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Zaid Edghaim

Photo of Zaid Edghaim


  • Audio Engineering diploma from Trebas Institute.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts form Toronto Metropolitan University. Majoring in New Media.



SoundCloud Profile (external link) 


When Zaid moved to Canada, he finally had proper access to all things digital. After graduating from high school, he decided to follow his passion for electronic music. Zaid quickly began to collaborate and work with Hushlamb Productions, later joining Thoughtless music and Studiofeed — all the while completing his New Media degree at Ryerson. It was during his undergraduate degree that his eyes were fully opened to a new realm of digital media beyond just music.

Why Digital Media?

As an independent artist, as well as working for Thoughtless Music & Studiofeed, Zaid quickly realized the power of digital media for his own growth in the industry. He hopes to apply his knowledge into other facets of New Media. Zaid’s interest in pursuing a Masters of Digital Media peaked when he realized that it was the perfect intersection between two spaces he is extremely passionate about: music and sound design with technology and entrepreneurship. Zaid’s experience as an electronic music artist has shaped the direction of his studies, helping him to delve deeper into his research regarding sound in 3D spaces.

Final Project

Zaid is working on a major research paper on how sound can create spatial orientation in a virtual world.