Avner Levin
Please note: During the 2025 Winter semester Avner Levin will be on sabbatical. He will be a Visiting Scholar at the David Weiner Center for Lawyers' Ethics and Professional Responsibility at the Haim Striks School of Law in Israel.
Avner Levin is a professor at the Lincoln Alexander School of Law and one of the law school’s originating committee members. He is the founding director of Toronto Metropolitan University’s Law Research Centre and the founding director of the Privacy and Cyber Crime Institute. He served as interim dean of the Ted Rogers School of Management during the first six months of 2018, and as Toronto Metropolitan University’s interim vice-provost of faculty affairs and as interim assistant vice-president of Human Resources during the 2012-2013 academic year.
Levin’s research interests include the legal profession, law and technology, privacy and cybercrime and tort law. He has been a recipient of funding from bodies such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Public Safety Canada, Industry Canada, and the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center at Tel-Aviv University.
Levin has published his work in journals such as the International Journal of the Legal Profession, the American Business Law Journal, the Canadian Journal of Law and Society, the Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, the International Journal of Information Security and the Advocates Quarterly. He is the co-author, with Mr. Howard Simkevitz of the “The Law of Employee Use of Technology.”
Levin, A. “How the Battle against Cybercrime strengthens Sustainable Finance”, in Dion, M. (ed.) Sustainable Finance and Financial Crime, 329-352 (Springer: 2023)
Levin, A. “Privacy in Emerging Technologies”, in Gaon, A. (ed.) Emerging Technologies – Challenges to Israeli Law, 215-240 (Nevo: 2022)
O’Byrne, S. & Levin, A. ““It Shouldn’t be Small Potatoes: The Future of Civil Damage Awards under Canada’s Personal Information Protection Legislation” (Part 2), The Advocates Quarterly 52 (4) 521-560 (2022)
O’Byrne, S. & Levin, A. ““It Shouldn’t be Small Potatoes: The Future of Civil Damage Awards under Canada’s Personal Information Protection Legislation” (Part 1), The Advocates Quarterly 52 (3) 427-473 (2022)
Levin, A. & Alkoby, A. “More Lawyers, More Litigation? Exploring Trends in Litigation and the Legal Profession in Ontario, Canada” Oñati Socio-Legal Series 11 (2) 535-556 (2021)
Levin, A. “Ought from Is: Towards Truly Reasonable Expectations of Privacy”, in Hunt, C. & Diab, R. (eds.) The Last Frontier: Digital Privacy and the Charter, 59-88 (Thomson Reuters: 2021)
Levin, A. “Social Media and Technology Monopolies: A Call to Action” in Biro, P. (ed.) Constitutional Democracy Under Stress – A Time for Heroic Citizenship, 271-291 (Mosaic: 2020)
Degree | Institution |
BSc (Bachelor of Science) | Tel-Aviv University |
LLB (Bachelor of Laws) | Tel-Aviv University |
LLM (Master of Laws) | University of Toronto |
SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science) | University of Toronto |