Undergraduate opportunities
The Ted Rogers Leadership Centre provides a range of opportunities for undergraduate students to learn, engage in discussion, and build skills related to leadership.

The Ted Rogers Leadership Centre hosts an annual national undergraduate case competition on ethical leadership. The event is by invitation only and hosts teams from across Canada. This is a unique event among undergraduate case competitions in that it brings together essential elements of leadership and personal and organizational ethics. The Ted Rogers Leadership Centre is extremely grateful to SNC Lavalin for their ongoing sponsorship and support of the Ted Rogers Ethical Case Competition.

The series takes a "big tent" approach to business ethics, featuring academic and non-academic speakers examining a wide range of issues related to ethics in the world of commerce and in institutional life more generally.

The Greater Toronto Area is home to an impressive group of scholars working on business ethics. This annual forum furthers dialogue and tightens networks within this group and increases its external connections, prestige and visibility. Business Ethics in the 6ix features addresses by leading business ethicists.
Graduate opportunities

The Dare to Lead Workshop is an experiential learning opportunity for MBA students enrolled in Dr.Kristyn Scott's Leading for Performance and Well-Being course. This workshop brings together both theory and real business experiences through the involvement of business leaders from different sectors that present actual scenarios they have experienced.
Ted Rogers Students' Society (TRSS)
André Serero (Founder and Lead of the Top 200 Program) is also the Honorary President to the Ted Rogers Students’ Society (external link, opens in new window) . André provides coaching and mentorship to the Ted Rogers Students’ Society's executive team. He also assists the executive team members with their own personalized leadership development. In addition, André acts as a special resource to the 29 student groups that fall within the Ted Rogers Student Society's umbrella.
Co-op Connect
Co-op Connect provides new Ted Rogers Co-op students with a senior peer mentor, who provides support and guidance throughout the pursuit of their first Co-op Work Term. In partnership with the Ted Rogers Leadership Centre, Co-op Connect delivers leadership training to the peer mentors to develop their understanding of effective coaching and mentorship. The Ted Rogers Leadership Centre also provides training to the student mentees on how to effectively manage their mentorship relationships with their peer mentor.