Tariq Amin-Khan
Spoken Languages
English, Urdu, Punjabi
Tariq Amin-Khan is Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto. He is a faculty member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies, Toronto Met, and honorary member of the Osgoode Hall Graduate Studies in Law, York University, Toronto. In addition to a PhD in Social and Political Thought from York University (Canada), he holds a Master’s degree in South Asian Studies from the University of Toronto, a Bachelor of Law from the University of Karachi, and a Bachelor of Science in Economics and General Business from California State University, Fresno.
Tariq is a founding member of the Anti-Racism Coalition at Toronto Met, current Chair of the Equity Issues Committee of the Toronto Met Faculty Association (RFA), and a member of the Department’s Curriculum Committee as Chair of the Global Area Group. He continues to serve the University, the Faculty of Arts and the Politics department in various capacities. Tariq appears as media analyst on a range of political and social issues on Canadian television and radio, and contributes Op Ed articles in Canadian and Pakistani newspapers.
- The Post-Colonial State in the Era of Capitalist Globalization: Historical, Political and Theoretical Approaches to State Formation. New York: Routledge edition, January 2012.
- Genealogy of the Post-Colonial State in India and Pakistan. Lahore: Vanguard Books edition, June 2012.
Book chapters
- “Security and its Impact on Migrants and Refugees.” Ch. 4 in Immigration, Integration and the Settlement Experience in North America, ed. Harald Bauder and John Shields, 118-143. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press (CSPI), 2015.
Articles in Refereed / Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals
- “New Orientalism, Securitisation and the Western Media’s Incendiary Racism.” Third World Quarterly 33:9 (2012): 1595-1610.
- “Issues of Power and Modernity in Understanding Political and Militant Islam.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 29:3 (November 2009): 544-555.
- “The Rise of Militant Islam and the Security State in the Era of the 'Long War'.” Third World Quarterly 30:4 (June 2009): 813-828.
- “Analyzing Political Islam: A Critique of Traditional Historic Materialist Analytic (external link) .” Monthly Review (March 2009): An exchange with Samir Amin, a renowned political scientist and theorist on development studies, political Islam and historical materialism.
- A translation of the exchange appeared in PRAKSiS 26 (2011/2012): Siyasal İslam, İktidar ve Hegemonya [Political Islam, Power and Hegemony]: 161-182.
- Tariq Amin-Khan, “Siyasal İslam ve Tarihsel Maddecilik- Bir Değiş Tokuş Siyasal İslam’ı Çözümlemek: Geleneksel Tarihsel Maddeci Çözümlemeye Dair Bir Değerlendirme,” 161-172.
- Samir Amin, “Tarıq Amin-Khan'a Yanıt,” 173-182.
- A translation of the exchange appeared in PRAKSiS 26 (2011/2012): Siyasal İslam, İktidar ve Hegemonya [Political Islam, Power and Hegemony]: 161-182.
- “Colonialism and the Common Origins of Discrete Post-Colonial Identities in India and Pakistan.” Canadian Review for Studies in Nationalism 29:1-2 (December, 2002): 39-52.
- “Economy, Society and the State in Pakistan.” Contemporary South Asia 9:2 (2000): 181-195.
- “Postcolonial Perspective on Global Governance." Presented at Global Governance Symposium. Toronto: Ryerson University, 25 March 2014.
- “The Neoliberal Security-Surveillance State and Challenges for the Next Left.” Presented in the panel “Challenges for the Next Left” at the annual conference of the Society for Socialist Studies (Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences). St. Catharines: Brock University, 30 May 2014.
- “Securitization and Western Media’s Incendiary Racism: A Critical Appraisal.” Presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Political Science Association (Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences). Victoria: University of Victoria, 04-06 June 2013.
- “A Materialist Conception of the Post-Colonial State: Its Complexities and Challenges.” Presented at the annual Historical Materialism conference: Spaces of Capital Spaces of Resistance. Toronto: York University, 11-13 May 2012.
- “New US Militarism: Imperialist Overreach or 'Full Spectrum Dominance'?” Presented at the annual Historical Materialism conference. Toronto: York University, 13-16 May 2010.
- “Of Niqab, Securitization and State-sponsored Racism.” Presented at the Migration and the Global City Conference. Toronto: Ryerson University, 29-31 October 2010.
- “Politics of Population Control.” Presented at the Food and Population Roundtable, Canadian Pugwash and Science for Peace. Toronto: University of Toronto and Ryerson University, 20-21 November 2009.
- “Canadian Anti-Terror and Immigration Laws and their Policy Implications.” Presented in the panel Racism, Islamophobia and the Canadian State – Forum to Commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Toronto: Ryerson University, 20 March 2009.
- “The Changing Multicultural Landscape: Is Canada Following the Assimilationist Path of the UK and the Netherlands?” Presented at the 8th annual Critical Race Studies conference of the Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equality (R.A.C.E.): Race-ing Hegemonies and Resurging Imperialisms: Building Anti-Racist and Anti-Colonial Theory and Practice for Our Time. Toronto: Ryerson University, 14-16 November 2008.
- “Is Talibanization a Genuine Threat to Pakistani Society?” The 4th Annual Canadian Regional Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists of North America (AMSS): Imperialist Wars and Liberal Peace. Toronto: OISE/University of Toronto, 01 November 2008.
- “Analyzing Political Islam: A Critique of the Traditional Historical Materialist Analytic.” Presented at the first North American Historical Materialism conference. Toronto: York University, 24-26 April 2008.
- “Empire, the New 'Permanent War' and Its Implications on Post-Colonial Societies.” Presented at the annual Conference of the Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association (APPSA): Political Science at the Edge of Empire, Fredericton, NB: University of New Brunswick, 28-30 September 2007.
- “Erosion of Multiculturalism and the Retreat from Anti-Racism: Evaluating the Agenda of Change in Canada and Western Europe.” Presented at the 7th annual Critical Race Studies conference of Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equality (R.A.C.E.): Transnational Racism and the Rights to Have Rights. Toronto: OISE/University of Toronto, 03-05 May 2007.
- “Whither Multiculturalism? The Rise of the Security State in Canada and Western Europe.” Presented at the 9th National Metropolis Conference: Exploring Canada’s Diversity Today and Tomorrow. Toronto: The Fairmont Royal York Hotel, 01-04 March 2007.
- “Race, Capitalism and the Trouble with Critical Race Theory.” Presented at the joint panel “Marxism and Anti-Racism – Extending the Dialogue” at the annual conferences of the Canadian Political Science Association and the Society for Socialist Studies (Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences). Toronto: York University, 02-03 June 2006.
- “Imperialist Imperatives, Client States and the Rise of Political Islam.” Presented at the Graduate Students’ Conference on The Political Economy of the Middle East in the Age of Empire: Historical, Theoretical, and Political Reflections. Toronto: York University, 23-24 March 2006.
Tariq’s research interests include the security state and securitization, the post-colonial state, international development, globalization and migration, political and militant Islam, nationalism and ethnicity, comparative study of multiculturalism, race and racism, and issues of state and society in South Asia. Much of his research uses the analytical frame of political economy and social history.
Tariq has taught and/or developed the following courses during the past twelve years: Issues in Third World Politics, International Development Studies, Nationalism and Identity, Theories of the State, Introduction to South Asian Studies, Colonialism and Imperialism, and graduate courses: The State and the Economy, and Global Migration and Population Movements. Tariq supervises, and is on dissertation committees of, PhD students in Policy Studies, Communication and Culture, and Law. He continues to supervise numerous Major Research Papers (MRPs) and theses of students in the Immigration and Settlement Studies (ISS) and Public Policy and Administration (MPPA) MA programs.