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Manely Farhangdoust


Major Research Paper

This project aims to explore and define what propels our (digital) culture to consume food porn on social media. As Erin McDonnell defines the concept (2016), “In its contemporary understanding, food porn is a set of visual aesthetics that emphasizes the pleasurable, sensual dimensions of food, derived from (but not actually employed in) human sexuality” (p. 239). In an attempt to answer the question, I took a phenomenological approach to analyze the material, focusing on the effects of food representation beyond the physical senses.


  • Bachelor of Art History and Visual Studies


Visual Communication, Creative Writing, Project Coordination, User Experience Design, Digital Marketing


Manely completed her Bachelors of Art History and Visual Studies at the University of Victoria and continued her education in UX design in Vancouver. She spent the majority of her time in university typing words on a computer and looking at visual imagery which led her to find her calling in visual psychology and user experience. After working in Communications following graduation, her keen interest in consumer studies and the internet of things inspired her to continue expanding her digital toolkit.

Why Digital Media?

It's a feeling oriented world and Digital Media has the power to inspire us as soon as possible.