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Portrait of Yousef Aleghfeli

Yousef Khalifa Aleghfeli

Research Fellow - Data Science
EducationDPhil, University of Oxford
Areas of ExpertiseData science, demographics, mixed methods, refugee education, migrant children and families

Yousef Khalifa Aleghfeli is Research Fellow in data science and migration, where they lead projects that measure current and future population growth in Canada using various demographic and migration methods, simulate policy relevant migration scenarios using various demographic projection models, and assess migration's impact on national, provincial and local population systems, particularly education and social care systems. Yousef's strengths lie in their ability to integrate large quantitative data using R with large qualitative data using NVivo and to answer complex social research inquiries.

Prior to joining CERC Migration, Yousef worked as Research Officer for the Rees Centre (external link)  at the University of Oxford's Department of Education advising UK local authorities on strategic planning, financial management, and data systems management for enhanced delivery of child and youth services. Yousef also worked as Research Officer for TalkTogether (external link) , a research programme on child development in the Global South at the University of Oxford, and as Research Fellow for HERE (external link)  (Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe), a research programme on refugee and forced migrant education in the Europe, at the Centre for International Education Research (external link)  at the University of Nottingham.

Yousef completed their DPhil in Education at the University of Oxford, where they wrote on the educational resilience of unaccompanied and separated children (UASCs) by investigating the educational trajectories, outcomes, and experiences of UASCs in Jordan and Greece. Prior to their doctoral studies, Yousef gained extensive experience working in research, policy, and data analytics for various NGOs, governments, and United Nations agencies internationally. Yousef also holds a Master of Education from Harvard University, a Master of Public Administration from Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from the American University of Sharjah in the UAE.

Yousef sits as an editorial board member for Learning and Instruction (external link)  (IF: 6.2), a journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, and is also a reviewer for Educational Research Review (2022 IF: 11.7), Genus: Journal of Population Sciences (2022 IF: 3.8), Contemporary Social Science (2022 IF: 2.4), Globalisation, Societies and Education (2022 IF: 2.2), the Oxford Review of Education (2022 IF: 2.0), among other journals. Yousef has also taught at the University of Oxford and was named as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK in recognition for their teaching practice. Yousef continues to be a research affiliate of the Rees Centre (external link)  and the TalkTogether (external link)  programme at the University of Oxford and of the Centre for International Education Research (external link)  at the University of Nottingham. 

Recent Publications

Aleghfeli, Y. K., McIntyre, J., Hunt, L., & Stone, C. (2024). Safety, belonging, and success in education for refugees in Europe: a systematic review. European Journal of Education. (external link) 

Aleghfeli, Y. K. (2024). Inclusive Teaching and Learning Practices That Promote and Protect Reading and Science Literacy for Palestinian Children. Education Sciences14(11), 1145. (external link) 

Aleghfeli, Y. K., & Nag, S. (2024). Exploring socio-ecological factors that support the navigation and negotiation of education by unaccompanied and separated children in Greece. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1–19. (external link) 

Hunt, L., Aleghfeli, Y. K., McIntyre, J., & Stone, C. (2023). Refugees' gendered experiences of education in Europe since 2015: A scoping review. Review of Education, 11(3), e3441. (external link) 

Aleghfeli, Y. K. (2023). Examining socio-ecological factors contributing to the promotion and protection of education for unaccompanied and separated children in Jordan. Children and Youth Services Review, 107182. (external link) 

Aleghfeli, Y. K., & Hunt, L. (2022). Education of unaccompanied refugee minors in high-income countries: Risk and resilience factors. Educational Research Review, 100433. (external link) 

Feinstein, L., Aleghfeli, Y. K., Buckley, C., Gilhooly, R., & Kohli, R. K. (2021). Conceptualising and measuring levels of risk by immigration status for children in the UK. Contemporary Social Science16(5), 538-555. (external link) 

Aleghfeli, Y. K. (2021). Conceptualizing educational resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning10(1).


Aleghfeli, Y. K. (2024). Inclusive Teaching and Learning Strategies for Palestinian Unaccompanied and Separated Children (external link) Critical Refugee Studies.

Aleghfeli, Y. K. (2024). 5 Strategies make education refugee-inclusive Ukrainian students. (external link)  Global Partnership for Education, World Bank.