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Experiential Learning

Innovative experiential learning lies at the heart of the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing. Students experience high-tech in-person and virtual simulations, and take part in comprehensive clinical scenarios within the safety of a supportive teaching and learning environment. These exceptional learning experiences help students develop the competence and confidence to provide skilled and thoughtful care.

Nursing Central Placement Office

The Nursing Central Placement Office coordinates, communicates and collaborates with health care agencies across the sector to secure nursing practice placements for students. Here you can access forms, important dates and deadlines for your placements. 

Virtual Healthcare Experience

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This portal provides an opportunity for practising client care in a safe virtual environment. Here you can access a number of simulation experiences that will engage you in clinical decision making. This resource is designed for use by nursing students, educators and healthcare professionals from across Canada and around the world.

The portal was created in partnership with nurse educators at Toronto Metropolitan University, Centennial College, and George Brown College as well as Digital Education Strategies in the Chang School. 

Resources for Implementing Best Practice Guidelines in practice

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The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario Best Practice Guidelines (BPGs) in nursing look at specific aspects of care to provide recommendations for clinical practice. The goal of each BPG is to achieve the most desirable outcomes for patient care. Here you can learn to implement the BPGs in practice. This resource is designed for use by nursing students, educators and healthcare professionals from across Ontario.

IEHP Connect

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Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs) are an important resource for our health care system in Canada. IEHPs have a rich clinical knowledge and experiences that are beneficial to Canadian employers and patients. Explore this narrative-based resource for IEHPs.