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Patti Pokorchak

Patti Pokorchak

President, Small Biz Sales Coach

A serial entrepreneur since 1992, Patti helped start and run a 7-figure software company for 10 years, before opening a thriving destination garden centre and hobby farm. Quite the feat since she had no training in agriculture and being a farmer was never in her wildest dreams.

Patti says, “If I can be a farmer, then you can be anything you want to be — but ONLY with some basic sales and marketing skills that is!” With her varied background, she is able to coach, train and consult with entrepreneurs to help them become even more successful and profitable.

Patti graduated from Ryerson with a three-year diploma in Business Computing. She was still a teenager the first time she was hired at IBM as well as the first professional female hired at that location. Realizing quickly that she needed a degree in order to move up the corporate ladder, she returned to Ryerson for her BComm, graduating on the Dean’s Honour List and eventually completing her MBA in Marketing at the Schulich School of Business. She has helped created multi-million dollar brands, sold to over 25 countries in two languages and has sold that which has never been sold before as The Sales Pioneer.

Author of the The Accidental Farmer: Adventures of a Serial Entrepreneur, Patti has been a Director on the Ryerson University Alumni Association (RUAA) Board and previously chaired the Ryerson University Business Alumni Association (RUBAA). She also sits on the Sales Leadership Advisory Council at TRSM.

Platinum sponsors

SLP platinum sponsors are RBC, Rogers for Business, and FedEx

Silver Sponsors

SLP silver sponsors are Cintas, Fidelity, Salesforce, Shopify, and Softchoice