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Lawrence Tsui

Lawerence Tsui


  • Master of Music in Scoring for Film, Television and Video Games - Berklee College of Music
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music - The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Music Production, Orchestral Mockups, Sound Design, Digital Storytelling, Visual Arts, UX Design, VR/AR


Thanks to extensive experiences from traditional orchestras to avant-garde art projects, Lawrence realized the exponential power of conglomerating art and technology. He established Nuages Art Lab to explore the unbounded possibilities of interdisciplinary projects to pursue timeless craftsmanship with ever-evolving technology.

Why Digital Media?

Having foreseen the proliferation of VR/AR in the consumer market in the near future, I will dedicate myself to blending top-tier user experience design and contemporary aesthetic taste to sublime the lives of netizens.


