Accommodated Tests

Some students who are registered with AAS have testing accommodations which are managed and administered by the Accommodated Test Centre (ATC).
Testing accommodations are changes to the format of a test (e.g., providing a test in large print) or its administration procedures (e.g., permitting extended time to complete the test).
Testing accommodations change how students are tested but do not change what a test measures. Whether in-person or remote, our aim is to make the accommodation process as straightforward and stress-free as possible for both you and your students. Learn about the steps associated with accommodated tests below.
Steps for Instructors Regarding Test Accommodations
The ATC coordinates and administers accommodated tests for students registered with Academic Accommodation Support (AAS). Students are required to submit booking requests in order to receive their test accommodations and access a centralized overview of upcoming evaluations.
Please follow the below steps for both in-person and virtual booking requests to ensure compliance with student accommodations.
In-Person Tests & Exams
Step 1: Share details of the test with the class
Timeline: At least 10 business days in advance
Provide your students with the test parameters with as much notice as possible.
Step 2: Student submits accommodated test booking request
Timeline: At least 10 business days in advance
In order for to write tests with accommodations, students must be registered with AAS, have test accommodations, and have sent their accommodation plan to their instructors. They then need to submit a test booking request through the AAS Student Portal.
By submitting a booking request, students are:
- Informing their instructors of their test accommodations
- Informing the ATC of their upcoming test and test parameters
- Provided with a centralized overview of their upcoming evaluations
Step 3: Instructor is alerted of booking request
Timeline: When a test is booked and again 7 days prior to the test
When a student submits an accommodated test booking request, you will receive an automated email to let you know. The email will outline your next steps including confirming your test details.
You will receive a reminder email 7 days before the scheduled test date.
Step 4: Instructor confirms test details
Timeline: At least 2 business days prior to the test
Log in to the AAS Faculty Portal to confirm the details of the test.
Please ensure you do this for both in-person and online test bookings.
Have multiple students who require accommodations for this test? You will receive an automated email each time a student submits a test booking request but you only need to complete these steps once per course section.
Step 5: Instructor uploads a copy of the test
Timeline: At least 2 business days prior to the test
You may not have your test ready when you first log in to the AAS Faculty Portal to confirm the test details in Step 4. If that's the case, you can return to the portal to submit a copy of your test when it is ready (but at least 2 days before the test).
Please provide your test in an accessible pdf or microsoft word (.doc or .docx) format.
The ATC will then prepare your test.
6. Student receives reminder email
Timeline: 2 days prior to test
The student will receive a reminder email 2 days before the test writing date which will confirm the date, time, location, and accommodated writing duration.
Students are encouraged to review the Writing Your Accommodated Test webpage (opens in new window) for additional information about timelines, how to prepare, and where to go.
7. Student writes their test
Timeline: Day of test
All in-person accommodated tests are coordinated by the ATC and written at the Test Centre or other specfied accessible writing location, if applicable.
Remote Tests & Exams
Step 1: Share details of the test with the class
Timeline: At least 10 business days in advance
Provide your students with the test parameters with as much notice as possible.
Step 2: Student submits accommodated test booking request
Timeline: At least 10 business days in advance
In order for to write tests with accommodations, students must be registered with AAS, have test accommodations, and have sent their accommodation plan to their instructors. They then need to submit a test booking request through the AAS Student Portal.
By submitting a booking request, students are:
- Informing their instructors of their test accommodations
- Informing the ATC of their upcoming test and test parameters
- Provided with a centralized overview of their upcoming evaluations
Step 3: Instructor is alerted of booking request
Timeline: When a test is booked and again 7 days prior to the test
When a student submits an accommodated test booking request, you will receive an automated email to let you know. The email will outline your next steps including confirming your test details.
You will receive a reminder email 7 days before the scheduled test date.
Step 4: Instructor confirms test details
Timeline: At least 2 business days prior to the test
Log in to the AAS Faculty Portal to confirm the details of the test.
Please ensure you do this for both in-person and online test bookings.
Have multiple students who require accommodations for this test? You will receive an automated email each time a student submits a test booking request but you only need to complete these steps once per course section.
Step 5: Apply accommodations in D2L
Timeline: At least 2 business days prior to the test
Accommodated tests on D2L are set up by you or you can opt-in to ATC Special Access Support for assistance with this process.
Option A: You configure accommodations in your D2L shell
If you choose not to opt-in ATC Special Access Support, it is your responsibility to manage your course D2L special access. For instructions, refer to the university's step-by-step guide on how to manage special access.
Once configured, be sure to to email your student(s) prior to the test to notify them that their accommodations have been set up.
Option B: Opt-In to ATC Special Access Support
How to opt-in to ATC Special Access Support
Log in to the AAS Faculty Portal, and select 'Courses'. You can select to opt-in for ATC Special Access Support.
In order for the ATC to support you, you must add the following ATC staff to your course shell in the TA role* at least 3 days prior to the test date.
- Angela Price (angela.price)
- James Daykin (jdaykin)
- Monique Bijoux (mbijoux)
- Vanessa LeBlond (vanessa.leblond)
Not sure how to add the ATC to your course shell? Visit the TMU Manage Shell Members webpage.
You will receive an email once the ATC Special Access Support is complete.
*The ATC administrators are professional staff members. Upholding the ATC values of integrity and service, administrators only enter the aspects of the course shell required to set up special access. We respect the privacy of faculty and instructor course materials and approach the online environment with the same confidentiality and security as in-person testing.
6. Student receives reminder email
Timeline: 2 days prior to test
The student will receive a reminder email 2 days before the test writing date which will confirm the date, time, and accommodated writing duration.
Students are encouraged to review the Writing Your Accommodated Test webpage (opens in new window) for additional information.
7. Student writes their test
Timeline: Day of test
Students write their test.
Scheduling Conflicts
If there is a scheduling conflict between multiple accommodated tests, students are advised to work with their instructors to agree on a new date/time ASAP.
It is the student's responsibility to email their instructors detailing the issue and discuss options for new writing dates/times.
Visit the AAS Accommodation Guide for more details about accommodated test scheduling and spacing.