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Reading Week Hours
Tu Feb 18 - Th Feb 20 10am to 3pmĀ 
Closed Monday and Friday

Borrowing from the EDC

How to Make a Reservation

  1. All patrons (students, staff & faculty) must be a part of The Creative School
    • For students this means enrolled in courses for the current academic term
  2. Complete the  (google form) EDC Liability Form (external link, opens in new window)  - this is your Signature on File
  3. Make a Reservation in person or via the EDC Patron Portal (external link, opens in new window) 
  4. Pick up your equipment or key from the EDC at the reservation start time
  5. Check your equipment to ensure it works and you have everything on your checkout before leaving the EDC vicinity (fines will result if equipment is lost or damaged)
  6. Return your equipment or keys to the EDC (or Keytracer) on or before your scheduled return time

Renewals & Extensions

If you need to renew or extend your checkout use the Patron Portal (external link, opens in new window)  or come in person to the EDC.  

You MUST be able to return the equipment if the renewal is not possible.  Fines will be applied if you are late because you can't renew. 

Renewals are NEVER guaranteed!

We do not extend checkouts via email.


Patrons can cancel reservations by logging into the Patron Portal (external link)  or in person at the EDC.

An email confirming the cancelled allocation will automatically be sent to the patron.

Please cancel as it frees up the limited supply of equipment we have for other students to use. 

Equipment Unavailable

Due to issues beyond the EDC's control, reservations can occasionally be cancelled due to the resources becoming unavailable. 

  • Resources are offline due to repair, urgent maintenance, or loss
  • Reservations made via Patron Portal contain errors or issues that conflict with EDC policies
  • Resource may be a late or have not been returned by another patron

The EDC will do our best to avoid cancelling reservations.

When possible, comparable resources will be substituted for the resources unavailable.

Gear Checks

It is the patrons responsibility to make sure they received all items from their reservation before leaving the EDC.

Patrons must test all equipment before leaving the EDC area, checks should be completed in the hall outside the EDC.

While the EDC regularly inspects the equipment, during times of high volume this is not always possible. 


If you believe you should have the necessary authorizations for specific recourses and don't, please email (opens in new window) 

If you are experiencing issues with the Patron Portal for not having a Signature on File, you must complete the  (google form) EDC Liability Form (external link, opens in new window) .

Students who are not enrolled in Creative School courses (i.e. Undergrad students during the Summer, students from different faculties, Alumni who have graduated, departments outside of The Creative School) are not permitted to use equipment for facilities.

Patrons are people who use the EDC.  

Picking Up & Returning

All reservations are to be picked up and returned to the EDC during operational hours (except for Keytracer reservations).

Patrons must bring their OneCard when picking up a reservation. Only patrons listed on the allocation are allowed to pick up the reservation. Lending OneCards out is not permitted and the patron who made the reservation must be present to pick it up.  To avoid this, please add accompanying patrons to the order when reserving. 

After a reservation has been checked out patrons will receive an automatic email confirmation to their TMU email. This email list the details of the allocation:

  • List all the items checked out
  • Pick-up time
  • Return time

Patrons must check the equipment before they leave the vicinity of the EDC to ensure that all equipment is accounted for and functions correctly. Report any missing, damage, or inoperable equipment to the EDC immediately.  Please verify all equipment is present in your order before leaving. 

Patrons should note their return time to avoid a late fine (opens in new window) .

Be sure to return your items to the EDC on time.

EDC Staff will process your return and you will receive a confirmation email once all items on your allocation have been returned. If you have multiple allocations (CK numbers), you will receive an email for each allocation.

If you do not receive a confirmation email of return and start receiving late emails, please contact the EDC - do not let a fine increase.

It is your responsibility to know when the equipment and facilities checked out under your name are due, and to ensure they are returned on time. Late returns will be subject to a fine (opens in new window) .