Funding & Awards

Faculty-wide awards
The Faculty of Arts offers multiple awards that recognize students for their academic excellence, as well as their community involvement. Whether you demonstrate high academic skills, strong community engagement, participate in research or are in financial need, there is an award for you! Explore what each award has to offer and find out if you qualify.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and restricted SRC travel and dissemination opportunities, the Faculty of Arts Graduate Student Travel Grant will consider registration for virtual conferences an eligible expense.
The Graduate Student Travel Grant is intended to encourage graduate students to present their original research at a regional, national or international conference or equivalent academic events. This is a continuous intake program. Virtual conference registration fees are eligible.
Eligibility / To apply, you must be:
- A registered full‐time student in a Faculty of Arts graduate program at the time of application and conference attendance; or registered full‐time student in an Arts-affiliated graduate program where the student's supervisor is a faculty member in the Faculty of Arts.
- In good academic standing at the time of application and conference attendance.
- An active participant (e.g. speaker, poster presenter, member of a panel or round table) in an event relevant to your academic program.
Amount / Eligible students may apply for up to $200, but must have matching funds from their program, up to the maximum requested. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of other funding opportunities available at Toronto Metropolitan University (see application form for details). The total amount of funding from the Faculty of Arts that can be granted to any individual student in a Graduate Program in the Faculty of Arts (including Arts Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs) in an academic year shall not exceed $200. Each paper/presentation is eligible for one grant application.
Review Process / The Dean of Arts and the Associate Dean of Arts, Research & Graduate Studies will adjudicate the applications. Graduate Program Directors and/or Faculty of Arts SRC Committee members will be consulted if additional expertise is needed. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
Deadline / Intake for the Graduate Student Travel Grant is continuous and there is no application deadline. Please complete the on-line application form and include a brief description that outlines the following: project/event description; the impact of the support to your SRC program and/or for the Faculty of Arts; and budget details including specific costs estimates. The on-line application form must be submitted along with:
- Proof of presenting at the event (e.g. copy of acceptance letter or e-mail from conference organizers)
- A copy of your submitted abstract
- Note: If travelling outside of Canada you must provide Toronto Metropolitan University International e-mail indicating registration with International SOS. For information regarding Toronto Metropolitan University International risk management procedures for students travelling abroad, please consult (opens in new window) .
Completed applications must be submitted to the Faculty of Arts. You must also submit original receipts, boarding passes and other appropriate documentation to your graduate program administrator within 60 working days of the event/conference to initiate payment.
Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in all materials such as articles, books, posters, or presentations by including the Faculty of Arts logo (which we can provide) and with statements such as the following. “The preparation of this [index/article/chapter/book/study/conference presentation, etc.] was supported with a grant provided by the Office of the Dean of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University.”
Requirements and Limitations / The Faculty of Arts retains the right to refuse expenses deemed not eligible for reimbursement under this grant. For example, the Faculty of Arts will not reimburse the purchase of alcohol, even if consumed as part of meal.
The Graduate Special Event Grant aims to help support a special graduate student event, workshop, conference, film/music event, a speaker/lecture/readings series, etc. It is not intended for events that should be covered by the Graduate Program’s operating budget.
Eligibility / The applicant must be:
- A registered full‐time student in a Faculty of Arts graduate program at the time of application and event; or registered full‐time student in an Arts-affiliated graduate program where the student's supervisor is a faculty member in the Faculty of Arts.
- In good academic standing at time of the event.
- The principal organizer of the event, which must be relevant to your academic program.
Amount / Eligible students may apply for up to $200, but must have matching funds from their program, up to the maximum requested. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of other funding opportunities available at Toronto Metropolitan University (see application form for details). The total amount of funding that can be granted to any individual student in a Graduate Program in the Faculty of Arts (including Arts Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs) in an academic year shall not exceed $200. Each event is eligible for one grant application. Detailed budgets are required.
Review Process / The Dean of Arts and the Associate Dean of Arts, Research & Graduate Studies will adjudicate the applications. Graduate Program Directors and/or Faculty of Arts SRC Committee members will be consulted if additional expertise is needed. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
Deadline / Intake for the Graduate Special Event Grant is continuous and there is no application deadline. Please complete the on-line application form and include a brief description that outlines the following: project/event description; budget details including specific costs estimates; and in the case of event sponsorship, explanation of all other funding sources with amounts.
Completed applications must be submitted to the Faculty of Arts. You must also submit original receipts, and other appropriate documentation to your graduate program administrator within 60 working days of the event/conference to initiate payment. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in all materials such as articles, books, posters, or presentations by including the Faculty of Arts logo (which we can provide) and with statements such as the following. 4 “This [lecture/conference/reading/workshop, event, regional meeting, speaker series, etc.] was supported with a grant provided by the office of the Dean of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University.”
Requirements and Limitations / The event must conform to Faculty of Arts and Toronto Metropolitan University policies. The Faculty of Arts retains the rights to publicity materials from the event. The Faculty of Arts also retains the right to refuse expenses deemed not eligible for reimbursement under the program (e.g., alcohol and entertainment).
The Geoffrey F. Bruce Fellowship is designed to generate research recommendations that shape public policy related to freshwater resources in Canada. Research projects should be rooted in the social sciences and contribute to interdisciplinary analysis and discussion of freshwater governance and policy in Canada. More details are available (PDF file) here (opens in new window) .
Amount / $25,000 annually in fellowships to fund up to 2 graduate projects in Canadian water policy. Fellowships may be held for up to 2 years.
Areas of Research / Examples of eligible areas of research include (but are not limited to): aspects of freshwater as political, economic or strategic resource; transboundary water governance; water quality/quantity; water security; water export/sale; water privatization.
Deadline / September 30th, each year.
To recognize academic excellence and to provide support for up to two incoming students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Public Policy and Administration Program, Toronto Metropolitan University.
The St. George’s Society of Toronto – the city’s oldest charity – was founded in 1834 to provide newcomers with food, doctors, and other necessary services. As the Society is a great supporter of education, funds have been allocated to create up to two entrance awards for incoming full‐ time Master’s students in the Public Policy and Administration Program at Toronto Metropolitan University. These awards are a fitting tribute to Mr. William Davis, who devoted his entire career to public service.
The endowed fund will provide income for up to two annual entrance awards of up to $4,500 each. The actual amount of the awards will be dependent upon the income earned and the disbursement rate established by the Toronto Metropolitan University Board of Governors.
The MPPA Graduate Program Council’s Admissions, Scholarships, and Awards Committee will review applications for this award. However, if, in the opinion of the Committee, no applicant(s) meet the outlined criteria in any given year, the award shall not be conferred that year.