Spanish courses are offered in the target language as well as cultural courses in English.
Prior to registering for their first Spanish language course, students must take a placement test.
Tests are typically evaluated within two business days. At peak times of year (enrollment and course intentions), results will take longer than usual - please take the test well in advance of your enrollment period. If you do not have a result after five business days, please contact Dr. Mignette Garvida.
Undergraduate Students: Test scores are posted in MyServiceHub > My Academics > Test Scores Summary.
Chang School Students: If you are enrolling in your first Chang School course (and you are NOT also an Undergraduate student) you will receive an email with your score. Please be sure to Create a Student Profile and obtain a student ID number before taking the placement test.
If you are a returning Chang School student your score will be posted in MyServiceHub > My Academics > Test Scores Summary.
After confirming their score, all students may self-enroll using the Placement Test Score Guide.
Step 1: Take the placement test
Step 2: Check your score
Step 3: Check course calendar
Step 4: Review course pathway

Did you know that you can take Spanish Studies courses offered in English? You don't need to register for a placement test for these courses.