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Student Life

The choice is yours! Join, participate, learn, and grow!

There are many opportunities to participate in HTM-related activities and events. Learn new skills, build your network, have a say in student affairs, or just have fun with like-minded peers.


The Hospitality & Tourism Students' Society (HTSS) is run by a dedicated, enthusiastic and success-driven group of students who take the initiative to enhance the university experience for all #HTMTorontoMet students by consistently striving to reach the pinnacle of academic, social and professional success. As student leaders, they pride themselves on guiding their peers to achieve their true potential.

HTSS holds events throughout academic year, including the annual Hospitality and Tourism Case Competition, and HTM Convention.

HTMentoring Logo


HTMentoring is a program comprised of second to fourth year students dedicated to providing the knowledge and resources needed to assist #HTMTorontoMet students through their first year of the program.

First year students are be placed in groups of 7 to 10 and will attend 4 meetings throughout the fall semester. In these sessions students will be able to establish a strong foundation through the enhancement of academic achievement, relationships, and personal growth within the program.


The Ted Rogers Students' Society (TRSS) has a mission to link students together within the 5 schools at the Ted Rogers School of Management. They enable students to be heard as one united voice and to act as a liaison and advocate between commerce students, student groups and the TMU faculty. It is their mandate to be the voice of Ted Rogers Commerce Students, the business leaders of tomorrow, by promoting their abilities and interests both within TMU and the global community. 

Over 30 student groups are governed under the TRSS umbrella, representing over 9000+ udnergraduate students. 


Your Union, Your Voice. 

The Toronto Met Students' Union (TMSU) aims to empower students and build community on TMU’s campus by advocating for your rights, supporting student groups, events and initiatives, and providing discounted services to save you money!

The TMSU is here for you. A platform to encourage collaboration, engagement and empowerment — they are your allies, a resource students can depend on for timely and accurate representation now and in the future.

"Do everything you can to discover your passion while you are in school. It's just as important to figure out what you don't like - so take opportunities and get out of your comfort zone. If you experience difficulty finding your passion, think about what you are doing in your spare time - that is what you should be doing for a living"

Shannan Scott, Alumni