Duncan MacLellan
Dr. Duncan MacLellan is Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration, and a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies. He is Undergraduate Program Director for the BA (honours) program in Public Administration and Governance. (opens in new window) Duncan serves as Academic Coordinator for the Public Administration and Governance Certificates and related CPPA courses as well as CPOG and CPOL courses offered through the Chang School of Continuing Education. From July 2012 to June 2018, he served as the Graduate Program Director (GPD) for the MA program in Public Policy and Administration (opens in new window) . Duncan holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Toronto, as well as a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Political Science from the University of Guelph, and both a Bachelor of Arts - Honours (B.A. Hons) and a Graduate Diploma in Public Administration from Dalhousie University.
Duncan's doctoral thesis, “Two Teachers Associations and the Ontario College of Teachers: A Study of Teacher and State Relations” explored the changing nature of state and teacher relations in Ontario.
Duncan's teaching and research interests include educational politics and policy making at the local and provincial levels, state and teacher relations and local and urban governance issues.
- "Public Administration in the Cross‐Hairs of Evidence‐Based Policy and Authentic Engagement: School Closures in Ontario” (with Carolyn Johns). Canadian Public Administration 63:1 (March 2020): 117-139.
- “Examining Open Data at the Urban Level: An Exploration of ‘Wellbeing Toronto’” (with Kathryn Barber). Journal of Urban Technology 26:1 (2019): 107-121.
- “Faith-Based Schooling and the Politics of Education: A Case Study of Ontario, Canada.” Politics and Religion Journal 6:1 (2012): 37-59.
- “Educational Restructuring and the Policy Process: The Toronto District School Board 1997-2003 (external link) .” Academic Leadership 7:4 (2009).
- “Linking University and High School Students: Exploring the Academic Value of Service Learning.” International Journal of Learning 16:7 (2009): 239-250.
- “Neoliberalism and Ontario Teachers’ Unions: A ‘Not-So’ Common Sense Revolution.” Socialist Studies: The Journal of the Society for Socialist Studies 5:1 (2009): 51-74.
- “Professional Unionism: A New Direction for Teachers' Unions in Canada.” Canadian and International Education 26:2 (1997): 87-99.
- “The Legal Question of Extending Public Funds to Private Schools in Ontario: Adler v. Ontario.” Education and Law Journal 7:1 (1995): 61-75.
- “Shifting From the Traditional to the New Political Agenda: The Changing Nature of Federal-Provincial Environmental Relations.” The American Review of Canadian Studies 25:2,3 (1995): 323-345.
Non-Refereed Articles
- “Collaborating in a Post-Covid World: Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges.” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies, 8:2, (2023):1-11.
- Teachers’ Unions in Canada (with Steve Lawton, George Bedard and Xiaobin Li). Edmonton, AB. Detselig Enterprises, Ltd., 1999.
Book Chapters
- “Walking the Pedagogical Line in Graduate Studies: Obstacles and Opportunities Transitioning to Digital and E-learning” (with Heather Rintoul). In Crossing the Bridge of the Digital Divide: A Walk with Global Leaders, eds. Anthony Normore and Antonia Issa Lahera, 79-93. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc., 2018.
- “A Consideration of Ethical Leadership in Ontario University Governance” (with Heather Rintoul). In The Dark Side of Leadership: Identifying and Overcoming Unethical Practice in Organizations, eds. Anthony Normore and James Brooks, 35-55. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group, Publishing 2017.
- “From Gurus to Chief Executives? The Contestable Transformation of Ontario’s Deputy Ministers, 1971 to 2007” (with Bryan Evans and Janet Lum). Ch.6 in Deputy Ministers in Canada’s Federal and Provincial Governments: Comparative and Jurisdictional Perspectives, eds. Jacques Bourgault and Christopher Dunn, 148-200. IPAC Series in Public Management and Governance, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2014.
- “School Boards and Educational Leadership: The Changing Landscape.” In Canadian Educational Leadership, ed. Thomas G. Ryan, 117,147. Calgary, AB: Detselig Press, 2019.
Book Reviews
- Review of Class Action: How Ontario’s Elementary Teachers Became a Political Force by Andy Hanson (Toronto: Between the Lines Press, 2021: 238pp). Labour/LeTravail (May 2022): 303-305.
- Review of Unions and the City: Negotiating Urban Change, ed. Ian Thomas MacDonald (New York: Cornell University Press, 2017: 260pp). Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 2019 Book Reviews. (external link, opens in new window)
- Review of Fields of Authority: Special Purpose Governance in Ontario 1815-2015, by Jack Lucas (Toronto: University of Toronto Press and the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 2016: 320pp). Canadian Public Administration, Reviewed Fields of Authority: Special Purpose Governance in Ontario 1815-2015. (external link, opens in new window)
- Review of Planning Politics in Toronto: The Ontario Municipal Board and Urban Development by Aaron Moore (Toronto: University of Toronto, 2013: pp.254). Canadian Journal of Political Science 48:(2) (June 2015), pp.488-489.
Papers and Reports
- “Harnessing the Governance Potential of City-Regions in 21st Century.” In Anne Golden and Sophie Knowles (eds.). Governance Gridlock: Solving Problems for 21st Century City-Regions. School of Urban and Regional Planning, Toronto Metropolitan University, 63-65, 2013.
- “Diversity and Immigrant Needs: Examining Toronto Through a Place-Based Approach.” Policy Matters. Centre for Excellence in Research in Immigration and Settlement (CERIS)-The Ontario Metropolis Centre, No. 32 1-13, March, 2008.
- “The Fewer School Boards Act and the Toronto District School Board: Educational Restructuring, 1997-2007.” Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan June 01, 2007. Agreed to have a portion of this paper included in the Toronto District School Board commissioned, School Community Safety Advisory Panel Final Report, 2008.
- “Developing a Position on the Role and Functioning of School Councils” with George Bedard. Prepared for the Ontario English Catholic School Trustees’ Association, May 1998.
Duncan's research interests include educational politics and policy making at the local and provincial levels, state and teacher relations and local and urban governance issues.