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Durham Black Student Network

Founders: Trevin Noble and Nickidia Thompson


Empowering the future… Sincerely, the Youth of today.

In a study done by Ontario’s Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS), they identified the top ten issues affecting black youth. Of those 10 issues, “Poverty & Economic Barriers'' and “Anti-Black Racism in the Educational System'' were both named. Though it has been made more clear in recent years, Black Canadians have always known that the discrimination present in our country’s insitutitons and systems create needless barriers for Black youth looking to succeed in life.

To tackle the interconnected nature of these issues, the Durham Black Student Network was created with the mission to create, fund, connect and support programs catered to the betterment of black youth and their families throughout the GTA. We wish to decrease the gap to culturally responsive supports and resources for Black students so that they have the necessary tools to navigate life successfully, in spite of these systemic barriers.

Currently, we have designed two youth programming streams with the purpose of helping our core audience of students from Grade 5-12 by providing culturally responsive approaches to addressing the various needs of Black youth. Our programming is designed to help students grow holistically in their personal, academic and professional lives as well as provide them with a greater sense of community through helping them connect meaningfully with their peers and mentors.

Our elementary program, the Brothers United Mentorship Program, is geared towards students in gr.5-8 and pairs our students with highschool and university aged peer mentors from the local community who facilitate weekly after school sessions revolving around life skills as well as current issues affecting Black youth in Canada. Our highschool program, the Youth Empowerment Program, also features similar weekly sessions but puts a greater focus on personal and professional development as well as includes mentorship opportunities from local Black professionals and academic advising.