruge, S. & Butt, H. (2015). A scoping review of mental health issues among immigrant and refugee youth in Canada: Looking back, moving forward. Canadian Journal of Public Health.
- Fredericks, S. & Guruge, S. (2015). Promoting immigrant women’s health through a revised model of care: A discussion of strategies for redesigning cardiovascular education interventions. Advances in Nursing Sciences.
- Guruge, S., Thomson, M.S., George, U. & Chaze, F. (2015). Social support, social conflict, and immigrant women’s mental health in a Canadian context: A scoping review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
- Thomson, M.S., Chaze, F., George, U., Guruge, S. (2015). Improving immigrant populations’ access to mental health services in Canada: A review of barriers and recommendations (external link) . Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
- Zanchetta, M.S., Maheu, C,. Kolisnyk, O., Mohamed, M., Guruge, S., Kinslikh, D., Christopher, J.J., Stevenson, M., SanJose, C., Sizto, T. & Byam, A. (2015). Canadian men’s self-management of chronic diseases: A literature analysis of strategies for dealing with risks and promoting wellness. American Journal of Men’s Health.
- Chaze, F., Thomson, M.S., George, U., & Guruge, S. (2015). Role of cultural beliefs, religion, and spirituality in mental health service utilization among immigrants in Canada. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health.
- Rafaella, Q., Miriam, S., Guruge, S. & Merigui, A.B. (2015). Older Brazilian women's experience of psychological domestic violence: A social phenomenological study (external link) . International Journal of Equity in Health, 14(44).
- George, U., Thomson, M.S., Chaze, F., Guruge, S. (2015). Immigrant mental health, a public health issue: Looking back and moving forward (external link) . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12, 13624-13648.
- Guruge, S. (2014). Perceptions of and responses to intimate partner violence among Sinhalese immigrant women in Toronto. Arts and Social Sciences Journal. Special issue: Violence against immigrant women: A global perspective throughout the life-cycle.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V. & Gunawardena, N. (2014). Time to step-up: A review of the health sector response to intimate partner violence in Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 20(1):57-61.
- Madhavi, A.V.P., Guruge, S., Schwind, J., & Schindel-Martin, L. (2014). Exploring the experiences of loneliness among older Sinhalese women in Canada. Perspectives – Journal of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association. 37(1), 6-14.
- Zanchetta, M., Salami, B., Bailey, A., Guruge, S., Ohama, A., Renaud, L., Rheaume, J., Cote, R., Perreault, M., da Cunha, Z., Avila, M., & Boery, R. (2014). Enhancing critical reflection of Brazilian community health agents’ awareness of social determinants of health. SAGE Open.
- *Zanchetta, M., Maheu, C., Galhego-Garcia, W., Baku, L., Guruge, S., & Secord, S. (2013). Explorando Potencialidades para a Criacão de Rede de Apoio Social a Mulheres Lusófonas que Vivem com Câncer de Mama em Toronto, Canadá (Exploring potentialities for the creation of a social support network for Portuguese-speaking women living with breast cancer in Toronto, Canada). Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia,(3), 391-400.
- * Shakya, Y. B., Guruge, S., Hynie, M., Htoo, S., Akbari, A., Jandu, B., Spasevksi, M., et al. (in press). Newcomer refugee youth as ‘resettlement champions’ for their families: Vulnerability, resilience and empowerment In L. Simich & L. Andermann (Eds.). Refuge and Resilience. Springer Publishing.
- * Hynie, M., Guruge, S., Shakya, Y. (in press). Family relationships of Afghan, Karen and Sudanese Refugee Youth. Canadian Journal of Ethnic Studies special issue on Age and Migration.
- * Matsuoka, A., Guruge, S., Koehn, S., Beaulieu, M., & Ploeg, J. et al. (2013). Prevention of abuse of older women in the post-migration context in Canada. Canadian Review of Social Policy (special issue on Aging), 68/69:107-120.
- * Guruge, S., Ford-Gilboe, M., Samuels-Dennis, J., Varcoe, C., Wilk, P., & Wuest, J. (2012). Rethinking social support and conflict: Lessons from a study of women who have separated from abusive partners (external link) . Nursing Research and Practice.Vol. 2012, Article ID 738905, 10 pages.
- * Guruge, S. (2012). Nurses’ role in caring for women experiencing intimate partner violence in the Sri Lankan context (external link) . International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) - Nursing. vol. 2012, Article ID 486273, 8 pages, 2012.
- Bender, A., Hyman, I., Guruge, S., Janjua, M. (2012). Addressing the Intersections of Tuberculosis, Mental Disorder, and Their Underlying Social Conditions in Immigrant Health: A Scoping Review from a Syndemics Perspective. In Sobrun-Maharaj, A., Parackal, S., Rossen, F., Nayar, S., Ho, E., Hand, J., Ratnasabapathy, Y., Newcombe, D., and Ameratunga, S. (Eds.) Social Environment, Migration and Health: Proceedings of the Fifth International Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing Conference, June 27-28 (pp. 160-169). Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland.
- * Guruge, S. , Roche, B., & Catallo, C. (2012). Violence against women: An exploration of the physical and mental health trends among immigrant and refugee women in Canada (external link) . Nursing Research and Practice (special issue on Immigration and Health), vol. 2012, Article ID 434592, 15 pages.
- * Guruge, S., Bender, A., Hyman, I., Aga, F., Tamiru, M., Hailemariam, D., Kassa, A., & Refaie-Shairpak, K. (2012). Towards a global interdisciplinary evidence-informed practice: Intimate partner violence in the Ethiopian context (external link) . International Scholarly Research Network – Nursing, vol. 2012, Article ID 307271, 8 pages.
- * McGilton, K. S., Sidani, S., Boscart, V. Boscart, V., Guruge, S., & Brown, M. (2012). The relationship between care providers’ relational behaviors and residents’ mood and behavior in long-term care settings. Aging and Mental Health, 16(4), 507-515.
- * Guruge, S., Maheu, C., Zanchetta, M., Fernandez, F. & Baku, L. (2011). Social support for breast cancer management among Portuguese-speaking immigrant women. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 43(4), 48-66.
- * Shakya, Y., Guruge, S., Hynie, M., Akbari, A., Malik, M., & Alley, S. (2011). Aspirations for higher education for resfugee youth in Toronto: Expectations, challenges, and strategies. REFUGE – special issue on Higher education for refugees, 27(2), 65-78.
- * Bender, A., Guruge, S., Aga, F., Hailemariam, D., Hyman, I., & Tamiru, M. (2011). International collaboration as social relation: An Ethiopian-Canadian example. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 43(2): 62-75
- * Hyman, I., Mason, R., Guruge, S., Berman, H., Kanagaratnam, P. & Manuel, L. (2011). Perceptions of factors contributing to intimate partner violence among Sri Lankan Tamil immigrant women in Canada. Health Care for Women International, 32(9):779-794
Refereed Presentations
- Zanchetta, M., Guruge, S., Wilson-Michell, K., St-Amant, O., Parada, H., Aviv, F., Argumendo-Stenner, H., Carrie, D., D’Souza, D., Ventura, I., Hwu, H., Tadeo, J., Santos, W., Teixeira, G.D., Lessa, Z., Tustin, J., Dumont, E., & Ventura, K. (Jun. 30 - Jul. 2, 2020). Methodological innovation to explore obstetric violence in Brazil by multi-regional critical ethnography. Science pitch presentation at the 23rd Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International (NNVAWI) Conference, Malmö, Sweden. (conference cancelled)
- Sethi, B., & Guruge, S. (Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2019). ‘Aging Well’ of Older Immigrants in Ontario, Canada. Paper presentation at the 12th Anniversary Edition of Annual Strangers in New Homelands Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., El Hakmi, S., Hershkowitz, M., & Kozak, M. (Sep. 16-17, 2019). Risk Factors for Elder Abuse in Arabic-speaking Communities in Toronto. Paper presented at the Aging & Social Change Conference, in Vienna, Austria.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Pirner, D., Kanthasamy, P., & Hershkowitz, M. (Sep. 16-17, 2019). Understanding elder abuse in Toronto’s Tamil community: Emerging findings of a mixed-methods study. Poster presented at the Aging & Social Change Conference, in Vienna, Austria.
- Fong, A., Guruge, S., & Wang, L. (Sep. 16-17, 2019). Cantonese-speaking older immigrant women’s health experience in Toronto. Paper presented at the Aging & Social Change Conference, in Vienna, Austria.
- Mihari, N., Guruge, S., Bishop, S., & St.Amant, O. (Jul. 28, 2019). Desiring Shared Meaning, Experiencing Disequilibrium: Resource Team Nurses' Experience of Language Barrier in Care Encounters. Paper presented at the 30th International Nursing Research Congress, in Calgary, AB.
- Guruge, S., Sethi, B., Bukhari, H., Kwak, M.J., & Walton-Roberts, M. (Jun. 26, 2019). Aging, immigration and transnational care circulations: Canadian contrasts. Paper presented at the International Metropolis Conference, in Ottawa, ON.
- Costigan, C.L., Aldama, A.F., Lofft, J.S., Sethi, B., Guruge, S., & Lau, P. (Jun. 25, 2019). Social Inclusion & Participation: Community Action and Self-Agency. Paper presented at the International Metropolis Conference, in Ottawa, ON.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Kozak, M., El Hakmi, S., Boutmira, S., & Hershkowitz, M. (May 24, 2019). Identifying elder abuse risks factors: The perspectives of Arabic-speaking older immigrant women. Paper presented at The NORA Conference: Border regimens, territorial discourses and feminist politics, at University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Zanchetta, M.S., Guruge, S., Souto, D.Q., Ventura, I. F., de Oliveira, R. P., Usanov, C., Lohami, R., Stahl, H., Chandrasegaram, S., & Moniz, C. (May 24, 2019). Multi-level stakeholder consultation towards addressing violence against women in Brazil: Focus on feminist grounds and citizen entrepreneurship. Paper presented at The NORA Conference: Border regimens, territorial discourses and feminist politics, at University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Guruge, S., Hershkowitz, M. (May 24, 2019). Syrian newcomer women, Canada, settlement, Privately Sponsored Refugee, Government Assisted Refugee, and Blended Visa Office-Referred. Paper presented at The NORA Conference: Border regimens, territorial discourses and feminist politics, at University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., & Leung, E. (April 30, 2019). Risk factors for elder abuse: Perceptions of older Chinese, Korean, Punjabi and Tamil immigrants. Poster presented at the Public Health National Forum, in Ottawa, ON.
- Dorkenoo, S., Wang, L., Guruge, S., Walton-Roberts, M., Sethi, B., & Spitzer, D. (Apr. 4, 2019). Accessing informal and formal social supports among older immigrants in Canada: A mixed-methods approach. Poster presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, in Washington, DC, US.
- Wang, L., Guruge, S., & Khan, K. (Apr. 4, 2019). Spatial and Language Discordance in Accessing Physicians among Older Immigrants in Toronto, Canada: Identifying Barriers, Facilitators and Interventions. Poster presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, in Washington, DC, US.
- Guruge, S., Bukhari, H., Paul, K., Sethi, B., Bokore, N., & Hershkowitz, M. (Mar. 23, 2019). Canada’s three sponsorship programs: Practice and policy recommendations from Syrian newcomers and service providers. Workshop facilitated at the 21st National Metropolis Conference: Doing Immigration Differently, in Halifax, NS.
- Pimienta, P., Guruge, S., St-Amant, O., & Catallo, C. (Jan. 31, 2019). Ontario’s health insurance plan and perinatal care for newcomer women: Implications for health policy. Paper presented to the Racialized Maternal Health Conference: Politics of the Black Pregnant Body, at University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Kozak, M., El Hakmi, S., & Hershkowitz, M. (Dec. 16, 2018). Risk factors contributing to elderly abuse in the Arabic-speaking communities in the Greater Toronto Area. Poster and paper presented at the Canadian Muslim Mental Health Conference, in Toronto, ON.
- Sethi, B., & Gruuge, S. (Nov. 2-3, 2018). Syrian Newcomer Perspectives of Resettling in Canada: Thinking Through Social Work Engagement. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Social Workers’ (OSAW) Biennial Provincial Conference, in Toronto, ON.
- Sethi, B., Guruge, S., & Bokore, M. (Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2018). “The Fear was from the Unknown”: Refugee (Re)Settlement in London, Ontario. Paper presented at the 11th Anniversary Edition of Annual strangers in New Homelands Conference, in Winnipeg, MB.
- Li, I., Guruge, S., & Lee, C. (Oct.18-20, 2018). The Super Visa program and its policy implications. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting: Making It Matter: Mobilizing Aging Research, Practice & Policy, in Vancouver, BC.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Kozak, M., El Hakmi, S., & Hershkowitz, M. (Oct.18-20, 2018). Addressing elder abuse in Arabic-speaking communities in the Greater Toronto Area. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting: Making It Matter: Mobilizing Aging Research, Practice & Policy, in Vancouver, BC.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Kanthasamy, P., Kumar, D., & Hershkowitz, M. (Oct.18-20, 2018). Addressing risk factors for elder abuse in Toronto’s Tamil community. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting: Making It Matter: Mobilizing Aging Research, Practice & Policy, in Vancouver, BC.
- Zanchetta, M., Guruge, S., & Brito, R.Q. (Sep. 28, 2018). Local stakeholder consultation in developing multi-level intervention studies to address violence against women in Paraiba, Brazil. Paper presented at The Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International 22nd Conference, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Gunawardena, N., & Nazeer, I. (Sep. 28, 2018). Healthcare providers’ attitudes, beliefs, and preparedness to provide IPV-related care in Sri Lanka: Barriers and opportunities. Paper presented at The Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International 22nd Conference, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., & Wang, A. Z. Y. (Sep. 28, 2018). Engaging men in addressing intimate partner violence against women: A scoping review of interventions. Paper presented at The Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International 22nd Conference, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON.
- Li, I., Guruge, S., & Lee, C. (Sep. 19, 2018). The impact of the new Super Visa program on the lives of immigrants in Canada and their aging parents. Poster presented at Aging & Society: Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference, in Tokyo, Japan.
- Guruge, S., & Mohamed, M. (Sep. 19, 2018). Issues faced by community health nurses encountering cases of elder abuse. Poster presented at Aging & Society: Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference, in Tokyo, Japan.
- Li, I., Guruge, S., & Lee, C. (August 8-10, 2018). Super Visa program and its opportunities and constraints: Findings of a recent study. Poster presented at International Federation on Ageing 14th Global Conference on Ageing, in Toronto, ON.
- Guruge, S. (June 3-5, 2018). Promoting health of Syrian newcomer women and their families in Ontario. Paper presented at the 5th Nordic Conference in Family Focused Nursing, in Tampere, Finland.
- Sethi, B., Guruge, S., & Bokore, N. (Apr. 13, 2018). How Syrian newcomers and key stakeholders perceive Canada’s three sponsorship programs. Paper presented at the Syrian Refugee Symposium, in London, ON.
- Guruge, S. & Lucchese, S. (Mar. 20-23, 2018). Portuguese-speaking immigrant women’s experience of accessing services for intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the Canadian Domestic Violence Conference, in Halifax, NS.
- Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Wang, A., & Guruge, S. (Nov. 1-3, 2017). Interventions aimed at addressing stigma of mental illness: Key points of consideration for mental health nurses. Paper presented at the Conference of the Canadian Federation of Mental Health nurses, in Niagara Falls, ON.
- Guruge, S. & Bender, A. (Nov. 1-3, 2017). Contact-based Empowerment Education: An advocacy-focused intervention to reduce stigma of mental illness. Paper presented at the Conference of the Canadian Federation of Mental Health nurses, in Niagara Falls, ON.
- Campbell, J., Doherty, D., Guruge, S., Lavell-Harvard, D., & Baker, L. (Oct. 18, 2017). Safety Planning with Vulnerable Populations. Paper presented at Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Conference, in London, ON.
- Agrawal, S., Guruge, S., Winter, E., Douglas, D., Ali, M., Gonser, A. (Sep. 18-22, 2017). Settlement of Syrian refugees in Canada: Lessons learned. Workshop facilitated at International Metropolis Conference 2017, in The Hague, Netherlands.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya, V., Wong, J. P., Fung, K., Este, D., Morrow, M., Sidani, S., Sin, R., Sato, C., & Jiang, C. (Sep. 18-20, 2017). Addressing the stigma of mental illness in Asian communities: Lessons Learned. Paper presented at the CMHA National Committee Conference, in Toronto, ON.
- Fung, K., Sin, R., Bender, A., Shakya, Y., Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Butt, N., & Wong, J. P. (Sep. 15, 2017). Reducing stigma and training mental health ambassadors among Asian men: The Toronto site experience. Paper presented at Canadian Psychiatric Association 67th Annual Conference, in Ottawa, ON.
- Fung, K., Sin, R., Bender, A., Shakya, Y., Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Butt, N., & Wong, J. P. (June 22-25, 2017). Use of ACT in reducing stigma and training mental health ambassadors among Asian men – the Toronto site results. Paper presented at Association of Contextual Behavioural Science 15th Annual World Conference, in Seville, Spain.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Jayasuriya, V., Younes, R., Bukhari, H., Alternerg, J. Fredericks, S., Saleem, F., & Rashid, M., (June 16-18, 2017). Healthcare needs among newcomer Syrian women and their families in the GTA. Poster presentation at the North American Refugee Health Conference, in Toronto, ON.
- Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Younes, R., Bukhari, H., & Alternberg, J. (June 5-8, 2017). How are we responding to the health concerns of Syrian newcomers to Ontario? Paper presented at the Canadian Public Health Association conference, in Halifax, NS.
- Guruge, S. (June 5-8, 2017). Help-seeking struggles of Portuguese-speaking women experiencing intimate partner violence in the post-migration context. Poster presentation at the Canadian Public Health Association conference, in Halifax, NS.
- Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Guruge, S., Gamage, B., Espin, S., & Piraino K. (November 4, 2016). Interprofessional collaboration in operating rooms: A qualitative study in Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the Great Lakes 6th Biennial Nursing Conference, in Windsor, ON.
- Dahanayake, B.S., Senevirathne, S., Gunawardena, N., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., & Guruge, S. (Oct. 26-28, 2016). Strengthening health sector response to address intimate partner violence in Sri Lanka: lessons leart from international research collaboration. Paper presented at the Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International (NNVAWI) Conference, in Melbourne, Australia.
- Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Varcoe, C., Ford-Gilboe, M. & Guruge, S. (Oct. 26-28, 2016). Healthcare workers role in addressing intimate partner violence in a post-war context: A qualitative study from the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the NNVAWI Conference, in Melbourne, Australia.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Gunawardena, N., Bhagya, U. & Navaratnam, U. (Oct. 26-28, 2016). Nurses and doctors’ experiences and perceptions about addressing intimate partner violence: A cross-sectional survey in Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the NNVAWI Conference, in Melbourne, Australia.
- Dahanayake, B. S. & Guruge, S. (Sept. 15-16, 2016). Designing community based strategies to address elder abuse in post-migration contexts: Lessons learnt. Paper presented at International Collaboration for Community Health Nursing Research Symposium, at University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya- Illesinghe, V., Gunerwardena, N., & Dahanayake, B. S. (Sept. 15-16, 2016). Nurses’ role and preparedness in addressing intimate partner violence: A cross-sectional survey in Sri Lanka. Paper presented at International Collaboration for Community Health Nursing Research Symposium, at University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Gunawardene, N. & Mahen, R. (July. 24-27, 2016). Children’s exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in Sri Lanka: a multi-site qualitative study. Paper presented at 129th Anniversary International Medical Congress, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., Wang, A.Z.Y., & Sidani, S. (May 18-19, 2016). Mend the Gap: interventions aimed at reducing the stigma of mental illness in the Canadian context. Paper presented at Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology (ICP), at University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V. & Guruge, S. (Apr. 25 - 28, 2016). Scaling up health sector response to intimate partner violence (IPV) in Sri Lanka: Implications of adapting the Canadian One Stop Crises Center model. Paper presented at Sparking Population Health Solutions: An International Summit, in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- Guruge,S., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., & Zahreddine, L. (Apr. 25 - 28, 2016). Putting Action Plans to Action: Policy, procedure, and frameworks for providing services to women experiencing IPV in Canada. Paper presented at Sparking Population Health Solutions: An International Summit, in Ottawa, ON.
- Guruge, S. (Oct 25, 2015). A scoping review of elder abuse interventions. Poster presented at the 44th annual and scientific and educational meeting, From possibility to practice in aging: Shaping a future for all, in Calgary, AB.
- Matsuoka, A., Guruge, S., Bernard, M. & Spade, C. (Oct 24, 2015). Looking at elder abuse in the face on Canada’s changing older population: Respecting strengths and resilience of older people. Paper presented at the 44th annual and scientific and educational meeting, From possibility to practice in aging: Shaping a future for all, in Calgary, AB.
- Guruge, S. (Oct 25, 2015). Understanding elder abuse in the transnational context of aging and kin-work. Poster presented at the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association 5th Annual conference, “Immigration, ethnicity, and diversity in 150 years of Canada: Looking back, Going Forward, in Gatineau, QC.
- Nizum, N., Schindel-Martin, L., Guruge, S., Wong, J. (Oct 25, 2015). Exploring experiences of challenge and resilience in South Asian immigrant older adults with mild Dementia living in the Greater Toronto Area. Paper presented at the 44th annual and scientific and educational meeting, From possibility to practice in aging: Shaping a future for all, in Calgary, AB.
- Jayasuriya, V., Guruge, S., Gunawardena, N. & Selvadurai M. (July 5-8, 2015). A scoping review of Intimate Partner Violence services in Sri Lanka: opportunities and challenges. Poster presented at 128th Anniversary of International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya, V. & Wang, A. (June 24-26, 2015). Best of Both Worlds: lessons learned from mixed-method approaches to community-based intervention research. Paper presented at the Qualitative Analysis Conference at Brescia University College in London, ON.
- Jayasuriya, V., Guruge, S., Gamage, B. (June 24-26, 2015). Protecting the ‘Whistleblower’ in Qualitative Research. Paper presented at the Qualitative Analysis Conference at Brescia University College in London, ON.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya, V. & Selvadurai, M. (June 9, 2015). Sexual violence against women by intimate partners in the Sri Lankan context: A review of the literature. Paper presented at 7th Nursing Research Day: “Research Leadership: Leveraging Intervention Research for Better Outcomes”, at Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
- Guruge, S., Jayasuriya, V. & Seifi, S.G. (June 9, 2015). A review of literature on interventions and programs that engage men in preventing intimate partner violence. Paper presented at 7th Nursing Research Day: “Research Leadership: Leveraging Intervention Research for Better Outcomes”, at Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
- Wang, A., Guruge, S. & Jayasuriya, V. (June 9, 2015). Knowing So Much, Yet Knowing So Little: A critical review of literature on interventions that address the stigma of mental illness. Paper presented at 7th Nursing Research Day: “Research Leadership: Leveraging Intervention Research for Better Outcomes”, at Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
- Jayasuriya, V., Guruge, S. & Selvadurai M. (June 2-5, 2015). Are we there yet? A critical review of the health sector response to intimate partner violence in Sri Lanka. Canadian Domestic Violence Conference, in Toronto, ON.
- Guruge, S., Birpreet, B., & Samuels-Dennis, J. (May 27-30, 2015). Health of Older Immigrants women in Canada: Findings from a Scoping Review. Presented at 18th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association: “Crossing Bridges: Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing”, in Rodd Charlottetown, PEI.
- Guruge, S., Thomson, M.S. & Chaze, S. (Apr. 2, 2015). Improving Immigrant’s Access to Mental Health Services in Canada: A Scoping Review of Barriers and Recommendations. Presented at Faculty of Community Services (FCS): “Faculty Achievement and Year End Celebration”, at Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
- Morrison, L., Guruge, S., Canale, L., Tavares, L., & Rahberg, N. (Dec. 3–7, 2014). Mapping Domestic Violence: A GIS-based study in East Hawaii. Poster presentation at the 113th American Anthropological Association conference: Producing Anthropology, in Washington DC, U.S.
- Guruge, S., Matsuoka, A., Birpreet, B. (Nov. 12, 2014). Moving Forward: Older Immigrant Women Speak Up. Poster presented at Ontario Public Health Association’s 2014 Fall Forum in Toronto, ON.
- Guruge, S. & Thomson. M.S. (Oct. 16-18, 2014). Older immigrants and mental health: Findings from a recent scoping review. Paper presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology conference. “Landscapes of aging: Critical issues, emerging possibilities”, Niagara Falls, ON.
- Souto, R., Guruge, S., Merigui, M &Cristina Jesus, M. (Oct. 16-18, 2014). Older Portuguese speaking immigrant women’s experience of Domestic violence in the Canadian context. Paper presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology conference. “Landscapes of aging: Critical issues, emerging possibilities”, Niagara Falls, ON.
- Souto, R., Guruge, S., Merigui, M &Cristina Jesus, M. (Oct. 16-18, 2014). Psychological Domestic Violence among Older Brazilian Women. Paper presentation at the Canadian Association on Gerontology conference. “Landscapes of aging: Critical issues, emerging possibilities”, Niagara Falls, ON.
- Hepburn, S., Matsuoka, A., Guruge, S., Manuel, L. (Oct. 16-18, 2014). What types of intervention strategies address abuse of ethnocultural minority older adults (EMOA) as it is defined and experienced in different communities (especially those coming from war-torn countries)? Paper presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology conference. “Landscapes of aging: Critical issues, emerging possibilities”, Niagara Falls, ON.
- Zanchetta, M., Maheu, C., Baku, L., Guruge, S., & Secord, S. (Sep. 7-11, 2014). Exploring potentialities to the creation of social support network for Portuguese speaking breast cancer survivors in Toronto, Canada. Presented at 18th International conference on Cancer Nursing: Strengthening leadership, unity, and compassion in cancer care, at Panama City, Panama, U.S.
- Zanchetta, M., Kolisnyk, O., Mohamed, M., Guruge, S., Maheu, C., Kinslikh, D., Christopher, J.J., Stevenson, M., SanJose, C., & Sizto, T. (May 26-29, 2014). Canadian men’s strategies for prevention and self-management of chronic diseases. Presented at the Public Health Conference (Canadian Public Health Association) in Toronto, ON.
- Guruge, S., Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., & Jayasuriya, V (May 09, 2014). Intimate Partner Violence in a Post-Conflict Context: Strengthening Sri-Lankan Health System’s Response. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Research Conference: “Reorienting the Health System to What Truly Matters: Values of Health Care,” at University of Western Ontario, London, ON.
- Jayasuriya, V., Guruge, S., & Gamage, B. (May 09, 2014). Intergroup Dynamics in Operating Rooms: A Qualitative Study from Sri Lanka, and Intimate Partner Violence in a Post-Conflict Context: Strengthening Sri-Lankan Health System’s Response. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Research Conference: “Reorienting the Health System to What Truly Matters: Values of Health
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