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Triandafyllidou, A. (2024). Migration and Globalisation: Dynamics and Contradictions (external link) . In A. Triandafyllidou (Ed.), Handbook of Migration and Globalisation, pp. 1-24. London: E. Elgar Publishing.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2023). Irregular migration and migration control policies (external link) . In I. V. Liempt, J. Schapendonk & A. Campos-Delgado (Eds.), Research Handbook on Irregular Migration, pp. 14-24. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2023). The research memoir of an intra-EU migrant who has become a guest in a settler colonial state (external link) . In J. Sladkova, Y. Hernández-Albújar, M. Gemignani (Eds.), Migrant scholars researching migration: Reflexivity, subjectivity, and biography in research (external link) , pp. 141-151. London: Routledge. This chapter was republished upon kind permission of Routledge in: A. Kumar and A. Triandafyllidou (Eds.) Migration and Identity through Creative Writing (external link) , pp. 245-259 Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2022). Migration and the pandemic emergency (external link) . In A. Triandafyllidou (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies (external link) , pp. 82-94. London: Routledge.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2022). Migrant smuggling (external link) . In A. Triadafyllidou (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies (external link) , pp. 426-433. London: Routledge.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2022). Spaces of solidarity and spaces of exception: Migration and membership during pandemic times (external link) . In A. Triandafyllidou (Ed.), Migration and Pandamics (external link) , pp. 3-21. Springer, IMISCOE Series.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2022). Migration and the Nation (external link) . In P. Scholten (Ed.), Introduction to Migration Studies (external link) , pp. 207-218. Springer IMISCOE series.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2022). Nationalism: The concept and its varieties (external link) . In R. Zapata-Barrero, D. Jacobs, R. Kastoryano (Eds.), Contested Concepts in Migration Studies (external link) , pp. 201-213. London: Routledge.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2022). The Multicultural Idea and Western Muslims (external link) . In R. Tottoli. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Islam in the West (external link) , pp. 231-246. London: Routledge.
Triandafyllidou, A., & Magazzini, T. (2021). Governing religious diversity: Comparative insights from four continents. In A. Triandafyllidou & T. Magazzini (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity (external link, opens in new window) .
Triandafyllidou, A., & Magazzini, T. (2021). The governance of religious diversity: Challenges and responses. In A. Triandafyllidou & T. Magazzini (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity (external link, opens in new window) .
CERC Migration produces its own policy brief series, curated by Naomi Alboim, Senior Policy Fellow, CERC Migration, and Anna Triandafyllidou, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration. The series can be viewed as a collection here.
Ahouga, Y. (PDF file) Migration Governance and Data Saturation: Is less more? (opens in new window) CERC Migration Policy Brief 09, Sept. 2022.
Akbar, M., Deegan, H., and Aziz, A. (PDF file) Labour migration policies: case study series Canada (external link) . Picum, March. 2022.
Akbar, M. (PDF file) Ensuring the Success of International Students: A collaborative model between governments, post-secondary institutions and the settlement sector. CERC Migration Policy Brief 08, Aug. 2022.
Akbar, M. and Preston, V. (2020) Social Characteristics of International Students in Ontario and Quebec (external link) , Policy Preview, Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC-IRMU) Project.
Alboim, N., Cohl, K., (PDF file) Expanding Refugee Pathways to Canada: Strategies for welcoming Afghan and other refugees. CERC Migration Policy Brief 05, Nov. 2021.
Alboim, N., Cohl, K., and Pham, T., (PDF file) Equitable Access: Implementing the Temporary Resident to Permanent Resident Pathway (opens in new window) . CERC Migration Policy Brief 03, Jun. 2021.
Alboim, N., Cohl, K., Akbar, M. (2024) (PDF file) Ontario colleges and international students: A pivotal time. (opens in new window) CERC Migration Policy Brief 18, Feb. 2024.
Alboim, N., Cohl, K., Atlin, J., and Flecker, K. (2022) (PDF file) Globally trained local talent: Opening pathways for internationally educated professions to strengthen Ontario's health care system. (opens in new window) CERC Migration Policy Brief 07, Mar. 2022.
Alboim, N., Macklin, A. and Triandafyllidou, A. (2023) (PDF file) Out of the shadows: A proposal for the regularization of migrants without status in Canada. CERC Migration Policy Brief 12, Feb. 2023.
Ali, M.A. (PDF file) Towards a Unified Model of Refugee Resettlement. CERC Migration Policy Brief 04, Sept. 2021.
Angeli, D. & Papadopoulos, V. (PDF file) Saving lives at sea: Learning through failure or failing to learn? CERC Migration Policy Brief 16, Aug. 2023.
Arous, R. (2023) (PDF file) Towards a better implementation of the UNHCR urban refugee policy CERC Migration Policy Brief 13, May 2023.
Banerjee, R. and Hiebert, D. (2021) (PDF file) Leveraging human resources for long-term prosperity: Expanding pathways to permanence for lower-skill temporary workers in Canada. CERC Migration Policy Paper 02, and (PDF file) Executive Summary Policy Brief 02, May 2021.
Castaneda, R. A. & Niraula, A. (2023) The cost of mobility: International Students in the Tertiary Level (external link) . IOM: Migration Policy Practice.
Everaert, I. G., Rodríguez, O. & Masferrer, C. (2023) (PDF file) Improving outcomes for displaced populations in Mexico. CERC Migration Policy Brief 14, June 2023.
Heylin, R. and Triandafyllidou, A. (2023) (PDF file) Regularizations of migrants without status in Europe: Scope, impact and lessons learned. CERC Migration Policy Brief 11, Feb. 2023. (PDF file) Régularisations de migrants sans statut en Europe : Étendue, effet et leçons tirées
Kelly, M., Brown, N., and Esses, V. M. (2022) (PDF file) Improving the Attraction and Retention of Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals in Small and Rural Communities. CERC Migration Policy Brief 06, Jan. 2022.
Olakpe, O. and Sambe, M. (2024) (PDF file) Rethinking EU-Africa Migration Cooperation. CERC Migration Policy Brief 17, Jan. 2024.
Palumbo, L. (2023) (PDF file) Agri-food systems, migrant labour and exploitation in Southern and Northern Europe. CERC Migration Policy Brief 10, Jan. 2023.
Şahin-Mencütek, Z. (2024) (PDF file) Durable Solutions for Syrian Refugees: Safe, Voluntary Returns and Beyond. CERC Migration Policy Brief 21, May 2024.
Smith, C.D. and Wagner, D. (2021) (PDF file) How Canada can address skills shortages by improving access to economic pathways for refugees and displaced people in Latin America, opens in new window. CERC Migration Policy Brief 01, Apr. 2021.
Triandafyllidou, A., Bartolini, L. and Guidi, C. F. (2019) Exploring the Links Between Enhancing Regular Pathways and Discouraging Irregular Migration (external link) ; A discussion paper to inform future policy deliberations, Geneva: IOM.
Triandafyllidou, A. and Nalbandian, L. (2020) (PDF file) Covid-19 and the transformation of migration and mobility globally – “Disposable” and “essential”: Changes in the global hierarchies of migrant workers after COVID-19 (external link) . For the series “think pieces” from IOM’s Migration Research High Level Advisers. PUB2020/056/L Geneva: IOM.
Wright, C.F. and Clibborn, S. (2024) (PDF file) Fixing a broken system? Reforming Australia's work and study visas. CERC Migration Policy Brief 23, Nov. 2024.
The Working Papers Series is produced jointly by the Toronto Metropolitan Centre for Immigration and Settlement (TMCIS) and the CERC in Migration and Integration. The list below are those papers produced by the researchers of the CERC Migration team. Here is a complete list of Working Papers.
Adugna, G. (2021/8). (PDF file) Understanding the forced repatriation of Ethiopian migrant workers from the Middle East
Ahouga, Y. (external link) (2021/7). (PDF file) Implementing the UN Global Compacts by Institutionalising a New Hybrid Organisational Form
Ahouga, Y. (2021/5). (PDF file) Transforming the International Organisation for Migration: An Analysis of the IOM Strategic Vision
Akbar, M. and Preston, V. (2020/10). (PDF file) Labour Market Challenges and Entrepreneurial Activities of Bangladeshi Immigrant Women in Toronto: A Family Perspective
Aytac, S. E., Parkin, A., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2022). (PDF file) Why are Public Attitudes Towards Immigration in Canada Becoming Increasingly Positive?.
Bauder, H., Dreher, N., Lujan, O., & Asolo, O. (2023). (PDF file) Decolonizing Migration Studies: The Case of Hospitality, Sanctuary, and Solidarity.
Borrelli, E., & Olinto, B. (2022). (PDF file) Migrant Labour in the Agrifood Sector, Ethical Food Label and Certification Schemes: A Literature Review.
Carlaw, J., and Azadah, K. (2024). (PDF file) Pathways to Permanence and Immigration Levels: A Critical Policy Discourse Analysis (CPDA) of Struggles and Limits to Societal Membership for Migrants Amidst and Emerging from COVID-19 (2020-2022) in Canada
Carlaw, J. (2021/1). (PDF file) Unity in Diversity? Neoconservative Multiculturalism and the Conservative Party of Canada
Côté K. (2021/11). (PDF file) Meaningful and Inclusive Engagement: Are We There Yet? A Case Study of Scarborough Neighbourhood Improvement Areas (NIAs) Participatory Processes
Dreher, N., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2023). (PDF file) Digital Nomads: Toward a Future Research Agenda.
Jung, J., Hudson, G. & Bauder, H. (2024/02). (PDF file) Urban sanctuary in Canadian mid-sized cities.
Kianpour, M. (2024/03). (PDF file) Enhancing Workplace Integration of Canadian Newcomers through Social Media.
Massari, A. (2023). (PDF file) The role of images in migration governance. A proposed new theoretical framework and methodological approach.
Mencutek, Z.S. (2020/18). (PDF file) Migration Narratives from Origin and Destination Country Perspectives
Mencutek, Z.S. (2020/17). (PDF file) Migration Narratives in Policy and Politics
Mencutek, Z. S. (2021/2). (PDF file) Narratives on Returning Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Irregular Migrants
Moghadam, A. (2021/3). (PDF file) Iranian Migrations to Dubai: Constraints and Autonomy of a Segmented Diaspora
Monteiro, S. (2022/2). (PDF file) Social Media and Internet Usage Rates on Employment Outcomes Among Newcomers in Canada
Nalbandian, L., & Dreher, N. (2022/11). (PDF file) Advanced digital technologies in migration management: A review of emerging literature.
Nalbandian, L. (2021/9). (PDF file) Using Machine-Learning to Triage Canada’s Temporary Resident Visa Applications
Nguyen, M. (2020/8). (PDF file) Why Migrants Stay in Small and Mid-Sized Canadian Cities: Towards a New Analytical Framework Using a Life Course Approach
Niraula, A., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2022/9). (PDF file) Highly Skilled Migrant Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: A Literature Review.
Olakpe, O. (2024/6). AU-EU Cooperation on Returns: Understanding Transregional Dialogues and Contesting Regional Mobility Agendas (external link)
Olakpe, O. (2020/13). (PDF file) The Evolution of EU-Africa Migration Partnerships: Lessons in Transnational Migration Governance
Olakpe, O. (2020/2). (PDF file) Undocumented Migrant Communities in Cities: Negotiating Legal and Legitimate Status from Below
Olinto, B. (2022/10) (PDF file) The Challenges of Settlement and Integration: Exploring Canada’s Response to Venezuelan Migration
Perzyna, M., Akbar, M., Ellis, C., Monteiro, S., Nalbandian, L., & Smith, C. D. (2022/13) (PDF file) Immigration policy ‘on the fly’: A critical review of pandemic policymaking in Canada.
Perzyna, M. (2020/15) (PDF file) The Substance of Solidarity: What the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Says About the Global Refugee Regime
Reyna, S. (2024/05) (PDF file) Big Pictures: Capitalism, Imperialism, Climate Change, War, and Migration.
Shivakoti, R. (2024/10) (PDF file) The Governance of Temporary Labour Migration in Asia
Smith, C. D. (2020/16) (PDF file) Extraction, Dependence, and Responsibility-Sharing: Taking Stock of Canada's Role in Western Hemispheric Migration Governance.
Triandafyllidou, A., Veronis, L., Ghio, D., & McLeman, R. (2023). (PDF file) Complex Migration Flows and Multiple Drivers: What Do We Know?