Janet Lum
Dr. Janet Lum received her PhD in Social and Political Thought from York University. She also holds a Master of Arts in Sociology and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Philosophy, both from the University of Toronto. She is Full Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration, and a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies, at Toronto Metropolitan University. From 2013-2017, she served as Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Arts. From 2005 until 2012 she was co-Director of the graduate (MA) program in Public Policy and Administration.
She teaches courses in women, power and politics; Canadian politics; and public policy; and has received the Teaching Award of the Continuing Education Students Association at Toronto Met (CESAR). She is a member of the Council of Ontario Universities Standing Committee on Human Rights, has served as Toronto Met's Ethnoracial Issues Coordinator, and was the founding Coordinator of the Toronto Met's Certificate Program in Race and Ethnocultural Relations. She is a former member of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.
She is currently Co-Chair of the Canadian Research Network for Care in the Community (external link) (CRNCC). The CRNCC is a national knowledge exchange network of researchers, providers, consumers, and policy makers aimed at making evidence about the crucial role of community services within the broader continuum of health and social care available to decision-makers. It is supported by SSHRC with generously matched funding from Toronto Met.
Dr. Lum was the lead researcher on a United Way funded project that explored models of aging in place by comparing the relative health and well-being of seniors living in supportive versus un-supported, social housing. She and Dr. Joe Springer examined the different aging experiences of Chinese and Caribbean seniors with a grant from the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research in Immigration and Settlement (CERIS). As well, she is involved in a number of research projects:
- Canadian Research Network for Care in the Community (as Principal Investigator on this three-year, university-community collaborative project).
- Community Support Services at the Margins: how community support agencies mediate the impact of health and social services restructuring (as Co-Investigator on this SSHRC-funded, three-year, multi-university project).
- CHIR Team in Community Care and Health Human Resources (as Team Leader and Co-Investigator on this CIHR-funded, five-year, multi-university project).
As a core member of the Canada International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO), Dr. Lum volunteers time and expertise toward developing health education and research in the Middle East. CISEPO is a Canadian, charitable, NGO committed to collaborative relationships, community development and peace-building initiatives in the Middle East through cooperative programs focussing on health research, education and training for academic and health practitioners.
- "Unpaid informal carers: The ‘shadow’ workforce in health care” (with A. Paul Williams). In Support workers and the health professions in international perspective: The invisible providers of health care, ed. Mike Saks, 33-57. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2020.
- Janet M. Lum. (PDF file) The Straight Dope on Cannabis and Older People. Toronto: ON, Canadian Research Network for Care in the Community, July, 2018.
- “Relationships between work outcomes, work attitudes and work environments of health support workers in Ontario longterm care and home and community care settings (external link) ” (with Whitney Berta, Audrey Laporte, Tyrone Perreira, Liane Ginsburg, Adrian Rohit Dass, Raisa Deber, Andrea Baumann, Lisa Cranley, Ivy Bourgeault, Brenda Gamble, Kathryn Pilkington, Vinita Haroun, and Paula Neves). Human Resources for Health 16:15 (2018): 11 pp.
- “Shining a Light: Examining Similarities and Differences in the Work Psychology of Health Support Workers Employed in Long Term Care and Home and Community Care Settings" [with Tyrone A. Perreira (UofT), Whitney Berta (UofT), Audrey Laporte (UofT), Liane Ginsburg (York), Raisa Deber (UofT), and Gillian Elliott (UofT)]. Journal of Applied Gerontology (external link) . (06 Nov 2017).
- “Factors Associated with Residential Long-Term Care Wait-List Placement in North West Ontario” [with Audrey Laporte (UofT), Adrian Rohit Dass (UofT), Kerry Kuluski (UofT), Allie Peckham (UofT), Berta Whitney (UofT), and A. Paul Williams (UofT)]. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 36:3 (September 2017): 286-305.
- “Co-constructing Performance Indicators in Home and Community Care: Assessing the Role of NGOs in Three Canadian Provinces” (with Bryan Evans and John Shields). Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research/Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OBSL et l’économie sociale 7:1 (2016): 46-73.
- “ (PDF file) Integrating Long-Term Care into a Community-Based Continuum: Shifting from 'Beds' to 'Places (external link) '" (with A. Paul Williams, Frances Morton-Chang, Kerry Kuluski, Allie Peckham, Natalie Warrick, Alvin Ying). IRPP Study 59 (February 2016).
- “Caring for Caregivers: Challenging the Assumptions” (with A. Paul Williams, Allie Peckham, Kerry Kuluski, Natalie Warrick, Karen Spalding, Tommy Tam, Cindy Bruce-Barrett, Marta Grasic and Jennifer Im). HealthcarePapers 15:1(2015): 8-21.
- “Caring for Caregivers: Bridging the Care Gap – The Authors Respond” (with A. Paul Williams, Allie Peckham, Kerry Kuluski, and Frances Morton-Chang). HealthcarePapers15:1(2015): 62-66.
- “Policy challenges to homelessness among Caribbean youth in Toronto” (with Joe Springer and Terry Roswell). In Youth Homelessness in Canada: Implications for Policy and Practice, ed. Stephen Gaetz, William O'Grady, Kristy Buccieri, Jeff Karabanow, and Allyson Marsolais (chapter 26). Toronto: Homeless Hub Press, 2013.
- “Policy Opinions of Canada’s Top Public Service Leaders” (with Bryan Evans and John Shields). Public Sector Digest (external link) (July 2011).
- “Chicken Little? Why the Healthcare Sky Does Not Have to Fall” (with A. Paul Williams). Healthcare papers: New Models for the New Healthcare 11:1 (2011): 52-58.
- “The Changing Profile of Canada’s Top Public Service Leaders” (with Bryan Evans and John Shields). Public Sector Digest (external link) , June 2011.
- “Aging at Home: Integrating Community-Based Care for Older Persons” (with A. Paul Williams, Raisa Deber, Robin Montgomery, Kerry Kuluski, Allie Peckham, Jillian Watkins, Alex Williams, Alvin Ying and Lynn Zhu). Healthcare papers: New Models for the New Healthcare 10:1 (2009): 8-21.
- “From Denmark to Deep River: Integrating Care in Small and Rural Communities in Ontario” (with Ann Aikens). Healthcare papers: New Models for the New Healthcare 10:1 (2009): 50-57.
- “The Authors Respond” (with A. Paul Williams, Raisa Deber, Robin Montgomery, Kerry Kuluski, Allie Peckham, Jillian Watkins, Alex Williams, Alvin Ying and Lynn Zhu). Healthcare papers: New Models for the New Healthcare 10:1 (2009): 79-83.
- “Some Preliminary Findings on Government Policy Capacity from a Survey of Senior Public Policy Professionals” (with Bryan Evans and John Shields). Ryerson Policy Capacity Report 1 (July 2009): 1-11.
- “Balancing institutional and community-based care: why some older persons can age successfully at home while others require residential long-term care” (with A.P. Williams, D. Challis, R. Deber, J. Watkins, K. Kuluski & S. Daub). Longwoods Review 7:1 (the peer reviewed section of) Healthcare Quarterly 12:9 (2009): 95-105.
- “Profiling of the Public Service Élite: A Demographic and Career Trajectory Survey of Deputy and Assistant Deputy Ministers in Canada” (with Bryan Evans and John Shields). Canadian Public Administration 50:4 (Winter 2007): 609-634.
- "Pathways to Homelessness Among Caribbean Youth Age 15-25 in Toronto" (with Joseph H. Springer and Terry Roswell). (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 30 (March 2007): 1-11. A Report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) — Toronto.
- When home is community: Community support services and the well-being of seniors in supportive and social housing (with Simonne Ruff and A. Paul Williams). Toronto: United Way of Greater Toronto, 2005.
- “'Working at the margins' or 'leading from behind'?: A Canadian study of hospital community collaboration” (with Blake Poland, Heather Graham, Elaine Walsh, Paul Williams, Leslie Fell, Jessica Polzer, Saddaf Syed, Stasey Tobin, Gregory Kim, and Gail Yardy). Health and Social Care in the Community 13:2 (March 2005): 125-135.
- “Diversity in a Changing Canadian City: Social Bases of Inter-Group relations in Toronto” (with Jeffrey Reitz), in Inside the Mosaic , ed. Eric Fong. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006.
- “Meeting the challenge of diversity: results from the 2003 survey of occupational therapists in Ontario” (with A. Paul Williams, Susan Rappolt, Michel Landry, Raisa Deber, & Molly Verrier). Occupational Therapy Now 6:4 (July/August 2004): 3-7.
- “The Aging Experience of Chinese and Caribbean Seniors” (with Joseph H. Springer). (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 8 (July 2004): 1-7. A Report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) — Toronto.
- “A portrait of occupational therapy in Ontario: Results of a 2003 survey” (with A. Paul Williams, Susan Rappolt, Raisa Deber, Molly Verrier & Michel Landry). Occupational Therapy Now 6:3 (May/June 2004): 3-7.
- The Final Frontier: Impacts of Health Reform on Community Support Service Sector in Toronto (with Fern Teplitsky and A. Paul Williams). Toronto: Toronto District Health Council, 2003.
- “We're Hired by the Hospital, but We Work for the Community: Examining Hospital Involvement in Community Action” (with Blake Poland, Lesley Fell, Heather Graham, Elaine Walsh, A. Paul Williams & Gail Yardy). Hospital Quarterly 4:3 (Spring 2001): 52-60.
- “Out of Sync with a ‘Shrinking State'? Making Sense of The Employment Equity Act (1995)” (with A. Paul Williams). In Restructuring and Resistance: Canadian Public Policy in an Age of Global Capitalism , ed. Mike Burke, Colin Mooers, John Shields, 194-211. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
- “Professional Fault Lines: Nursing in Ontario after the Regulated Health Professions Act” (with A. Paul Williams). In Care and Consequences: The Impact of Health Care Reform on Canadian Women in 1990s , ed. Diana Gustafson, 49-71. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
- “Backward Steps in Equity: Health System Reform's Impact on Women and Racial Minorities in Ontario.” NWSA Journal: Special Issue Affirmative Action Reconsidered [A Publication of the National Women's Studies Association] 10:3 (1998): 101-114.
- “Striking a Bargain: Respiratory Therapy in the New Health Care Universe” (with A. Paul Williams). Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy 34:2 (Summer 1998): 49-52.
- “The Federal Employment Equity Act: goals versus implementation.” Canadian Public Administration 38:1 (Spring 1995): 45-76.