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Academic Governance and Policy Committee (AGPC) Membership - 2024-2025 (18 Members)


Name Role 
Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano  Provost and Vice President Academic (Chair)
Sean Kheraj  Vice Provost, Academic (Vice Chair)
Jen McMillen Vice Provost, Students
Carl Kumaradas  Vice-Provost and Dean, Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Shari Hodges (Interim) Registrar
Donna Bell Secretary of Senate (Non-voting)




Kiaras Gharabaghi

Dean, Faculty of Community Services 

Margaret Moulson Faculty, Arts 
Brennan Thompson Faculty, Arts 
Kateryna Metersky

Faculty, Community Services

Bouchaib Bahli Faculty, Ted Rogers School of Management 

Comondore (Ravi) Ravindran 

Faculty, Engineering & Architectural Science

Alex Ferworn 

Faculty, Science

Lisa Landrum Senate Chairs' Representative, Engineering and Architectural Science

Lena Patterson (Interim)

Chang School Representative 

Maddison Wilson

Law Student Senator

Veda Aziz

Undergraduate Student Senator 

Kenneth Gabriel Antenor

Graduate Student Senator