Connect to Services

If you have been affected by sexual violence and/or other forms of gender-based violence, know that it is not your fault.
Consent Comes First is here for you. Our team can connect you to services, help you think through your options and take a breath. We provide support to Toronto Metropolitan students and, in some cases, alumni who have been affected by sexual violence and gender-based violence. It doesn't matter when with who, or how the violence occurred; we are here to listen and support. To learn more about our services, click here.
With your consent, we can help you with the following:
- Understanding the reporting options available to you
- Navigating systems and resources within the university and the community
- Connecting and accompaniment to legal, housing or health services
- Coordinating academic considerations and workplace accommodations
- Connecting to financial support
- Providing safety planning (online, physical, emotional)
- Exploring self-care resources
- Referrals to counselling, health services & legal support
- Coordinating translation and interpretation support
- Providing communication support (ghostwritten emails, brainstorming how to have difficult conversations, responding to harassment)
- Meeting with parents/partners and loved ones
Below are community services based in the GTA for people affected by sexual violence and gender-based violence. We know that they may not cover the needs that some people have. Please get in touch with Consent Comes First at, to support you in finding services tailored to your needs, navigating supports, and help you determine what would be helpful.
Consent Comes First (Office of Sexual Violence Support and Education)
T: 416.979.5000 ext.3596 E:
You have access to our support regardless if you were impacted by sexual violence that happened on- or off-campus, or if you experienced sexual violence before you came to Toronto Metropolitan University.
With your consent we can help you with:
- Navigating systems and resources within the university and the community
- Self-care resources
- Academic considerations and workplace accommodations
- Referrals to counselling and medical services
- Understanding the reporting options available
- Safety Planning
Other On-Campus Resources
- Security (opens in new window) : 24-hour emergency response, including crisis intervention/emergency management and referral. They provide safety planning and can assist you in making a report to the police if you choose to. Walk Safe program and free self-defence courses available. Dial (80) from internal phones or call 416-979-5040
- Centre for Student Development and Counselling: Provides confidential, on-campus, individual and group counselling. 416-979-5195
- Toronto Metropolitan Medical Centre: You can obtain medical attention at the Toronto Metropolitan Medical Centre during regular business hours but they cannot provide specialized sexual assault care. They can test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or pregnancy. If necessary, referrals to local hospitals or specialists can be arranged. Payment through OHIP or a similar out-of province insurance plan is required. 416-979-5070
- Housing and Residence Life: Direct connection to the professional staff Residence Life On Call personnel, Residence Advisors (RA) on-call and/or Residence Service Desk (RSD) Agents; personal connection/referrals to the Office of Sexual Violence Support and Education, and the Centre for Student Development and Counselling. 416-979-5000, ext. 5284
- Gdoo-maawnjidimi Mompii Indigenous Student Services: A culturally supportive environment where all First Nations, Aboriginal, Inuit, Metis, status and non-status students can balance academic learning with traditional teachings. 416-979-5000, ext. 7699
- Academic Accommodation Support: Academic accommodation support for students who have singular or multiple disabilities such as learning disabilities, sensory impairments, acquired brain injuries, ADHD, and mental health, medical, and mobility issues.
- Human Rights Services (opens in new window) : Support for the Toronto Metropolitan community, promoting a study, work and living environment free of discrimination and harassment based on prohibited grounds (e.g. race, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, etc.). Human Rights Services manages an informal and formal complaint process. 416-979-5349
- Toronto Metropolitan Students' Union (TMSU) Centre for Safer Sex & Sexual Violence Support (external link, opens in new window)
- Toronto Metropolitan Students' Union (TMSU) Legal Advice and Referral Services: Legal advice related to family and criminal law, legal procedures and documents, and dealings with lawyers. 416-979-5255
- Continuing Education Students' Association of X University (CESAX) Students Rights Coordinator: CESAX's Student Rights Coordinator can assist with grade appeals or standing, charges of academic misconduct or other issues at the university. They can guide you through the university's policies to protect your student rights. 416-979-5000 ext. 1-7056
- Ombudsperson Office: A confidential information, advice and assistance resource for those who wish to address what they believe to be unfair treatment at the university. 416-979-5000, ext. 7450
- Women’s College Hospital Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre (external link, opens in new window) : If you have been assaulted within the past week, this support is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Women, men, and trans people who are survivors of sexual assault and/or domestic/intimate partner violence can access this support. 416-323-6040
- Sexual Assault Centres in Ontario (external link, opens in new window) : Confidential and free counselling to survivors of recent and historical sexual assault throughout Ontario. Contact a centre to ask about individual or group counselling. Also provide 24-hour, confidential crisis line to reach a counsellor by phone.
- Victim Services Toronto (external link, opens in new window) : Assists people in crisis, 24-hours a day, seven days a week in the immediate aftermath of crime or tragedy. 416-808-7066
- Good2Talk (external link, opens in new window) : 24/7 confidential helpline for post-secondary students in Ontario providing referrals about services and supports for mental health, addictions and well-being. 1-866-925-5454
- LGBT Youth Line (external link, opens in new window) : Provides confidential phone and text support for 2LGBTQA youth, operating Sunday - Friday 4pm - 9:30PM. Phone: 1-800-268-9688 Text: 647-692-0777
- Trans Lifeline (external link, opens in new window) : 24/7 Confidential hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. 1-877-330-6366
- Toronto Police Services (external link, opens in new window) : If you are in immediate danger, call 911. For all other safety issues, call 416-808-2222.
- Family Service Toronto (external link, opens in new window) : Provides professional, short-term, individual, couple and family counseling for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer (LGBTQ). 416-595-9618
- Central Toronto Youth Services - Pride and Prejudice Program (external link) : Programs for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, Two-Spirit and questioning youth, ages 13-24. Includes "Yo- Yoga" which is an 8-week trauma sensitive yoga program. 416-924-2100
- Paths of Courage Residential Healing Centre (external link, opens in new window) : One-of-a-kind program, pioneered by the Sexual Assault Centre for Quinte & District. This one-week program is free of cost and provides assault survivors with opportunities to heal, transform and become empowered, while surrounded by nature.
- The Gatehouse (external link, opens in new window) : The Gatehouse offers support groups for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse as well as partners. 416-255-5900
- Assaulted Women’s Helpline (external link, opens in new window) : 24-hour telephone support and counselling available in several languages. 416-863-0511
- Barbara Schlifer Clinic (external link, opens in new window) : Provides counselling, legal information, interpreters and referral for women who have been physically or sexually abused. 416-323-9149
- Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Against Rape (external link, opens in new window) : Crisis intervention, counselling and referral for survivors of rape/sexual assault. Open 24 hours. 416-597-8808
- Women’s Support Network of York Region (external link, opens in new window) : Provides free, confidential services for women who have experienced sexual violence. 905-895-7313
- Oasis centre des femmes (external link, opens in new window) : Support for francophone women in the GTA and Halton-Peel who are survivors of sexual assault. 416-591-6565
- Fem'Aide (external link, opens in new window) : Offers French-speaking women who have experienced gender-based violence, support, information and referral to appropriate front-line services within their communities, 24/7. 1-877-336-2433
- Family Service Toronto (opens in new window) : Provides counselling programs for male survivors of sexual violence. Confidential counselling services are provided free-of-charge up to eight sessions. 416-595-9618
- One in Six (external link, opens in new window) : Canada’s knowledge centre on male sexual trauma and recovery.
- Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse (opens in new window) : Provides help for male survivors of sexual abuse, both recent and historical. The program is the first of its kind in Canada and is delivered by agencies across the province. Survivors also have access to a 24-hour, multilingual, toll-free phone line for immediate crisis and referral services. 1-866-887-0015
- Sick Kids’ Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) Program (external link, opens in new window) : Care, support and assessment to children and teenagers who may have been maltreated, and their families. The SCAN Program provides a link between SickKids and community doctors and hospitals, Children's Aid Societies, police, schools and other community agencies. 416-813-6275
- Distress Line — 24/7 line for if you are in crisis, feeling suicidal or in need emotional support (phone: 416–408–4357)
- Good2Talk — 24/7 hour line for postsecondary students (phone: 1–866–925–5454)
- LGBTQ Youth Line 4:00–9:30 PM Sunday-Friday (Toll-Free: 1–800–268–9688 Text: 647–694–4275)
- Trans Lifeline Hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people 24/7 (
Toll free : 1–877–330–6366) - Support Service for Male Survivors of Sexual Assault: 24/7 (Phone: 1–888–887–0015)
(PDF file) A guide for friends and family of survivors of sexual assault (external link, opens in new window) — A great resource to better understanding sexual violence, how you can help, possible effects of the assault, self-care tips for you and the survivor, and more.
Dispelling Myths about Sexual Assault (external link, opens in new window) — A resource that speaks about false ideas that shame and blame survivors of sexual assault for the violence that was committed against them (rather than holding abusers responsible for their actions).
Allies in Healing, By Laura Davis (external link, opens in new window) (Book) — Few books exist that are for supporting loved ones who have experienced sexual violence. This book is meant for partners of survivors of childhood sexual assault but will have important relevant information for anyone who is supporting someone with trauma.
Sexual violence impacts more than just the person who experienced it first-hand. Sometimes, when someone we love has experienced a traumatic event it can cause secondary trauma, or vicarious trauma, to the people around them. It is just as important to take care of yourself as it is to take care of the survivor. Please practice self-care.
- Self-Care for Friends and Family (external link, opens in new window) — For tips on how to take care of yourself while supporting your child
- Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others (external link, opens in new window) (book) by Connie Burk and Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
- 11 Truths Every Survivor of Intimate Partner Violence Needs to Know (external link, opens in new window)
- 6 Ways to Confront Your Friend Who’s Abusing their Partner (external link, opens in new window)
- 5 Common Ways Our Communities Fail to Address Intimate Partner Violence (external link, opens in new window)
- (PDF file) The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities (external link, opens in new window)
- Allies in Healing: When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child by Laura Davis
- The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, 20th Anniversary Edition by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis. A workbook is also available.
- Victims No Longer: The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse by Mike Lew