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Graduate Student Publications

The School of Early Childhood Studies provides graduate students with a full experience in all aspects of learning and research.
By contributing evidence to the field, our students and alumni help shape practice and policy.
- Abawi, Z., Berman, R., & Powell, A. (2019). Gender, race, and precarity- theorizing the parallels between early childhood educators and sessional faculty in Ontario. Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture and Social Justice, 40(1), 45-60. (external link, opens in new window)
- Ali, M., & Gibran, G. (2020) Documenting Syrian refugee children’s memories: Methodological insights and further questions. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. DOI: 10.1177/1609406920938958 (external link)
- Ajodhia-Andrews, Amanda & Berman, R.C. (2009). Exploring school life from the lens of a child who does not use speech to communicate. Qualitative Inquiry, 15(5), 931-951.
- Ajodhia-Andrews, Amanda & Frankel, E.B. (2010). Inclusive education in Guyana: A call for change. International Journal of Special Education, 25, 126-144
- Ajodhia-Andrews, Amanda (2016). Reflexively Conducting Research with Ethnically Diverse Children with Disabilities. The Qualitative Report, 21(2), 252-287.
- Ajodhia-Andrews, Amanda (2016). Voices and visions from ethnoculturally diverse young people with disabilities. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Barnikis, T., MacNevin, M. & Berman, R. (2019). Participatory research with children: Critical reflections. In I. Berson, M. Berson, and C. Gray (Eds.). Participatory methodologies to elevate children’s voice and agency. (pp.3-23). Charlotte N.C.: Information Age Publishing
- Barnikis, Tiffany (2015). Children’s perceptions of their experiences in early learning environments: An exploration of power and hierarchy, Global Studies of Childhood, 5(3), 291-304.
- Batool, W., Apostolopoulos, M., Bagirakandi, M., Jayawardena, N.N., Lee, J. (2020) Expressions of children and families on children’s rights: Lessons from STM: EC 2019. Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights, 7(1), 276–300.
- Berman, R. & MacNevin, M. (2017). Adults researching with children. In X. Chen, R. Raby & P. Albanese (Eds.) The Sociology of Child and Youth Studies in Canada. (pp.24-46). Toronto, ON.: Canadian Scholars Press.
- Berman, R., Daniel, B., Butler, A., MacNevin, M. & Royer, N. (2017). Nothing, or almost nothing, to report: Early childhood educators and discursive constructions of colorblindness. International Critical Childhood Policy Studies Journal 6(1), 52 -65. (external link)
- Charles, Natalia & Berman, R.C. (2009). Positive constructions of the mother-child relationship: Listening to mothers with children with ASD. Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 11(1), 180-198.
- Di Santo, A., & Robichaud, B. (2019). Children’s Rights: Raising awareness amongst professionals working with and for children. In S. Jagger (Ed.), Foundations of early years education: A Canadian perspective. Canadian Scholars Press.
- Di Santo, A., Underwood, K., Corson, P., Moher, Catherine, Timmons, K., & Thompson, Alison. (2013). Report on an evaluation of the Toronto network of Ontario Early Years Centres. Toronto, ON: Ryerson University
- Di Santo, A & Kenneally, Noah (2014). A call for a shift in thinking: Viewing children as rights holders in early childhood curriculum frameworks. Childhood Education, 90(6), 395-406.
- Escayg, K-A., Berman, R. & Royer, N. (2017). Canadian Children and Race: Toward an Antiracism Analysis. Journal of Childhood Studies, 42(2), 10- 21. (external link)
- Donnell, Andrea and Rinkoff, R. (2015). The Influence of Culture on Children’s Relationships with Nature. Children, Youth and Environments, 25(3), 62-89.
- Feltham, L. & Ryan, C. (2020). Exploring Pedagogical Practices for Engaging Boys in Ballet. Journal of Dance Education. DOI: 10.1080/15290824.2020.1841206
- Frankel, E.B., Gold, S, Ajodhia-Andrews, Amanda (2010). International Preschool Inclusion: Bridging the Gap Between Vision and Practices. Young Exceptional Children, 13(5), 2-16.
- Fabbruzzo, Caroline (2010). "The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Children, Research and Assent". Child and Family Professional, Winter
- Albanese, P., Rauhala, A., Ferns, Carolyn, Johnstone, J., Lam, J. & Atack, E. (2010). Hiding the elephant: Child care coverage in four daily newspapers, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41(5): 817-836
- Graham, Kerri & Underwood, K. (2012). The reality of rurality: Rural parents’ experiences of early years services (external link) . Health & Place, 18(6), 1231–1239.
- Hongliang, H. & Pattugalan, M. (2017). Factors that impact children's school readiness: Comparing the perspectives of Charles Wright Mills and bell hooks, Ryerson Journal of Policy Studies 1, 1-13.
- Jama, Muna & Ali, M. (2010). Second-generation Somali children’s perceptions of hierarchies of their identities. Early Childhood Education. 39 (1) 10-16.
- Jeong, S.S.Y. & Ryan, C. (2021). A critical review of child perfectionism as it relates to music pedagogy. Psychology of Music. Advance online publication. (external link)
- Johnston, L., Shoemaker, L., Land, N., Di Santo, A., & Jagger, S. (2020). Early childhood education and care in Canada. In G. Noblit (Ed.), Oxford research encyclopedia of education. Oxford University Press.
- Kediye, Fatima, Valeo, A. & Berman, R. C. (2009). Somali-Canadian Mothers’ Experiences in Parenting a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 11(1), 211- 223.
- Kenneally, Noah (2015) ‘Be careful!’ Using our words as a discursive exploration of early childhood educators regulating children’s play. Global Studies of Childhood, 5(3), 255-265
- Khan, Noshin, Koller, D. & Barrett, S. (2014). Pediatric Perspectives on Diabetes Self-Care: A Process of Achieving Acceptance (external link) . Qualitative Health Research, 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/1049732314551057.
- Koller, D., Grossi, M., van den Heuvel, M., & Wong, P. (2022). Hiding and seeking: Children's lived experiences during COVID-19. Children and Society, 00, 1– 18.
- Land, N., & Frankowski, A. (2022). (Un)finding childhoods in citational practices with postdevelopmental pedagogies. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. doi: 14639491221106500.
- Langford, R., Bezanson, K. and Powell, A. (2019) Imagining a caring early childhood education and care system in Canada: a thought experiment, International Journal of Care and Caring, xx(xx): 1–7, DOI: 10.1332/239788219X15682724987840
- Lechcier-Kimel, Rachel (2006). Loneliness of people with physical disabilities. Social Behaviour and Personality, 34(6), 681-700
- Lee, Nina (2010). Ready or not, here they come: Teacher preparedness for English language learners in Journal of Teacher Education
- Lee, Nina & Valeo, A. (2011). Teacher preparedness for a changing demographic of language learners. TESL Canada Journal, 28(2), 105-128
- Livingstone, Morgan (2009). "Examining child life support for infants undergoing retinopathy of prematurity eye exams: A pilot study." Child life Council Focus, Summer, 27, (3).
- Livingstone, Morgan (2009). Evaluation: An effective means in building the future of child life. Child life Council Bulletin, Fall, (4).
- Macdonald, Lyndsay, Richardson, Brooke & Langford, R. (in press). ECEs as childcare advocates: Examining the scope of childcare advocacy carried out by ECEs from the perspective of childcare movement actors in Ontario and Manitoba. Canadian Children.
- MacNevin, Margaret & Berman, R. (2016). The Black baby doll doesn’t fit-- the disconnect between early childhood diversity policy, early childhood educator practice, and children’s play, Early Child Development and Care. Advance Online Publication.
- Maguire, N. (2017). Rocks, Grass, and Glass: Exploring Themes of Nature and Optical Lenses in the film Boyhood. Red Feather Journal, 8(1).
- Pathmalingam, T., Moola, F. J., & Woodgate, R.L. (2022). Anything but simple: the disclosure practices of children with cancer in residential camp and non-camp settings, Children's Health Care, DOI: 10.1080/02739615.2022.2060831
- Piotrowski, Stephanie A., Binder, Marni J., Krmotic Schwind, Jasna. (2017). Primary Teachers’ Perceptions of Mindfulness Practices With Young Children (external link) . LEARNing Landscapes, 10(2), p. 225-240.
- Richardson, Brooke, Langford, R., Friendly, M. & Rauhala. (2013). From choice to change: An analysis of the ‘choice’ discourse in Canada’s 2006 federal election. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 14(3), 155-167.
- Richardson, B., Powell, A., & Langford R. (2021). Critiquing Ontario’s Childcare Policy Responses to the Inextricably Connected Needs of Mothers, Children, and Early Childhood Educators. Journal of Childhood Studies, 46(3), 3-15. (external link, opens in new window)
- Robichaud, B., Peltier, S., & Di Santo, A. (2019). Children’s literature: Interconnecting children’s rights and constructions of childhoods through stories. In P. Trifonas (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research in Cultural Studies and Education. Springer.
- Savaria, Elizabeth, Underwood, K. & Sinclair, D. (2011). “If only I had known…”: Young peoples’ participation in the construction of their learning disability labels. International Journal of Special Education, 26(3), 92-105.
- Schwind, J. K., & Kwok, O-L. H. (2021). Two educators reflect on their immigration experience through creative writing. International Health Trends and Perspectives, 1(1), 17-28. (external link)
- Schoeppich, A., Koller, D., McLaren, C. (2021). Children’s Right to Participate in Playground Development: A Critical Review. Children, Youth and Environments, 31(3), 1-25.
- Su, Wei & Di Santo, A. (2012). Preschool children's perceptions of overweight peers. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 10(1), 19-31.
- Thornton, Colleen & Underwood, K. (online June 2012). Conceptualizations of Disability and Inclusion: Perspectives of Educators of Young Children. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development.
- Underwood, K. Chan, Cherry, Koller, D. & Valeo, A. (2017). Understanding Young Children’s Capabilities: Approaches to Interviews with Young Children Experiencing Disability In B. Kelly and B. Byrne (Eds.) Valuing Disabled Children and Young People: Research, policy, and practice. London: Routledge.
- Underwood, K, Valeo, A. & Wood, Rebecca (2012). Understanding Inclusive Early Childhood Education: A Capability Approach. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 13(4) 290-299.
- Wood, C.N., & Di Santo, A. (2018). Indigenous youth’s perspectives on their environments: We need to keep this community clean, safe, and good. Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights, 5(1), 116–149.
- Wood, Rebecca. (2015): To be Cared For and to Care: Understanding Theoretical Conceptions of Care as a Framework for Effective Inclusion in Early Childhood Education and Care, Child Care in Practice.
Land, N., & Frankowski, A. (2022). (Un)finding childhoods in citational practices with postdevelopmental pedagogies. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. doi: 14639491221106500.