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Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC)

As per Senate Bylaw #1: (external link) 

6.8.1. Composition

Immediately following the orientation session for new Senators (normally held in September of each year), the Chief Electoral Officer shall, in accordance with published Election Guidelines and Procedures, call for nominations from the relevant constituent groups to fill the positions listed below. If more nominations are received from any group than the number of positions available, an election shall be conducted within that group to determine the name(s) recommended to Senate. one (1) Dean selected by and from the Deans (including Chang, YSGPS, Dean of Libraries); two (2) faculty Senators elected by and from elected faculty Senators; two (2) student Senators elected by and from student Senators; and the Secretary of Senate (non-voting).

If the committee, once constituted, feels that additional members would aid in the solicitation of nominations, it may add up to two faculty members who need not necessarily be elected Senators.

6.8.2. Terms of Reference: to develop guidelines and procedures governing the conduct of all elections conducted under the auspices of Senate; to adjudicate any disputes that may arise in the application of all guidelines and procedures; to solicit nominations from potential Senators; to prepare and present to the penultimate regular meeting of Senate in each session, a complete list of nominations received for, and appointments to, all non-student positions

on all Senate Standing Committees for the following year, unless those positions are otherwise specified in this Bylaw; to assist the Chief Returning Officer with the filling of vacancies on Senate or its Committees.

6.8.3. Reporting:

The NEC is appointed by, and reports directly to, Senate or, in the period between Senate meetings, to the SPC.