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Level 3 HBA Degree

Courses taken in the third level of the program offer sophisticated investigations of specialized areas in public administration. Successful completion of Level 3 leads to a BA (hon.) in Public Administration and Governance. Normally this level consists of 24 one-semester courses, culminating with a major Public Policy Research paper (PPA 51 A/B). Students with significant public sector experience may be eligible to enroll in the Practicum (PPA 50A/B), which reduces the number of courses required at this level to 17 one-semester courses. To determine eligibility to enroll in the practicum a student must complete a Work Experience Assessment Form, which the Undergraduate Program Director reviews to determine eligibility for PPA 50A/B. For details of the curriculum of the Level 3 Degree, refer to the Curriculum page of this site or refer directly to the University Calendar, (see Level 3).