Supporting the Lincoln Alexander School of Law

The Lincoln Alexander School of Law was founded in the confidence that this institution’s innovative approach to learning would be valuable for the study of law, and that Canada needs a new kind of lawyer: driven to expand the reach of justice; embracing a nimble and entrepreneurial mindset; and with the technological skills to meet evolving social challenges and serve unmet legal need. Since first opening our doors to students in 2020, many generous individuals, corporations and foundations have joined with us to support the realization of this vision.

Our donors create opportunities through their generosity. They fund awards and scholarships that increase access and reward excellence. They advance ground-breaking research and advocacy initiatives in key areas including Racial Justice, Indigenous Law, and Law and Technology. And they strengthen the student experience through mentorship, professional development, health & wellness programming, mooting competitions and more.
How can I make an impact?
Awards and Scholarships
Establish and support scholarships and awards to increase access to legal education for students from underrepresented groups. Awards and scholarships provide necessary funding and the kind of encouragement that leads to success.
Mentoring and Coaching
Strengthen the student experience with increased access to academic and career success supports such as mentorship, professional development, health & wellness programming, mooting competitions and more.
Advance ground-breaking research, knowledge mobilization and advocacy initiatives in key areas including Racial Justice, Indigenous Law, and Law and Technology.
Integrated Practice Curriculum
Help support our innovative JD program, where we've embedded professional skills training and real world experience so that our graduates don’t have to article to become licensed lawyers. Our Integrated Practice Curriculum melds theory and practice at every turn - including a co-teaching model that pairs professors with practitioners, a focus on current and emerging technologies, mentorship opportunities, clinical and experiential learning, and professional placements that go beyond traditional legal contexts.

How can I give?
Giving to Lincoln Alexander Law is simple. You can make a gift online or by cheque made payable to "Toronto Metropolitan University" and mailed to the address below. A tax receipt will follow.
100% of your donation will be directed to your choice of giving option -- whether you direct your gift to student scholarships and awards or to programming and operational activities. Both are critically important to our success.
Lincoln Alexander School of Law
Toronto Metropolitan University
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3

Executive Director, Advancement
416-979-5000 ext. 543566
Gifts in Action
Thank you to our supporters!
We are honoured to collaborate with the following individuals and organizations to drive the success of the school and ensure our students have access to rigorous and cutting-edge legal education.
The Belbeck-Fukakusa Family Foundation
Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Ed and Fran Sonshine
The Larry and Judy Tanenbaum Family Foundation
The John C. and Sally Horsfall Eaton Foundation
The Law Foundation of Ontario
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
The Staffieri Family
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Gardiner Roberts LLP
Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP
Richard & Donna Ivey
Andrew & Valerie Pringle
Torys LLP
Babin Bessner Spry LLP
Geoff Beattie
Brent and Lynn Belzberg
Bennett Jones LLP
The BlackNorth Initiative
Canadian Italian Business Professional Association (CIBPA)
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Donette Chin-Loy Chang
Daoust Vukovich LLP
Paul and Melita De Francesca
Dr. Tanya De Mello
Enbridge Inc.
Mitch, Leslie, Joshua & Jordan Frazer
Griffin Family
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Brandeis Denham Jolly
Loopstra Nixon LLP
Nadir & Shabin Mohamed
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
PS43 Foundation
Dr. Anver Saloojee
Walied and Deena Soliman
Peter Wilson & Janet Vickers Wilson
Joseph Addley and Terry Boyd
Ms. Ala’a Adib and Mrs. Halima Saad
The Advocates' Society
Aird & Berlis LLP
Benjamin Law
Black Law Students' Association
Family of Brenna Brown
Canadian Association of Black Lawyers
Canadian General Counsel Awards
Cavalluzzo LLP
May Cheng
The Criminal Lawyers Association
Dentons Canada
DMG Advocates LLP
Donich Law
Jon Fedder & Mark Robertson Community Fund
Peter Hanson
Omar Ha-Redeye
Mark Hart
KingSett Capital Inc.
Koskie Minsky LLP
Sung Lai Kwan
Laidlaw Foundation
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
Dr. Angela Lee
Lenczner Slaght LLP
Lenkinski, Carr & Richard LLP
LexisNexis Canada Inc.
Deborah Jie Le Lim
Lincoln Alexander Law Revue
Mathews Dinsdale & Clark LLP
Sharmaine McKenzie
Polley Faith LLP
Carol Rak & Michael Harris
Shawn Richard
Rosen & Associates Tax Law
Rubin Thomlinson LLP
Ronald D. Schmeichel
Tom Schneider
Julia Shin Doi & Michael Doi
SABA Toronto – South Asian Bar Association of Toronto
STEP Canada
Stikeman Elliott LLP
The Honourable George R. Strathy
WeirFoulds LLP
Dr. Alex Wellington
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
Workly Law
Donna Young
Gord Young
Lilethe Young
Patty Young
Robert Young