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A Guide to Academic Integrity and Misconduct

It may be obvious that cheating during an exam is committing academic misconduct, but some students are unaware of many other ways of compromising academic integrity. It can be confusing, but it is a student's responsibility to know what standards of conduct are expected of them in university.

Students can learn about this in many ways, including professors and teaching assistants, and by visiting the Academic Integrity Office website. Explore the following resources to get started:

Students are encouraged to seek support through the many related resources available if anything remains unclear.

Academic Integrity Module

Making the right decisions about academic integrity isn't always easy. Sometimes it requires real courage in the face of peer pressure, and a commitment to consider, and then live by, your own values. The short simulations include three interactive stories that will let you experience what it's like to be faced with pressure to cheat,  to consider how you would choose and see the consequences that might flow from different choices. The simulations have been created by Choice Point Solutions Inc. and will take about 5 minutes each to complete. To gain your TedPoints, please ensure to complete the feedback survey at the end of the module.

Policy and processes

Below are documents that define academic integrity and misconduct, explain the processes the university will follow when academic misconduct is suspected and the penalties and other consequences that may be imposed if students are found to have engaged in academic misconduct.

If you have any questions about academic integrity, are concerned with the academic integrity of a particular situation or would like to consult about a suspicion/finding of academic misconduct, contact the Academic Integrity Office.