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Anna rests her head in her hand

Anna Marie Kopacek


Anna Marie Kopacek (she/her), is a Canadian actor, and overall theatre artist based in Toronto. She strives to tell stories that dissect humanity down to it’s core, and shed the layers to reveal what makes us human.

During her time at Toronto Metropolitan University, she has had the privilege of working with, and learning from insturtors such as Cynthia Ashperger, Cole lewis, Nicola Correia-Damude, Philippa Domville, Marianne McIsaac, Tim Welham, Sheldon Rosen and many more. She also had the pleasure of playing Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire, and Irina in The Gull, a new adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull, translated and directed by Cole Lewis, in partnership with Tarragon.

Anna is beyond grateful to have been part of this ensemble for the past four years. Over the years she has learned the power of what theatre can do through watching her classmates. She is excited to be entering the industry, to meet more people, experience new things, and to tell more stories. Developing the capacity of empathy has allowed her to “feel the exquisite living pleasure of transmitting (a character’s) feelings to an audience. It’s an actor’s singular joy.”


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