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Grants & Funding

Four students conversing and laughing.

The Faculty of Arts offers a range of internal grants to support faculty members in conference travel, event hosting, publication and research.  These grants are adjudicated by the SRC Committee with members drawn from the different departments in the Faculty of Arts. For information regarding specific internal grants or to apply for the grants, please consult the section below.

The Faculty of Arts Research Accounts Support Officer (RASO) provides support to researchers with external research grants.  For reimbursement instructions and forms, please see the appropriate section below.

Deadline: January 6, 2023

Purpose: The Bruce Postdoctoral Fellowship will support one of Canada’s next environment and freshwater research and policy leaders. The candidate should be committed to leading-edge scholarly and policy contributions through interdisciplinary and inter-institutional initiatives, scholarly and policy publications and submissions, contributions to public forums and discussions, and media commentary related to environment and freshwater governance in Canada. 

Amount: $70 000 annually funding one postdoctoral project in Environment and Canadian Freshwater Policy including benefits plus a $5,000 research fund. Fellowship may be held for one (1) year.

Deadline / Continuous intake.

Purpose / Small Travel Grants will assist with the dissemination of SRC at local conferences, workshops, and related professional meetings. These grants are not intended to “top‐up” the larger Faculty of Arts Travel Grants. There is an expectation that the presentations will lead to publication, in whole or part, of the research presented.

Eligibility / The Arts Small Travel grant is targeted for faculty members for whom research related activities are part of their contractual obligations. The SRC Committee will give priority to faculty members not holding current grants. Applicants will be asked to explain the relationship between currently held grants (internal and external) and travel grant requests and to disclose any potential overlaps. All TG applications must include a brief 1‐paragraph summary of the paper/presentation and any communication received from the conference organizers confirming acceptance. Any paper, poster, or communication previously funded for travel by the Faculty of Arts will not be eligible for further funding. Virtual conference registration fees are eligible.

Amount / The funds are for up to $500 and can be used only for the purpose of the specific conference/meeting identified in the application. Unused TG funding cannot be “banked” for other SRC travel. The total amount of Small TG funding that can be claimed by an individual faculty member in an academic year shall not exceed $500.

Review Process / The Dean and the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies will adjudicate application and will consult members of the SRC Committee when additional expertise is needed. Competition results are not subject to appeal.

Deadline / There is no deadline for this competition. Please complete the on‐line application form on the Arts website and include a brief description that outlines the following: project/event description; the impact of the support to your SRC program and/or for the Faculty of Arts; and budget details including specific costs estimates. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal. Completed and signed application forms should be sent to Alvin Ying (, Graduate Administration & SRC Coordinator and copied to Dr. Melanie Knight (, Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies for approval.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in all materials such as articles, books, posters, or presentations with statements such as the following: “The preparation of this [index/article/chapter/book/study/conference presentation, etc.] was supported with a grant provided by the Office of the Dean of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University.”  Faculty members are reminded of their Professional Development Allowance that can be used for travel purposes.

Deadline / Continuous intake.

Purpose / The Special Projects Grants program is meant to help scholars bring their SRC activity closer to completion. Project types can include book indexing/manuscript editing, publication and printing costs, small equipment. For special events, conferences, speaker series and workshops, please apply to the Special Events Grant.

Eligibility / The Arts Special Projects grant is targeted for faculty members for whom research related activities are part of their contractual obligations. The intent of the program is to help bring an on-going research project to a successful conclusion such as editorial support for completed articles, chapters, books; research equipment or materials for field, lab, or community research that was not part of a funded grant or start-up award; transcription; translation; reliability coding; and indexing of a book manuscript, etc. Signed contracts and other documentation are required.  Alcohol, travel, entertainment expenses and personal non-research related expenses are ineligible.

Amount / The total amount of SPG funding that can be claimed by an individual faculty member in an academic year shall not exceed $1,500. Detailed budgets are required. Approved grant funding in this category is based on submitted budgets and rationale. Funding cannot be used for another research purpose or banked for future use.

Review Process / The Dean and the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies will adjudicate applications and will consult members of the SRC Committee when additional expertise is needed. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.

Deadline / There is no deadline for this program. Please complete the on‐line application form on the Arts research web site and include a brief description that outlines the following: project description; the impact of the support to your SRC program and for the Faculty of Arts; the manner in which Faculty of Arts students will be engaged; budget details including specific costs estimates; and explanation of all other funding sources with amounts. Completed and signed application forms should be sent to Alvin Ying (, Graduate Administration & SRC Coordinator and copied to Dr. Melanie Knight ( (opens in new window) ), Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies for approval.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in articles, books, posters, presentations or web in the case of events sponsorship with statements such as the following. “The preparation of this [index/article/chapter/book/study, etc.] was supported with a grant provided by the Office of the Dean of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University.”  Faculty members are reminded of their Professional Development Allowance that can be used for any special SRC project.

Deadline / Continuous intake.

Purpose / This grant aims to help support a special departmental event, workshop, conference, film/music event, a speaker/lecture/readings series, etc.

Eligibility / The Arts Special Events grant is targeted for faculty members for whom research related activities are part of their contractual obligations.

Amount / You are eligible to apply for up to $500. Applicants must have matching funds from their department, up to the maximum they are requesting. The total amount of funding that can be requested by an individual faculty member in an academic year shall not exceed $500. Detailed budgets are required. SEGs cannot be used to pay honoraria.

Review Process / The Dean and the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies will adjudicate applications and will consult members of the SRC Committee when additional expertise is needed. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.

Deadline / There is no deadline for this program. Please complete the on‐line application form on the Arts research web site and include a brief description that outlines the following: project/event description; the impact of the support to your SRC program and/or for the Faculty of Arts; the manner in which Faculty of Arts students will be engaged; budget details including specific costs estimates; and in the case of events sponsorship, explanation of all other funding sources with amounts. Completed and signed application forms should be sent to Alvin Ying ( (opens in new window) ), Graduate Administration & SRC Coordinator and copied to Dr. Melanie Knight ( (opens in new window) ), Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies for approval.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in posters, presentations or on the web in the case of events sponsorship with statements such as the following. “This [lecture/conference/reading/workshop, event, regional meeting, speaker series, etc.] was supported with a grant provided by the Office of the Dean of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University.”

About / The Faculty of Arts administers one Black Studies/Anti-Black Racism research grant each academic year (Spring: March 1-March 31).

Purpose / In order to address structural barriers and major research funding gaps in support of critical Black scholarship, the Faculty of Arts invites proposals that support scholarly, research and creative activities relating to Black Studies/anti-Black racism. Funding can be used for primary, archival or oral history research; hosting workshops or conferences; or knowledge mobilization. Grants should contribute to Black Studies/anti-Black racism in these areas (list not exclusive):

  • The histories and/or present day experiences of Africans from the continent of Africa as well as the African diaspora in Canada, the U.S., the Caribbean, Latin America, and elsewhere, related to issues of labour, health, education, family, etc.
  • The various cultural expressive productions (literatures, spoken word, performance, popular culture, etc.).
  • Anti-Black racism in multiple facets of society and/or policy initiatives.

Eligibility / To be eligible for the Black Studies/Anti-Black Racism research grant, research related activities must be part of the applicant’s contractual obligations. Preference will be given to Black-identified faculty, whose work furthers critical Black scholarship/Black Studies/anti-Black racism, has a Black-led community partner(s) in their activities, and faculty working with a Black-identified student(s).

Amount / Applicants can apply for up to a maximum of $10,000.

Eligible Expenses / Eligible expenses under the Black Studies/Anti-Black Racism research grant may include:

  • Personnel (RAs)
  • Expenses related to gathering and analyzing data (including up to $1000 maximum for travel related to data gathering and community consultations)
  • Expenses related to hosting international scholars at TMU
  • Expenses related to hosting local conference and symposia
  • Any other research related expenses

Review Process / The Arts SRC Committee, in addition to the Advisor to the Dean on Blackness and Black Diasporic Education, will adjudicate applications. Competition results are not subject to appeal. Applications will be adjudicated on the following criteria:

  1. Challenge and Feasibility (30%)
    a. Alignment with priorities and contribution to Black Studies/anti-Black racism (15%)
    b. Proposed Timeline (5%)
    c. Proposed Budget (10%)
  2. Contribution to student training and development (30%)
    a. Hiring student or community RAs, with preference for Black-identified RAs (15%)
    b. Student responsibilities, duties and impact on student(s) professional development     (15%)
  3. Knowledge mobilization (30%)
    a. Plans for publications (e.g. journals and timeline) and/or Tri-Council grant applications (with specific grant/timeline) and/or dissemination via events,  presentations (15%)
    b. Impact and relevance for Black-led organizations and/or Black communities. How will findings be accessible to Black communities (students and broader communities)? E.g. TMU library, Archives, and/or via community organization(s), curriculum integration and/or media/video production. Scholars are encouraged to seek support from the Faculty of Arts Community Engaged Learning and Teaching (CELT) coordinator, the TMU library (e.g. digitization) and other services to disseminate project findings (15%)
  4. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessiblity (10%)
    a. Clearly and effectively demonstrates that EDIA was meaningfully considered/reflected in Feasibility and Challenge, Contribution to Student Training, and Development and Knowledge Mobilization (including any of the following: project planning, consultation, team-building/staffing, methods, analysis, project execution, dissemination, community-engagement, etc.) (10%)

Deadline / March 31st. Please complete the Google Form available below using your TMU login.  Please include your CV and other documentation(s) as noted on the form.

Research Ethics / Successful applicants must receive approval from the TMU Research Ethics Board (REB) before conducting research involving humans, the use of animals, controlled goods, and hazardous materials. Successful applicants may request release of up to 50% of their award to conduct preliminary research that does not involve human participants.  Please complete the  (PDF file) PDF file online release form (opens in new window) . Completed and signed release forms should be sent to Alvin Ying ( (opens in new window) ), Graduate Administration & SRC Coordinator and copied to Dr. Melanie Knight ( (opens in new window) ), Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies.

Responsibilities / Successful applicants will be required to submit a Final Research Report to the office of the Associate Dean of Research 3 months after the completion of the project or 18 months after the awarding of the grant, whichever comes first.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in materials such as articles, books, posters, workshops, presentations, or in social media promotion, with statements such as the following: “This [index/article/chapter/book/study, etc.] was supported with a grant provided by the Faculty or Arts at Toronto Metropolitan University.”

Faculty members are reminded of the Professional Development Allowance that can be used for research purposes.  

About / The Faculty of Arts administers one Democracy, Equity and Justice Grant (DEJG) competition each academic year (Winter: March 1-March 31).

Purpose / The Democracy, Equity and Justice Grant seeks to promote equity and human rights research leading to policy change, civic engagement and building community capacity, partnerships and collaborations.

Eligibility / The Democracy, Equity and Justice Grant is targeted for faculty members for whom research related activities are part of their contractual obligations.

Amount / The Democracy, Equity and Justice Grant funds up to $8,000 for direct research support and knowledge mobilization costs.

Eligible Expenses / Eligible expenses under the Democracy, Equity and Justice Grant may include:

  • Personnel (RAs)
  • Expenses related to gathering and analyzing data
  • Expenses related to hosting international scholars at TMU
  • Expenses related to hosting local conference and symposia
  • Research related travel expenses to the amount of $1,000 maximum
  • Any other research related expenses

Review Process / The Faculty of Arts SRC Committee along with the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies will adjudicate applications. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.  Applications will be adjudicated on the following criteria:

  1. Feasibility and challenge (35%)
    1. Alignment with priority of democracy, equity and human rights and contribution to field of research (10%)
    2. Evidence of interdisciplinarity in research methodology and/or internal/external partners (10%)
    3. Proposed timeline (5%)
    4. Proposed budget (10%)
  2. Contribution to student training and development (25%)
    1. Hiring student RAs (5%)
    2. Student responsibility and duties (10%)
    3. Impact on student engagement (10%)
  3. Knowledge mobilization (30%)
    1. Plans for publications, events and presentations (15%)
    2. Potential impact research on community, policy or other stakeholders (15%)
  4. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessiblity (10%)
    1. Clearly and effectively demonstrates that EDIA was meaningfully considered/reflected in Feasibility and Challenge, Contribution to Student Training, and Development and Knowledge Mobilization (including any of the following: project planning, consultation, team-building/staffing, methods, analysis, project execution, dissemination, community-engagement, etc.) (10%)

Deadline / March 31st. Please complete the Google Form available below using your TMU login.  Please include your CV and other documentation(s) as noted on the form.

Research Ethics / Successful applicants must receive approval from the TMU Research Ethics Board (REB) before conducting research involving humans, the use of animals, controlled goods, and hazardous materials.  Successful applicants may request release of up to 50% of their award to conduct preliminary research.  Please complete the  (PDF file) online release form (opens in new window) . Completed and signed release forms should be sent to Alvin Ying ( (opens in new window) ), Graduate Administration & SRC Coordinator and copied to Dr. Melanie Knight ( (opens in new window) ), Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies.

Responsibilities / Successful applicants will be required to submit a Final Research Report to the office of the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies 3 months after the completion of the project or 18 months after the awarding of the grant, whichever comes first.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in all materials, presentations, and publications associated with the Democracy, Equity and Justice Grant with statements such as the following: “The preparation of this [book/article(s)/grant/ etc.] was supported with the Democracy, Equity and Justice Grant by the Office of the Dean of Arts.”

Faculty members are reminded of their Professional Development Allowance that can be used for research and travel purposes.

About / The Faculty of Arts administers one Indigenous Research Grant (IRG) competition each academic year (Fall: October 1 - October 31).

Purpose / The Faculty of Arts in collaboration with the Yellowhead Institute on Indigenous Governance invites proposals that support scholarly, research and creative activities relating to Indigenous Research. Funding can be used for primary, archival or oral history research; hosting workshops or conferences; or land-based knowledge mobilization. It is hoped that the grant contributes in some way to the self-determination aspirations of an Indigenous community.

Eligibility / To be eligible for The Arts Indigenous Research Grant, research related activities must be part of the the applicant’s contractual obligations. While all tenure-stream faculty members with a focus on Indigenous Research (broadly defined) are encouraged to apply, preference will be given to Indigenous faculty, faculty who have an Indigenous community partner in their activities, or faculty working with an Indigenous student(s).

Amount / Applicants can apply for up to a maximum of $10,000.

Eligible Expenses / Eligible expenses under the Indigenous Research Grant may include:

  • Personnel (RAs)
  • Expenses related to gathering and analyzing data
  • Expenses related to hosting international scholars at TMU
  • Expenses related to hosting local conference and symposia
  • Research related travel expenses to the amount of $1,000 maximum
  • Any other research related expenses

Review Process / The Arts SRC Committee, in addition to the Director of the Yellowhead Institute, will adjudicate applications.  Competition results are not subject to appeal. Applications will be adjudicated on the following criteria:

  1. Feasibility and challenge (30%)
    1. Alignment with priority and contribution to Indigenous Research (10%)
    2. Proposed Timeline (10%)
    3. Proposed Budget (10%)
  2. Contribution to student training and development (30%)
    1. Hiring student or community RAs, with preference for Indigenous RAs (10%)
    2. Student responsibility and duties (10%)
    3. Impact on student or Indigenous community engagement (10%)
  3. Knowledge mobilization (30%)
    1. Plans for publications, events, presentations or other creative productions (15%)
    2. Potential impact on Indigenous community goals (15%)
  4. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (10%)
    1. Clearly and effectively demonstrates that EDIA was meaningfully considered/reflected in Feasibility and Challenge, Contribution to Student Training, and Development and Knowledge Mobilization (including any of the following: project planning, consultation, team-building/staffing, methods, analysis, project execution, dissemination, community-engagement, etc.) (10%)

Deadline / March 31st. Please complete the Google Form available below using your TMU login.  Please include your CV and other documentation(s) as noted on the form.

Research Ethics / Successful applicants must receive approval from the TMU Research Ethics Board (REB) before conducting research involving humans, the use of animals, controlled goods, and hazardous materials.  Successful applicants may request release of up to 50% of their award to conduct preliminary research.  Please complete the  (PDF file) online release form (opens in new window) . Completed and signed release forms should be sent to Alvin Ying ( (opens in new window) ), Graduate Administration & SRC Coordinator and copied to Dr. Melanie Knight ( (opens in new window) ), Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies.

Responsibilities / Successful applicants will be required to submit a Final Research Report to the office of the Associate Dean of Research 3 months after the completion of the project or 18 months after the awarding of the grant, whichever comes first.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in materials such as articles, books, posters, workshops, presentations, or in social media promotion, with statements such as the following: “This [index/article/chapter/book/study, etc.] was supported with a grant provided by the Faculty or Arts at Toronto Metropolitan University.”

Faculty members are reminded of their Professional Development Allowance that can be used for research purposes.  


About / The Faculty of Arts administers one Global Cities, Global Scholars Grant (GCGSG) competition each academic year (Fall: October 1-October 31).

Purpose / Toronto Metropolitan University is located in the heart of a global city, and has a highly diverse faculty and student body. Our location offers opportunities for new research focused on global scholarship in an urban landscape. The Global Cities, Global Scholars Grant aims to support and build capacity for research collaborations and networks that focus on existing and emerging global trends in a range of urban jurisdictions. This grant supports the work of those aiming to bring to TMU (in person or virtually) scholars from around the globe, to support and expand existing and emerging international research partnerships. The Global Cities, Global Scholars Grant will enable TMU scholars to showcase and promote the exchange of ideas through in person or virtual symposia, seminars and others types of knowledge mobilization activities.

Eligibility / The Global Cities, Global Scholars Grant is targeted for faculty members for whom research related activities are part of their contractual obligations.

Amount / The Global Cities, Global Scholars Grant funds up to $5,000 for direct research support and knowledge mobilization costs.

Eligible Expenses / Eligible expenses under the Global Cities, Global Scholars Grant may include:

  • Personnel (RAs)
  • Expenses related to organizing local or international conference/symposium
  • Research related travel expenses to the amount of $1,000 maximum
  • Expenses related to hosting international scholars at TMU
  • Expenses related to gathering and analyzing data

Review Process / The Dean and the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies will adjudicate applications. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.  Applications will be adjudicated on the following criteria:

  1. Feasibility and challenge (35%)
    1. Capacity of research to address existing and emergent global trends in urban locales (20%)
    2. Proposed timeline (5%)
    3. Proposed budget (10%)
  2. Contribution to student training and development (20%)
    1. Hiring student RAs (5%)
    2. Student responsibility and duties (5%)
    3. Impact on student engagement (10%)
  3. Knowledge mobilization (35%)
    1. Plans for publications, events and presentations (10%)
    2. Impact of research on international community, policy or other stakeholders AND/OR Sustainability of international partnership (15%)
    3. Potential to contribute to the goals of Faculty of Arts through research and collaboration (10%)
  4. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessiblity (10%)
    1. Clearly and effectively demonstrates that EDIA was meaningfully considered/reflected in Feasibility and Challenge, Contribution to Student Training, and Development and Knowledge Mobilization (including any of the following: project planning, consultation, team-building/staffing, methods, analysis, project execution, dissemination, community-engagement, etc.) (10%)

Deadline / October 31st. Please complete the Google Form available below using your TMU login.  Please include your CV and other documentation(s) as noted on the form.

Research Ethics / Successful applicants must receive approval from the TMU Research Ethics Board (REB) before conducting research involving humans, the use of animals, controlled goods, and hazardous materials.  Successful applicants may request release of up to 50% of their award to conduct preliminary research.  Please complete the  (PDF file) online release form (opens in new window) . Completed and signed release forms should be sent to Alvin Ying ( (opens in new window) ), Graduate Administration & SRC Coordinator and copied to Dr. Melanie Knight ( (opens in new window) ), Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies. (opens in new window) 

Responsibilities / Successful applicants will be required to submit a Final Research Report to the office of the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies 3 months after the completion of the project or 18 months after the awarding of the grant, whichever comes first.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in all materials, presentations, and publications associated with the Global Cities, Global Scholars Grant with statements such as the following: “The preparation of this [book/article(s)/grant/ etc.] was supported with the Global Cities, Global Scholars Grant by the Office of the Dean of Arts.”

Faculty members are reminded of their Professional Development Allowance that can be used for research and travel purposes.


About / The Faculty of Arts administers one Research Grant (RG) competition each academic year (Winter: March 1-March 31).

Purpose / The Faculty of Arts Research Grant is a general scholarly research grant intended to support various research projects within in the Faculty of Arts.

Eligibility / The Faculty of Arts Research Grant is targeted to faculty members for whom research related activities are part of their contractual obligations

Amount / The Faculty of Arts Research Grant funds up to $6,000 for direct research support and knowledge mobilization costs.

Eligible Expenses / Eligible expenses under the Faculty of Arts Research Grant may include:

  • Personnel (RAs)
  • Expenses related to gathering and analyzing data
  • Expenses related to hosting local conference and symposia
  • Research related travel expenses to the amount of $1,000 maximum
  • Any other research related expenses

Review Process / The Faculty of Arts SRC Committee along with the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies will adjudicate applications. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.  Applications will be adjudicated on the following criteria:

  1. Feasibility and challenge (30%)
    1. Contribution to the field of research/advancement of research (10%)
    2. Proposed timeline (10%)
    3. Proposed budget (10%)
  2. Contribution to student training and development (35%)
    1. Hiring student RAs (5%)
    2. Student responsibility and duties (15%)
    3. Impact on student engagement (15%)
  3. Knowledge mobilization (25%)
    1. Plans for publications, events and presentations (15%)
    2. Potential impact of research on community, policy or other stakeholders (10%)
  4. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessiblity (10%)
    1. Clearly and effectively demonstrates that EDIA was meaningfully considered/reflected in Feasibility and Challenge, Contribution to Student Training, and Development and Knowledge Mobilization (including any of the following: project planning, consultation, team-building/staffing, methods, analysis, project execution, dissemination, community-engagement, etc.) (10%)

Deadline / March 31st. Please complete the Google Form available below using your TMU login.  Please include your CV and other documentation(s) as noted on the form.

Research Ethics / Successful applicants must receive approval from the TMU Research Ethics Board (REB) before conducting research involving humans, the use of animals, controlled goods, and hazardous materials.  Successful applicants may request release of up to 50% of their award to conduct preliminary research.  Please complete the  (PDF file) online release form (opens in new window) . Completed and signed release forms should be sent to Alvin Ying ( (opens in new window) ), Graduate Administration & SRC Coordinator and copied to Dr. Melanie Knight ( (opens in new window) ), Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies.

Responsibilities / Successful applicants will be required to submit a Final Research Report to the office of the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies 3 months after the completion of the project or 18 months after the awarding of the grant, whichever comes first.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in all materials, presentations, and publications associated with the Faculty of Arts Research Grant with statements such as the following: “The preparation of this [book/article(s)/grant/ etc.] was supported with Faculty of Arts Research Grant by the Office of the Dean of Arts.”

Faculty members are reminded of their Professional Development Allowance that can be used for research and travel purposes.

About / The Faculty of Arts administers two Travel Grants (TGs) competitions each academic year (Fall: October 31 and Winter: March 31).

Purpose / TGs are intended to assist with the dissemination of SRC at conferences, workshops, and related professional meetings. There is an expectation that the presentations will lead to publication, in whole or part, of the research presented. Priority is given to applicants who are delivering a keynote, paper, poster; funding to act as a discussant or simply to attend a conference is given a lower priority.

Eligibility / All tenure-stream faculty members are eligible to apply. The SRC Committee will give priority to faculty members not holding current grants. Applicants will be asked to explain the relationship between currently held grants (internal and external) and travel grant requests, and to disclose any potential overlaps. All TG applications must include a brief 1‐paragraph summary of the paper/presentation and any communication received from the conference organizers confirming acceptance. Any paper, poster, or communication previously funded for travel by the Faculty of Arts will not be eligible for further funding. Only applications with travel dates 6 months before or 6 months after the competition closing date will be considered. Virtual conference registration fees are eligible.

Amount / The funds are for up to $1,500 and can be used only for the specific conference/meeting identified in the application. Unused TG funding cannot be “banked” for other SRC activities/travel. The total amount of TG funding that can be claimed by an individual faculty member in an academic year shall not exceed $1,500 across the Fall and Winter travel competitions. Departments are no longer required to contribute $500.

Review Process / TGs are allocated on the basis of an internal review process by the Arts SRC Committee. Adjudication criteria include impact of the conference or meeting in the discipline, reasonableness and accuracy of proposed budget, the impact of previously funded travel grants as well as expected contribution to the faculty member’s overall SRC agenda. Competition results are not subject to appeal.

Deadline / All applications must be received by the deadline and submitted on‐line through the Google Form using your TMU login. Only those applications that have been submitted as indicated will be adjudicated. Please be sure to click the submit button.

Responsibilities / Recipients of TG awards must submit the appropriate paperwork within 6 months of returning from the conference travel.

Acknowledgement / Successful applicants are required to acknowledge funding from the Faculty of Arts in all materials such as articles, books, posters, or conference presentations with statements such as the following: “The preparation of this [index/article/chapter/book/study/conference presentation, etc.] was supported with a grant provided by the Office of the Dean of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University.” Faculty members are reminded of their Professional Development Allowance that can be used for travel purposes.

Purpose / The Undergraduate Research Opportunity (URO) grant offers 6 undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts the chance to meaningfully participate in the Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) activities of a faculty member in Arts and to benefit from their mentorship. The URO grants are designed to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to enhance their research, analytical, presentation and writing skills that they can use in their careers or future research projects.

Student Eligibility / The applicant:

  • Must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate Faculty of Arts program with a cumulative GPA greater than 3.0.|
  • Only current full-time undergraduate students are eligible to apply; part-time students will be considered with a rationale/justification.
  • Faculty supervisor must be a tenure-stream faculty member.  For more details regarding faculty supervisor eligibility, please ask your potential supervisor to review the URO policy available on the Faculty of Arts Internal Grants website.
  • The URO is for SRC assistance on a faculty member’s new or existing project.
  • May apply for only one URO opportunity per year.

Faculty Supervisor Eligibility / 

  • All tenured and pre-tenure faculty members are eligible to serve as supervisors.
  • Limited Term faculty members must hold a position during the award period (May 1 to August 31, 2024).
  • The URO is for SRC assistance on a faculty-member-driven new or existing project. Work that is not part of a faculty member’s SRC project is not eligible for funding.
  • Ineligible projects include those that do not enhance a student’s research or academic potential, for-profit contract research, consulting contract work, and administrative, organizational, or non-academic research projects.

Amount / The total amount for each URO Grant is $11,368.00 (inclusive of benefits and vacation pay). The hourly base rate (not including benefits and vacation pay) is $20.49. Students cannot work more than 35 hours in any week. The URO grant supports student employment for a maximum of 14 weeks (490 hours total), from May to August 2024 . The faculty supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the student completes the assigned work within the time frame noted above (no more than 35 hours per week for 14 weeks). Support for Showcase presentation materials, i.e., costs associated with printing posters, will be covered by the supervisor. Any overages will be the financial responsibility of the faculty supervisor.

Review Process / The URO applications will be jointly adjudicated by the Associate Dean of Arts, Undergraduate Studies and the Associate Dean of Arts, Research and Graduate Studies.  The adjudication criteria include:

  1. The quality of the research experience being offered to the student (40%)
    1. Specific research skills to be developed/enhanced.
    2. Opportunity to develop increased understanding of the depth and breadth of the student’s academic field.
    3. Direct supervision and mentorship by the faculty member/supervisor and interaction with research team members.
    4. Consideration of EDI-focused measures in place.
  2. Enhanced academic and career opportunities made available to the student (30%)
    1. Potential for conference attendance, participation in research seminars, and/or an advanced training opportunity.
    2. Potential for continued involvement in research and co-authorship on papers or presentations.
    3. Potential for developing post-graduation employment contacts/preparation for graduate school.
  3. Excellence of the student (20%)
    1. Based on GPA, or a combination of GPA with demonstrated research interest and/or community or research experience.
  4. Quality and completeness of the application (10%)
    1. Strength and likelihood of success of the project.

Responsibilities / The URO student must agree to participate in an undergraduate research workshop and a separate showcase event (details to follow). Financial reporting to the OVPRI is not required, but unused funds must be returned to the OVPRI by no later than September 29, 2024.  Unused funds cannot be banked for other purposes. Successful faculty and student applicants must sign the Mutual Expectations Checklist (to be provided) prior to the start of the project.

URO student is responsible for finding a supervisor/faculty member, discussing the proposed project and secure the supervisor’s agreement to sponsor the application.

Application / Students must complete the online application below in consultation with their potential supervisor. The URO/USRA supervisor form must be completed by the Faculty supervisor and attached to the student’s online application.  Please note that URO applications that are missing information or do not include the completed URO/USRA supervisor form will not be considered.

New: URO student applicants are now required to upload their transcript and a one-page student statement.  Please consult the  (PDF file) URO/USRA Application Upload Attachment Instructions (opens in new window)  for detailed instructions.

Deadline / Closing date: March 31, 2024.

Please consult the  (PDF file) Frequently Asked Questions (opens in new window)  for additional details.

Purpose / The Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) program supports more than 3000 students annually and is administered jointly by Canada’s three research granting agencies: the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). There will be 4 NSERC USRA positions available with an additional 4 CIHR/SSHRC focussed USRA positions will be offered to Black students university-wide.

Information about the awards is available at the NSERC USRA website (external link) .

Student Eligibility / The applicant:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) as of the application deadline.
  • Registered in a bachelor's degree program at an eligible university as of the application deadline.
  • Have a cumulative GPA equivalent to a B (3.0 at TMU) over the previous years of study.
  • Completed all the course requirements of at least your bachelor's degree’s first year of university study (2 academic terms). Preference will be given to students entering their 3rd and 4th year of study.
  • Be engaged on a full-time basis in research and development activities in your proposed field of research during the tenure of the award.
  • Not hold more than 3 USRAs throughout your (undergraduate) university career.

Preference will be given to students entering their 3rd and 4th year of study.

NOTE – The applicant is ineligible if:

  • Currently enrolled in an undergraduate professional degree program in the health sciences (e.g., MD, DDS, BScN) (does not apply to CIHR USRAs) or
  • Currently registered or have been previously registered, at any time, in a graduate program in the same field of study.

For CIHR and SSHRC USRA: A portion of federal NSERC USRA funds will go to CIHR and SSHRC-focussed USRAs. Applications for these opportunities are exclusively for Black student researchers. To be eligible to apply for these awards, you must self-identify as Black by checking the relevant box within the application Form. Your application will be shared with the OVPRI (TMU) which is governing the CIHR/SSHRC USRA. If you are not selected for these grants, you will still be eligible and considered for the NSERC USRA.

Faculty Supervisor Eligibility / All tenured and pre-tenure faculty members are eligible to serve as supervisors.  Supervisors no longer need to hold an active grant.

For NSERC USRA: The proposed research project must clearly lie within the natural sciences and/or engineering (NSE) (external link, opens in new window) . Projects deemed outside of the NSE will be deemed ineligible, and the application will be withdrawn from the competition.

Amount / $6,000 from the Agency plus the supervisor's contribution ($3,326 for 14 weeks, $4,658 for 16 weeks).  Contribution by the supervisor is not optional. The minimum hourly base rate (not including benefits and vacation pay) is $16.55 but supervisors are encouraged to offer a higher wage than minimum wage to their student. The duration of the award is 14-16 weeks on a full-time basis. Any overages will be the financial responsibility of the faculty supervisor.

Review Process / The USRA applications will be jointly adjudicated by the Associate Dean of Arts, Undergraduate Studies and the Associate Dean of Arts, Research and Graduate Studies.  The adjudication criteria include:

  1. The quality of the research experience being offered to the student (40%)
    1. Specific research skills to be developed/enhanced.
    2. Opportunity to develop increased understanding of the depth and breadth of the student’s academic field.
    3. Direct supervision and mentorship by the faculty member/supervisor and interaction with research team members.
    4. Consideration of EDI-focused measures in place.
  2. Enhanced academic and career opportunities made available to the student (30%)
    1. Potential for conference attendance, participation in research seminars, and/or an advanced training opportunity.
    2. Potential for continued involvement in research and co-authorship on papers or presentations.
    3. Potential for developing post-graduation employment contacts/preparation for graduate school.
  3. Excellence of the student (20%)
    1. Based on GPA, or a combination of GPA with demonstrated research interest and/or community or research experience.
  4. Quality and completeness of the application (10%)
    1. Strength and likelihood of success of the project.


Due to the limited number of awards, CIHR and SSHRC USRA applications (for self-identified Black students on the student application form) will be assessed and awarded at the university level using the above criteria.

Responsibilities / Unused agency funds cannot be banked for other purposes. Successful faculty and student applicants must sign the Mutual Expectations Checklist (to be provided) prior to the start of the project.

USRA student is responsible for finding a supervisor/faculty member, discussing the proposed project and secure the supervisor’s agreement to sponsor the application.

Application / Students must complete the online application below in consultation with their potential supervisor. The URO/USRA supervisor form must be completed by the Faculty supervisor and attached to the student’s online application.  Please note that USRA applications that are missing information or do not include the completed URO/USRA supervisor form will not be considered.  The USRA student is responsible for finding a supervisor/faculty member, discussing the proposed project and secure the supervisor’s agreement to sponsor the application.

New: USRA student applicants are now required to upload their transcript and a one-page student statement.  Please consult the  (PDF file) URO/USRA Application Upload Attachment Instructions (opens in new window)  for detailed instructions.

Successful student and faculty applicants must ccomplete Form 202 on the NSERC On-Line Services Portal (external link)  by May 1, 2024 (instructions will be provided).

Deadline / Closing date: March 31, 2024.

TMU-Wide / TMU Office of the Vice President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI) conducts a number of research grant competitions that may be of particular interest to members of the Faculty of Arts: the SSHRC Explore grants (small research grants), Strategic SRC Initiative Fund, Equipment Grant, and the Fall/Winter and Summer Research Assistant programs. OVPRI is also the central information source for larger external grants such as those awarded by SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC, etc. Please consult the OVPRI website (opens in new window) .

External Funding Agencies

  • Faculty of Arts Internal Grants are allocated on the basis of a review process and are subject to the availability of funds. For this reason, no guarantee can be made that all worthy applications will be successful.
  • Requests for SPGs, SEPs or STGs are received in each fiscal year until the funds for these programs run out. Each individual faculty member may only apply for each internal grant once per academic year.
  • All Arts Internal Grants follow Tri‐Council funding guidelines – alcohol is not an eligible expense. The Faculty of Arts requires original receipts.
  • For support related to your research or other creative endeavours, please contact Dr. Melanie Knight, Professor and Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies by email at (opens in new window)  or by phone at 416-979-5000, ext. 554191.

1. Applying for External Funding
The Faculty of Arts has prepared a  (PDF file) Quick Reference Sheet for Grant and Budget Preparation (opens in new window)  to assist researchers with grant preparation. As noted in this document, the OVPRI is an important source of information for external grants including those funded by SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC.

2. Accessing Your Your Research Funds Once Successful
The Faculty of Arts Research Accounts Support Officers (RASO), Tammy Fuoco and Dianna Chu, provides individual researchers with financial and technical support; monitors accounts and provides reports, assists with hiring research staff and related administrative matters. The Faculty of Arts RASO Tammy Fuoco also administers RFA faculty start-up funds.

For instructions regarding expense imbursements from your external grant, please consult the following  (PDF file) External Grants Reimbursement Guide (opens in new window) .

Quick Access to Commonly Used Forms
 (word file) Research Travel Authorization (RTA) Form (PI) - PI travel expenses
 (word file) Research Travel Authorization (RTA) Form (Non-PI) - Non-PI travel expenses
 (word file) Expense Reimbursement Authorization Form - All non-Travel expenss
 (word file) Expense Reimbursement Authorization Form - PCARD

For others forms and additional information on reimbursement from external research accounts please contact the RASO or visit the Financial Services website.

Contact Information
Telephone: Tammy Fuoco 416-979-5000 Ext. 554194; Dianna Chu 416-979-5000 Ext. 553323
Email: Tammy Fuoco; Dianna Chu
Office: Dean’s Office, Room JOR 119

Meaningful engagement with the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility are being recognized nationally and internationally as foundations or cornerstones of rigorous and sound research. In response, organizations and funders are imbedding and/or asking researchers to articulate how they are meaningfully imbedding these principles in their work.

For more information on the value of doing this or for tips on how to do this important work effectively,  (google doc) see here (external link)  for some resources.

To help Arts researchers hone their skills in succinctly articulating how EDIA informs their research, we have introduced the following question into our grant applications:

How does your work engage with the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (max 250 words)?

When answering this question, consider how EDIA interfaces with the other adjudication criteria (Feasibility and Challenge; Contribution to Student Training and Development; Knowledge Mobilization, etc.).

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and restricted SRC travel and dissemination opportunities, the Faculty of Arts Travel Grant and Small Travel Grant will consider registration for virtual conferences an eligible expense.