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Web view Card

The Web view card (external link)  is used to embed an external website into the card, with multiple embedding options, such as:

  • Built-in Webview – displays the web page in the device’s browser without the ability to customize, as the web page is set as source and is not embedded.

  • XHR Proxy – uses XMLHttpRequest (XHR) proxy to by-pass some browser security settings, to display websites that do not allow embedding.

  • Basic Authentication – allows web pages with basic authentication using the XHR proxy method.

  • Iframe – uses the most basic way to embed web pages, and only works if the web page allows embedding. It may not work for websites that do not allow embedding, such as social media web sites.

The card also includes the following website scaling options:

  • Fit to screen – matches the web page display with the screen resolution and size.

  • Custom size – displays the web page at a custom screen resolution and size.

  • Custom size with crop – displays only a particular section of the web page.

Creating a Web view card in Appspace

There are various options in the appspace Web View card template (screengrab below) so you can customize the look to match your needs.

Visit Appspace Knowledge Center for step by step creating of a Web View card (external link) .

appspace card - webview interface