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Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex Study Room Booking Policy

This policy applies to the bookable group study rooms in the Daphne Cockwell Complex (DCC).

The rooms are DCC-202A, DCC-202B, DCC-503, DCC-504, DCC-686, DCC-816, DCC-817, DCC-818 and DCC-819. 

Click here to book a room.

Study Room Booking

  • Study rooms can only be booked by both Faculty of Community Services graduate and undergraduate students currently enrolled in courses at Toronto Metropolitan University. Students may be asked to produce ID for inspection by DCC staff or Security.
  • To maximize access for all students needing quiet group study space, study rooms may be booked for a maximum of 2 hours per day and a maximum of 8 hours per week between 9:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. A student may make 2 individual bookings per day, however, no combination of bookings may exceed a maximum of 2 consecutive hours per day. 
  • Rooms must be booked online.
  • Rooms may be booked up to 3 weeks in advance.

Please note that:

  • Rooms are open during DCC business hours (9:30am to 4:30pm weekdays) and closed on weekends and holidays.
  • Attempts to monopolize study rooms will be considered a breach of the DCC Code of Conduct.
  • The DCC reserves the right to cancel bookings in violation of this policy. 
  • Staff, faculty, and instructors are NOT eligible to book study rooms.

Study Room Use

  • You must claim your room within the first 15 minutes of the booking, or your room may be taken by other eligible users.
  • Study rooms are for group study only. A group consists of 3 or more people.

Please note that:

  • Rooms cannot be booked for use by an individual or less than 3 persons
  • Study rooms should not replace classrooms. Faculty are advised to contact Timetabling at ext. 5354 to reserve classrooms for instruction.

Study Room Access 


In order to access the room, please pick up the room key from DCC-815, DCC Operations Office, located on the 8th floor.


  • Please pick up the key 15 minutes before the start of your booking, and return the key within 15 minutes at the end of your booking.
  • Keys will be available for pick up from 9:00am Monday to Friday. 
  • Bookings start from 9:30am until 4:30pm.
  • Students will need to hand in their OneCard in exchange for a key. The OneCard will be returned to the student when the key is returned.
  • Be sure to lock the door when exiting the study room.
  • Keys will need to be returned by 4:45pm Monday to Friday on the day of your booking. 

Privacy Statement

The Study Room Booking module collects only the minimum amount of information from users necessary to book a room – this includes name and email address. This information is stored on a secure site, and will not be used for any other purpose.


Please direct any questions or concerns to or ext. 544506