CERC Scholars of Excellence

The CERC Scholars of Excellence program invites up to four scholars each year to join the CERC Migration program for one to three months. Scholars are internationally recognized researchers who can contribute to one of the CERC’s four research streams. While working on the Toronto Metropolitan University campus, Scholars will deliver a lecture and seminar, mentor graduate students and young scholars, and contribute to conferences, workshops and new research proposals. The CERC Scholars of Excellence program brings complementary perspectives and expertise to the CERC Migration program and creates lasting collaborations through the CERC’s expanding global network.

Professor, Waseda University

Associate Professor, Università Ca' Foscari

Executive Director of the African Migration and Development Policy Centre (AMADPOC)
Past Scholars of Excellence
Diego Acosta Arcarazo, Professor, European and Migration Law, University of Bristol
Maruja Milagros B. Asis, Senior Researcher and former Director at the Scalabrini Migration Center
Oliver Bakewell, Reader in Migration Studies, University of Manchester
Naika Foroutan, Professor of Social Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Co-Founder and Head of Department at the Berlin Institute on Integration and Migration (BIM), Director and Founding Board Member at the German Center for Integration and Migration (DeZIM)
Gioconda Herrera, Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO)
Daniel Hiebert, Professor Emeritus of Geography, University of British Columbia
Binod Khadria, Professor and Chairperson, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Thomas Lacroix, Director of research in geography, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Marcela Tapia Ladino, Profesora Titular, Directora del Doctorado en Estudios Transfronterizos del Instituto de Estudios
Gurpreet Mahajan, Former Professor, Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Tariq Modood, Professor and Director, Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol
Mireille Paquet, Research Chair on the Politics of Immigration, Concordia University and Scientific Director of the Équipe de recherche sur l’immigration au Québec et ailleurs
Nicola Piper, Professor of International Migration and British Academy Global Professor Fellow, Queen Mary University of London
S. Irudaya Rajan, Chairman, International Institute of Migration and Development, Kerala
Stephen Reyna, Research Partner, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Pragna Rugunanan, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Johannesburg
Nina Glick Schiller, Emeritus Professor, University of Manchester, UK and University of New Hampshire, USA
Nasra M. Shah, Professor of Migration and Development, Lahore School of Economics
Joseph Teye, Associate Professor and Director, Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana
Brenda Yeoh, Raffles Professor and Director, Humanities and Social Science Research Office of Deputy President (Research & Technology), National University of Singapore