John Shields
Dr. John Shields joined the Department of Politics and Public Administration in September 1988, after teaching in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Shields received his PhD in Political Science from the University of British Columbia in 1989. His doctoral dissertation is entitled British Columbia's New Reality: The Politics of Neo-Conservatism and Defensive Defiance. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master of Arts (MA) from the University of Windsor.
Dr Shields is a tenured Full Professor with over twenty five years of university teaching and research experience in the areas of public administration and public policy, Canadian politics, the political economy of labour market and welfare state restructuring, immigrant settlement and integration policy and practices, and nonprofit sector studies. He holds a number of student teaching awards, and has developed and delivered distance education courses and modules. He holds/held research affiliations with the Centre for Governance Studies at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby; the Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies, Faculty of Business, Toronto Metropolitan University; the International Social Sciences Institute at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland; and CERIS - The Ontario Metropolis Centre (Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement) where he served as one of the Centre Directors from 2002 to 2008. He has served on various advisory bodies including most recently for the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN).
Professor Shields is also a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies at Toronto Met. He is affiliated with the MA program in Public Policy and Administration (which he served as co-Director from 2005-2012); the MA program in Immigration and Settlement Studies; the Joint (with York University) Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture, which offers both MA and PhD streams; and the PhD program in Policy Studies.
He has numerous academic distinctions including major academic awards, a Research Professorship from Toronto Met and was awarded the Sarwan Sahota Toronto Met Distinguished Scholar Award for 2001. In 2010 he was named a CERIS Senior Scholar by the SSHRC Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS - The Ontario Metropolis Centre). In 2013 he received the Yeates School of Graduate Studies Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Education Award. He was also named Toronto Met Fellow at Massey College at the University of Toronto for 2013-14. In May 2016, he received the Dean's Excellence Award for Research Impact.
Dr. Shields has published extensively, including the co-authoring of five books and over forty published articles and papers and an extensive number of policy papers and conference presentations. His most recent research explores issues related to the marketization of the nonprofit sector, immigration and settlement, public administration reform, labour market restructuring with a focus on precarious work and immigrant populations, and knowledge transfer in support of public policy and advocacy. He is co-author of a series of Analytical Reports, Research Snapshots, and Roundtable Background Primers (external link, opens in new window) published by the Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative (TIEDI (external link) ) at York University.
Dr. Shields was Managing Editor of the Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI) (external link) from 2009-2012 and continues to sit on its Editorial Board. JIMI is a peer reviewed, international journal focused on publishing policy-relevant articles related to immigration and is published by Springer from The Netherlands,
Professor Shields is regularly sought as a media commentator and has been interviewed by and appeared on/in CBC, OnTV, CTV, Montreal Gazette, London Free Press, Edmonton Journal, National Post, Hamilton Spectator, Maclean's, OMNI TV, among others. He was one of the researchers chosen by Radio Canada International to provide in-depth analysis as part of their series, Immigration: Benefit or Burden?
- "The Economic Impact of Immigration (external link, opens in new window) ," in the RCI series Immigration: Benefit or Burden? RCI (Radio Canada International): 07 March 2017.
- “Sanctuary Cities and COVID-19: The Case of Canada” (with Mireille Paquet, Noémie Benoit, Idil Atak, Meghan Joy, and Graham Hudson). In Migration and Pandemics: Spaces of Solidarity and Spaces of Exception, ed. Anna Triandafyllidou. IMISCOE [International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe] Research Series. Switzerland: Springer Nature, forthcoming (open access).
- “Migration and Resilience in Urban Canada: Why Social Resilience, Why Now?” (with Valerie Preston and Marshia Akbar). Journal of International Migration and Integration, forthcoming.
- “The Political Economy of a Modern Pandemic: Assessing Impacts of COVID-19 on Migrants and Immigrants in Canada (external link, opens in new window) ” (with Zainab Abu Alrob). Work for Change – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 32:1 (2021): 137-161.
- “Austerity and Social Innovation Agenda” (with Meghan Joy, Sharon Broughton and Siu Mee Chen). Ch. 5 in The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity, eds. Stephen McBride, Bryan Evans and Dieter Plehwe, 103-126. Bristol, UK: Policy Press - an imprint of Bristol University Press, 2021.
- “ (PDF file) Sanctuary Cities in Canada: Practices, Needs and Policies (external link, opens in new window) ” (with Mireille Paquet, Meghan Joy, Idil Atak, & Graham Hudson). A Research Digest of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, Spring 2021): pp. 2.
- “The Living Wage and the Extremely Precarious: The Case of ‘Illegalized’ Migrant Workers” (with Charity-Ann Hannan and Harald Bauder). Ch. 7 in Rising Up: The Fight for Living Wage Work in Canada, ed. Bryan Evans, Carlo Fanelli, and Tom McDowell, 134-152. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021.
- “The Political Economy of the Non-profit Sector” (with Megan Joy). In Canadian Political Economy, ed. Heather Whiteside, 215-233. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
- « (PDF file) Le rôle des différents acteurs dans le processus d’accueil et d’intégration des immigrants au Québec (external link) » (with Paul Bachellerie and Valerie Preston). Rapport de recherché, Immigration et résilience en milieu urbain (IRMU). (Toronto: Université York, Août 2020): 38 pp.
- English translation: “The Role of Government and Non-governmental Actors in Settlement and Integration in Québec (external link) ” (with Paul Bachellerie and Valerie Preston). A Research Paper of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, August 2020): 28 pp.
- “COVID-19, Migration and the Canadian Immigration System: Dimensions, Impact and Resilience (external link) ” (with Zainab Abu Alrob). A Research Paper of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project (Toronto: York University, July, 2020): 80 pp.
- “COVID-19, Migration and the Canadian Immigration System: Dimensions, Impact and Resilience (external link) ” (with Zainab Abu Alrob). A Research Digest (Knowledge Mobilization publication) of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, 26 October 2020): pp. 2. en français (external link)
- “Will settlement agencies in Canada survive the pandemic? (external link) ” (academic blog). Open Democracy. CERC in Migration and Settlement. Toronto: Ryerson University, 08 July 2020.
- “ (PDF file) Resilience and the Immigrant Settlement Sector: A Consideration of the Place of Accountability and Performance Management (external link) ” (with Sharon Broughton). A Paper of theBuilding Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, April 2020): 33 pp.
- “Redefining accountability to promote settlement sector resilience: Better measurement frameworks for settlement agencies and newcomers” (with Sharon Broughton) [ (PDF file) English (external link) | (PDF file) français (external link) ]. A Research Digest (Knowledge Mobilization publication) of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, Summer 2020): 2 pp.
- “ (PDF file) The Safe Third Country Agreement, Irregular Migration and Refugee Rights: A Canadian Policy Challenge (external link) ” (with Zainab Abu Alrob). A Paper of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, March 2020): 33 pp.
- The authors and BMRC also prepared a 2-page KM (knowledge mobilization) publication in (PDF file) English (external link) and (PDF file) en français (external link)
- The authors and BMRC also prepared a 2-page KM (knowledge mobilization) publication in (PDF file) English (external link) and (PDF file) en français (external link)
- “How do Social Impact Bonds Economize Social Policy? (external link) ” (with Meghan Joy). Public Money and Management 40:3 (April 2020): 190-192.
- Immigrant Youth, Settlement and Resilience: A Qualitative Examination of Newcomer Youth and Settlement Service (with Omar Luján). Primary Research Report. IWYS (Immigrant Women, Youth, and Seniors) – A Research and Knowledge Mobilization Project on the Settlement Outcomes–Services Nexus. (Toronto: CERIS, October 2019): 24 pp.
- The Immigrant Settlement Ecosystem in Canada: An Ontario Case Study (with Adnan Türegün, Rupaleem Bhuyan, and Nancy Mandell. Primary Research Report. IWYS (Immigrant Women, Youth, and Seniors) – A Research and Knowledge Mobilization Project on the Settlement Outcomes–Services Nexus. (Toronto: CERIS, October, 2019): 19 pp.
- Austerity and Social Innovation: The Case of Social Innovation Labs and Social Impact Bonds (with Meghan Joy and Siu Mee Cheng). Working Paper in the international knowledge mobilization project, Austerity and its Alternatives. (Hamilton, ON: McMaster University, February, 2019) 9 pp.
- “The Third Sector, Settlement, and Social Inclusion in Canada and Germany” (with Riley Bushell). In The Promise of Migration: A Companion to the International Metropolis Conference 2019, Ottawa, Canada, ed. Harald Bauder, 18-26. Toronto: Ryerson University Graduate Program in Immigration and Settlement Studies (ISS) in collaboration with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), 2019.
- “Social Innovation Labs: A Neoliberal Austerity Driven Process or Democratic Intervention?” (with Meghan Joy and Siu Mee Cheng). Austerity and the Precaritization of Everyday Life – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 30:2 (2019): 35-54.
- Introduction to Putting Family First: Migration and Integration in Canada (external link) . (with Harald Bauder and Mehrunnisa Ahmad Ali) Migration Research Series #57. [Geneva: (United Nations) International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2019]: 18 pp.
- This is the introduction to the book, Putting Family First: Migration and Integration in Canada, ed. Harald Bauder. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019.
- “Migration is a Family Affair: Introduction” (with Harald Bauder and Mehru Ali). In Migration is a Family Affair, ed. Harald Bauder. Vancouver: UBC Press,2019.
- “Settling on Services” (with Maria Gintova, Sepali Guruge, Reena Tandon and Mia Hershkowitz). In Migration is a Family Affair, ed. Harald Bauder. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019.
- “The Economic and Labour Market Dynamics of Family Settlement” (with Omar Luján). In Migration is a Family Affair, ed. Harald Bauder. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019.
- “Neoliberalism and the Framing of Contemporary Canadian Immigration Policy” (with Jessie Root, and Erika Gates-Gasse). In Migration is a Family Affair, ed. Harald Bauder. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019.
- " (PDF file) Immigrant Settlement Agencies in Canada: A Critical Review of the Literature through the Lens of Resilience (external link) " (with Riley Bushell). A Paper of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, 09 October 2018): 70 pp.
- “ (PDF file) City of Toronto’s Role in Immigration and Settlement (external link) ” (with Jessica Praznik). A Paper of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, 01 October 2018): 39 pp.
- “ (PDF file) Government of Ontario’s Role in Immigration and Settlement (external link) ” (with Jessica Praznik). A Paper of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. (Toronto: York University, 01 October 2018): 55 pp.
- “ (PDF file) State of the Art in Research on, and Services for, Immigrant Women, Youth, and Seniors – Knowledge Synthesis Report (external link) ” (with Adnan Türegün, Rupaleem Bhuyan, and Nancy Mandell). IWYS – A Research and Knowledge Mobilization Project on the Settlement Outcomes–Services Nexus. (Toronto: CERIS, September 2018): 55 pp.
- “ (PDF file) Immigrant Youth in Canada: A Literature Review of Migrant Youth Settlement and Service Issues – Knowledge Synthesis Report (external link) ” (with Omar Luján). IWYS – A Research and Knowledge Mobilization Project on the Settlement Outcomes–Services Nexus. (Toronto: CERIS, September, 2018): 29 pp.
- (PDF file) An Anatomy of Settlement Services in Canada: A Guide (external link) (with Jessica Praznik). A Paper of the Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) Project. Toronto: York University, 03 July 2018.
- (PDF file) Getting Left Behind: Who Gained and Who Didn’t in an Improving Labour Market (external link) (with Wayne Lewchuk, Stephanie Procyk, Michelynn Lafleche, Dianne Dyson, Luin Goldring, and Peter Viduciois). Toronto/Hamilton: PEPSO (Poverty and Employment Precarity in Southern Ontario), McMaster University Social Sciences, and United Way of Greater Toronto, June 2018.
- “Immigrant Barriers and Strategies to Overcome Unemployment: How Immigrant Labour Markey Trajectories Interact with their Experience with Families” (with Omar Luján, Harald Bauder and Maria Gintova). BMRC Research Digest, Winter 2018.
- Austerity in the Making: Reconfiguring Social Policy through Social Impact Bonds (external link) (with Meghan Joy). Policy & Politics 46:4 (October 2018): 681-695.
- “Profiting From Pain: Social Impact Bonds and Social Policy (external link) ” (with Meghan Joy). Policy & Politics: Journal Blog, 21 March 2018.
- “The Third Sector, the Neo-Liberal State, and Beyond: Reshaping Contracting and Policy Advocacy” (with Bryan Evans). In The Handbook of Canadian Public Administration, 3rded., ed. Christopher Dunn, 489-500. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- “Settling Immigrants in Neoliberal Times: NGOs and Immigrant Well-being in Comparative Context (external link) ” (with Karla Angélica Valenzuela Moreno and Julie Drolet). Social Inequality and the Spectre of Social Justice – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 29 (2018):65-89.
- Precarious Employment: Causes, Consequences and Remedies (ed. with Stephanie Procyk and Wayne Lewchuk). Halifax Fernwood Publishing, 2017.
- “Precarious Employment, Families and Communities” (with Wayne Lewchuk and Stephanie Procyk). In Precarious Employment: Causes, Consequences and Remedies, ed. Wayne Lewchuk, Stephanie Procyk and John Shields, 2-15. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2017.
- “Precarious Undertakings: Serving Vulnerable Communities through Non-profits Work” (with Ian Cunningham and Donna Baines). In Precarious Employment: Causes, Consequences and Remedies, ed. Wayne Lewchuk, Stephanie Procyk and John Shields, 31-43. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2017.
- “Worker voice and representation for the precarious workforce in non-union CVS organisations during austerity” (with Ian Cunningham and Donna Baianes). In Precarious Employment: Causes, Consequences and Remedies, ed. Wayne Lewchuk, Stephanie Procyk and John Shields, 123-136. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2017.
- “Immigration in an Age of Austerity: Morality, the Welfare State and the Shaping of the Ideal Migrant” (with Susan Barrass). In Austerity: The Lived Experience, ed. Bryan Evans and Stephen McBride, 195-221. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- “Austerity and the Non-profit Sector: The Case of Social Impact Bonds” (with Meghan Joy). In The Austerity State, ed. Stephen McBride and Bryan Evans, 309-329. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- Adapting to the Ontario Labour Market: A Critical Assessment of the Role of Family in the Labour Market Integration of Immigrants (with Omar Lujan, Harald Bauder and Maria Gintova
). Research Report for the Ontario Human Capital Research and Innovation Fund (OHCRIF), Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, July 2017, pp. 78. (Available upon request).
- “'You’ve Just Cursed Us’: Precarity, Austerity and Worker Participation in the Nonprofit Social Services” (with Ian Cunningham and Donna Baines). Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations (RI/IR) 72:2 (Spring 2017): 370-393.
- “Filling the Gaps: Unpaid, (and Precarious) Work in the Nonprofit Social Services” (with Donna Baines and Ian Cunningham). Critical Social Policy (2017): 1-21.
- “Settling on Austerity: ISAs, Immigrant Communities and Neoliberal Restructuring” (with Sophia Lowe and Ted Richmond). Austerity Urbanism and the Social Economy -- Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 28 (2017): 14-46.
- “The Immorality of Innovation – the Tale of Social Impact Bonds (external link) ” (with Meghan Joy). Policy & Politics: Journal Blog, 05 October, 2016.
- “Co-constructing Performance Indicators in Home and Community Care: Assessing the Role of NGOs in Three Canadian Provinces” (with Bryan Evans and Janet Lum). Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research/Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OBSL et l’économie sociale 7:1 (2016): 46-73.
- "Austerity policies, 'precarity' and the non-profit workforce: A comparative study of UK and Canada" (with Ian Cunningham, Donna Baines, and Wayne Lewchuk). The Journal of Industrial Relations (JIR) – special issue on 'Care Work' 58:4 (September 2016): 455-472.
- “Immigration Settlement and Integration Services and the Role of Nonprofit Providers: A Cross-national Perspective on Trends, Issues and Evidence (external link) ” (with Julie Drolet and Karla Valenzuela). RCIS Working Paper 2016:1 (February 2016): pp. 63. Toronto: Ryerson Centre for Immigration and Settlement.
- Precarious Work and the Struggle for Living Wages – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 27 (2016). Yearly edition (co-edited with Carlo Fanelli). Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2016.
- “The Paradox of Low-Wage Work” (with Carlo Fanelli). In Precarious Work and the Struggle for Living Wages – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 27 (2016): 9-11.
- “The Precarity Penalty: How Insecure Employment Disadvantages Workers and Their Families” (with Wayne Lewchuk, Michelynn Laflèche, Stephanie Procyk, Charlene Cook, Diane Dyson, Luin Goldring Karen Lior, Alan Meisner, Anthony Tambureno, and Peter Viducis). In Precarious Work and the Struggle for Living Wages – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 27 (2016): 87-108.
- “‘Illegalized’ Workers and the Struggle for a Living Wage” (with Charity-Ann Hannan and Harald Bauder). Precarious Work and the Struggle for Living Wages – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research27 (2016): 109-136.
- “Paving Their Way and Earning Their Pay: Economic Survival Experiences of Immigrants in East Toronto” (with Keren Gottfried, Nasima Akter, Diane Dyson, Sevgul Topkara-Sarsu, Haweiya Egeh and Sandra Guerra). Precarious Work and the Struggle for Living Wages – Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research27 (2016): 137-161.
- (PDF file) The Precarity Penalty: The Impact of Employment Precarity on Individuals, Households and Communities – and what to do about it (external link) (with Wayne Lewchuk, Michelynn Lafleche, Stephanie Procyk, Charlene Cook, Dianne Dyson, Luin Goldring, Karen Lior, Alan Meisner, Anothony Tambureno and Peter Viduciois). Toronto and Hamilton: United Way of Greater Toronto; Poverty and Employment Precarity in Southern Ontario, McMaster University, May, 2015. 196 pages.
- “Knowledge Mobilization/Transfer and Immigration Policy: Forging Space for NGOs – The Case of CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre” (with Valerie Preston, Ted Richmond, Yuko Sorano, Erika Gasse-Gates, Debbie Douglas, John Campey, and Lesley Johnston). Journal of International Migration and Integration 16:2 (May 2015): 265-278.
- Immigrant Experience in North America (co-edited with Harald Bauder). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2015.
- “Introduction: Understanding Immigration, Settlement, and Integration in North America” (with Harald Bauder). In Immigrant Experiences in North America: Understanding Settlement and Integration, ed. Harald Bauder and John Shields, 11-33. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2015.
- “Cities, Climate Change and the Green Economy” (with Stephen McBride and Stephanie Tombari). In Work in a Warm World, ed. Carla Lipsig-Mummé and Stephen McBride, 195-213. Montréal and Kingston: Queen’s School of Policy Studies Series, Queen’s University Press, 2015.
- Settlement and Integration Research Synthesis 2009-2013 [with Adnan Türegün (with Research Assistance by Sophia Lowe)]. A CERIS Report. Ottawa: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2014. (PDF file) Online publication (external link) January 2015.
- Synthèse de la recherche sur l’établissement et l’intégration de 2009 à 2013 (avec Adnan Türegün et l’appui de Sophia Lowe à la recherché). Rapport du CERIS. Ottawa: Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada (CIC), 2014. (PDF file) Online publication (external link) March 2015.
- “Social Impact Bonds” / “Les obligations à impact social” (with Meghan Joy). Public Sector Management / Management Secteur Public 25:3 (2014): 10-13.
- “ (PDF file) Discounting Immigrant Families: Neoliberalism and the Framing of Canadian Immigration Policy Change” (with Jesse Root, Erika Gates-Gases, and Harald Bauder). RCIS(Ryerson Centre for Immigration and Settlement) Working Paper 2014:7 (October 2014).
- “ (PDF file) Is Precarious Employment Low Income Employment? The Changing Labour Market in Southern Ontario (external link) ” (with Wayne Lewchuk, Stephanie Procyk, Michelynn Laflèche, Dan Rosen, Diane Dyson, Luin Goldring, Peter Viducis, Alan Meisner and Sam Vrankulj). Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society 22 (Autumn 2014): 51-73.
- “ (PDF file) Not Profiting from Precarity: The Work of Nonprofit Service Delivery and the Creation of Precariousness (external link) ” (with Donna Baines, Ian Cunningham, and John Campey). Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society 22 (Autumn 2014): 74-93.
- “Constructing and ‘Liberating’ Temporariness in the Canadian Nonprofit Sector: Neoliberalism and Nonprofit Service Providers.” In Liberating Temporariness? Migration, Work and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity, ed. Robert Latham, Valerie Preston, and Leah Vosko, 255-281. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014.
- “Nonprofit engagement with provincial policy officials: The case of NGO policy voice in Canadian immigrant settlement services” (with Bryan Evans). Policy and Society 33:2 (2014):117-127.
- “ (PDF file) Cities, Climate Change and the Green Economy: A Thematic Literature Survey (external link) ” (with Stephen McBride, Stephanie Tombari and Kristina Sannuto). Work in a Warming WorldWorking Paper #2014-01 (January 2014): 26 pages.
- “A Canada-wide Survey of Deputy and Assistant Deputy Ministers: A Descriptive Analysis” (with Bryan Evans and Janet Lum). Ch. 12 in Deputy Ministers in Canada: Comparative and Jurisdictional Perspectives, ed. Jacques Bourgault and Christopher Dunn, 324 – 363. IPAC Series in Public Management and Governance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014.
- “Social Impact Bonds: The Next Phase of Third Sector Marketization?” (with Meghan Joy). Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research/Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OBSL et l’économie sociale 4:2 (Autumn 2013): 39-55.
- “CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre: Knowledge Exchange (external link) ” (with Valerie Preston, Ted Richmond, Yuko Sorano, Erika Gasse-Gates, Debbie Douglas, John Campey and Lesley Johnston). Research Snapshot (2013), 2 pages. Toronto: York University Knowledge Mobilization Unit (external link) .
- “International Trade Agreements and the Ontario Green Energy Act: Opportunities and Obstacles” (with Stephen McBride). In Climate @ Work, ed. Carla Lipsig-Mummé, 41-56. Halifax: Fernwood, 2013.
- (PDF file) It’s More than Poverty: Precarity and Household Well-being in the GTA-Hamilton Region (external link) [with Wayne Lewchuk (McMaster University), Michelynn Lafleche (United Way Toronto), Dianne Dyson (WoodGreen Community Services), Luin Goldring (York University), Alan Meisner (QUANTACAN), Stephanie Procyk (United Way Toronto), Dan Rosen (City of Toronto), Sam Vrankulj (McMaster University)]. Toronto: United Way Toronto, February 2013.
- “Building a Policy-Oriented Research Partnership for Knowledge Mobilization and Knowledge Transfer: The Case of the Canadian Metropolis Project” (with Bryan Evans). Administrative Sciences 2:4 (2012): 250-272.
- “Delicate dances: Immigrant workers’ experiences of injury reporting and claim filing” (with Agnieszka Kosny, Ellen MacEachen, Marni Lifshen, Peter Smith, Gul Joya Jafri, Cynthia Neilson, and Diana Pugliese). Ethnicity and Health 17:3 (June 2012): 267-290.
- “Profiling Immigrant Poverty in Canada: A 2006 Census Statistical Portrait” (with Philip Kelly, Stella Park, Nathan Prier, and Tony Fang). Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue Canadienne de Politique Social 65/66 (2011): 92-111.
- (PDF file) Industrial Strategies for Green Jobs: Opportunities and Obstacles in the Ontario Case (external link) ” (with Stephen McBride). Working Paper #2011-03 (May 2012): 17 pages. [Part of the Work in a Warming World Project (W3), a SSHRC-CURA Research Programme.]
- “Evaluation Challenges and the Settlement Sector.” Notes from the 2012 CERIS Community Research Symposium on Evaluation and the Community Sector. (May 2012): 5 pages.
- (PDF file) The Role of Multiculturalism Policy in Addressing Social Inclusion Processes in Canada (external link) (with Ilene Hyman and Agnes Meinhard). Edmonton: Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation, June 2011. 35 pages.
- “Reflections on Resistance to Neoliberalism: Looking Back on Solidarity in 1983 British Columbia (external link) ” (with Ted Richmond). Socialist Studies: The Journal of the Society for Socialist Studies 7:1/2 (2011): 216-237.
- “Policy Opinions of Canada’s Top Public Service Leaders” (with Bryan Evans and Janet M. Lum). Public Sector Digest (external link) (July 2011, “A Special Issue on Leadership”).
- “The Changing Profile of Canada’s Top Public Service Leaders” (with Bryan Evans and Janet Lum). Public Sector Digest (external link) , June 2011.
- “Assessing policy capacity in Canada's public services: Perspectives of deputy and assistant deputy ministers” (with Tuna Baskoy and Bryan Evans). Canadian Public Administration 54:2 (June 2011): 217–234.
- “From Pragmatism to Neoliberalism: Ontario’s hesitant Farewell to Dr. Keynes” (with Bryan Evans). In The Guardian: Perspectives on the Ministry of Finance of Ontario, ed. Patrice Dutil, 131-161. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.
- Review of Education and Jobs: Exploring the Gaps, ed. D.W. Livingstone. Labour/Le Travail 67(Spring 2011): 289-292.
- Delicate Dances: Immigrant Workers’ Experiences of Injury Reporting and Claim Filing(with Agnieszka Kosny, Marni Lifshen, Ellen MacEachen, Peter Smith, Gul Joy Jafri, Cynthia Neilson, and Diana Pugliese). Toronto: Institute for Work & Health, April, 2011: 34 pages.
- “The Third Sector and the Provision of Public Good: Partnerships, Contracting and the Neo-liberal State” (with Bryan Evans). In The Handbook of Canadian Public Administration, 2nd ed., ed. Christopher Dunn, 305-318. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2010.
- “Some Preliminary Findings on Government Policy Capacity from a Survey of Senior Public Policy Professionals” (with Bryan Evans and Janet Lum). Ryerson Policy Capacity Report 1 (July 2009): 1-11.
- “Immigration and the Demographic Challenge: A Statistical Survey of the Ontario Region” (with Magdy EIDakiky). (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 38 (May 2009): 1-22. A report of CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre.
- “Knowledge Mobilization/Transfer, Research Partnerships, and Policymaking: Some Conceptual and Practical Considerations” (with Bryan Evans). (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 33 (April 2008): 1-13. A report of CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre.
- “Profiling of the Public Service Élite: A Demographic and Career Trajectory Survey of Deputy and Assistant Deputy Ministers in Canada” (with Bryan Evans and Janet Lum). Canadian Public Administration 50:4 (Winter 2007): 609-634.
- “Diversity and the City: CERIS Research Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange for Policy Impact” (with Paul Anisef, Joanna Anneke Rummens), Our Diverse Cities 4 (Fall 2007): 7-12.
- “Mobilizing Immigration Research for Policy Effect: The Case of CERIS.” CERIS Working Paper 58 (June 2007): 1-30. A report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) – Toronto.
- “Assessing Employment Risk: Dimensions in the Measurement of Unemployment” (with Susan Silver and Sue Wilson). Socialist Studies: The Journal of the Society for Socialist Studies 2:2 (Fall 2006): 105-112.
- “Visible-Minority Employment Exclusion: The Experience of Young Immigrant/Refugee Adults in Toronto” (with Khan Rahi and Antonie Scholtz). (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 28 (September 2006): 1-14. A report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) — Toronto.
- “Voices from the Margins: Visible Minority Immigrant Youth Experiences with Employment Exclusion in Toronto” (with Khan Rahi and Antonie Scholtz). CERIS Working Paper 47 (May 2006): 1-62. A report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) – Toronto.
- “NGO-Government Relations and Immigrant Services: Contradictions and Challenges” (with Ted Richmond ). Journal of International Migration and Integration 6:3/4 (Summer/Fall 2005): 513-526.
- Review of The Nonprofit Sector in Interesting Times: Case Studies in a Changing Sector, ed. Kathy L. Brock and Keith G. Banting. Labour/Le Travail 56(Fall 2005): 302-304.
- Review of Contingent Employment in Europe and the United States, ed. Ola Bergström and Donald Storrie. Labour/Le Travail 56 (Fall 2005): 351-353.
- “Structuring Neoliberal Governance: The Nonprofit Sector, Emerging New Modes of Control and the Marketization of Service Delivery” (with Bryan Evans, Ted Richmond).Policy and Society 24:1 (Fall 2005): 73-97.
- “Restructuring of Full-time Workers: A Case of Transitional Dislocation or Social Exclusion in Canada? Lessons from the 1990s” (with Susan Silver, and Sue Wilson). Social Policy and Administration 39:7 (December 2005): 786-802.
- “The Excluded, the Vulnerable and the Reintegrated in a Neoliberal Era: Qualitative Dimensions of the Unemployment Experience” (with Susan Silver, Sue Wilson and Antonie Scholtz). Socialist Studies: The Journal of the Society for Socialist Studies 1:1 (Spring 2005): 31-56.
- “The Third Sector: Neo-Liberal Restructuring, Governance, and the Remaking of State-Civil Society Relationships” (with Bryan Mitchell Evans). (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 18 (May 2005): 1-10. A report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) — Toronto.
- "Job Restructuring and Worker Displacement: Does Gender Matter?" (with Susan Silver and Sue Wilson). Canadian Women's Studies 23:3, 4 (Spring/Summer 2004): 7-13.
- "No Safe Haven: Markets, Welfare and Migrants." In Immigrants, Welfare Reform and the Poverty of Policy, ed. Philip Kretsendemas and Ana Aparacio, 35-60. New York: Praeger, 2004.
- "NGO Restructuring: Constraints and Consequences" (with Ted Richmond). Canadian Review of Social Policy 53 (Spring/Summer 2004): 53-67.
- “No Safe Haven: Markets, Welfare, and Migrants”. (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 7 (June 2004): 1-11. A report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) — Toronto.
- “Corporate Globalization, the Agricultural Crisis, and the Restructuring of Rural Canada”. Socialist Studies Bulletin 72 (Winter 2004): 16-36.
- "Third Sector Restructuring and the New Contracting Regime: The Case of Immigrant Serving Agencies in Ontario" (with Ted Richmond). (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 3 (February 2004): 1-7. A report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) – Toronto.
- New Workplace Commons: 401 Richmond - A Study of Innovative Support for Cultural and Social Enterprises in Both the Not-for Profit and For-Profit Sectors (with Allison Bottomley, Joy Constaedt, Monica MacDonald, Colin Mooers, Karen Poetker, and Etoile Stewart): 1-106. A report commissioned by the City of Toronto, Culture Division; the Ontario Ministry of Culture; and Canadian Heritage. December 2003.
- “No Safe Haven: Markets, Welfare, and Migrants”. CERIS Working Paper 22 (January 2003): 1-39. A report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) – Toronto.
- “The Third Sector, Neo-liberal Restructuring and ‘Partnerships:' Governance and the Re-making of State-Civil Society Relationships” (with Bryan Mitchell Evans). In The Handbook of Canadian Public Administration, ed. Christopher Dunn, 139-158. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2002.
- Review of All You Can Eat: Greed, Lust and the New Capitalism by Linda McQuaig. Canadian Public Administration 45:4 (Winter 2002): 578-580.
- “The Poverty of Comparative Public Administration in a Neo-liberal Era: A Commentary on Subramaniam” (with Bryan Mitchell Evans). International Review of Administrative Sciences 67:2 (June 2001): 329-334.
- Review of Immigrants and the Labour Force: Policy, Regulation, and Impact by Ravi Pendakur. Journal of International Migration and Integration 2:4 (Fall 2001): 613-616.
- Restructuring and Resistance: Canadian Public Policy in an Age of Global Capitalism (co-edited with Mike Burke and Colin Mooers). Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
- “Critical Perspectives on Canadian Public Policy” (with. Mike Burke and Colin Mooers). In Restructuring and Resistance: Canadian Public Policy in an Age of Global Capitalism, eds. Mike Burke, Colin Mooers and John Shields, 11-23. Halifax, Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
- “Globalization and the Challenge to Canadian Democracy: National Governance Under Threat” (with Bryan Mitchell Evans and Stephen McBride). In Restructuring and Resistance: Canadian Public Policy in an Age of Global Capitalism, eds. Mike Burke, Colin Mooers and John Shields, 80-97. Halifax, Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
- “Tracking Inequality in the New Canadian Labour Market” (with Mike Burke 98-123. InRestructuring and Resistance: Canadian Public Policy in an Age of Global Capitalism, eds. Mike Burke, Colin Mooers and John Shields, 98-123. Halifax, Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
- “Globalization, Unemployment and the Redistribution of Working Time: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives” (with Andrew Molloy). In Power in a Global Era, ed. Ed Cohn, Stephen McBride and John Wiseman, 173-185. London & New York: Macmillan & St. Martins Press, 2000.
- Review of Service in the Field: The World of Frontline Public Servants by Barbara Wake Carroll and David Siegel. Canadian Public Policy XXVI:1 (March 2000): 136-137.
- Shrinking the State: Globalization and the “Reform” of Public Administration (with Bryan Mitchell Evans). Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1998.
- Dismantling a Nation: The Transition to Corporate Rule in Canada, 2nd edition (with Stephen McBride). Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1997.
- Dismantling a Nation: Canada and the New World Order (with Stephen McBride). Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1993.
- Regulating Labour: The State, Neo-Conservatism and Industrial Relations (co-edited with Larry Haiven, and Stephen McBride). Toronto: Garamond Press, 1991.