Tracey Raney
Dr. Tracey Raney (she/her) is Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration, and a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies, at Toronto Metropolitan University. She previously served as the Graduate Program Director of the MA in Public Policy and Administration.
In addition to holding a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Calgary, she holds a Masters Degree in Canadian Studies (with a specialization in Women’s Studies) from Carleton University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Studies from Queen’s University.
Dr. Raney’s broad research interests are in the areas of Canadian politics and women and politics. Her work focuses mainly on questions of identity, representation and leadership on topics including Canadian national identity, sub-national political identities in Canada, women’s political representation (Canada and Ontario), gender-based violence in politics, and sexual misconduct in legislatures. You can read more about her externally-funded projects on violence and harassment against women in Canadian politics in this Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council feature (external link) on her research.
Dr. Raney co-teaches the Women in the House program with Peggy Nash, Senior Advisor to the Dean of Arts. The Women in the House program is an interdisciplinary, experiential-learning course available to students who identify as women from across the university. You can learn more about the program here: https://www.torontomu.ca/arts/women-in-the-house/
Edited Books
- Raney, Tracey and Cheryl N. Collier. Gender-based Violence in Canadian Politics in the #MeToo Era (external link) . Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
- Blog post, “Gender-based Violence in Canadian Politics in the #MeToo Era: Editors’ Reflections (external link) ” (with Cheryl Collier), University of Toronto Press, 1 August, 2024.
- Selected by The Hill Times as one of the top 100 best books in 2024
Edited Journals
- Finding Feminisms (external link) : Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Political Science (edited with Alexandra Dobrowolsky, Fiona MacDonald, Cheryl Collier and Pascale Dufour). 50:2 (June 2017).
- See Cambridge Core Blog “Introduction to Special Issue (external link) ” (also with Alexandra Dobrowolsky, Fiona MacDonald, Cheryl N. Collier and Pascale Dufour).
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Gender and Emotional Reactions to Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Councillors: An Experimental Study in a Low-information, Non-partisan Context (external link) (with Cameron D. Anderson and R. Michael McGregor). Representation: Journal of Representative Democracy. (February 2025): 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/00344893.2025.2455094 (external link)
- “When Councillors Sexually Harass: Legislative Sanctions and Gender-Based Violence in Canada’s Municipalities (external link) .” (with R. Michael McGregor and Cameron D. Anderson). Politics & Gender. Published online (October 2024): 1-25.
- Violence against Women in Politics: An Urgent Problem the Political Science Community Must Take Seriously (external link) . Politics & Gender 19:3 (September 2023): 938-943.
- “Beyond the Ballot Box: Sexual Harassment and Legislative Accountability in Canadian Politics (external link) .” (with R. Michael McGregor). Canadian Journal of Political Science 56:2 (May 2023): 396-412
- “Privilege and gendered violence in the Canadian and British Houses of Commons: a feminist institutionalist analysis” (with Cheryl N. Collier). Parliamentary Affairs 75:2 (April 2022): 382-399. Open access (external link) .
- “Canada's Member-to-Member Code of Conduct on Sexual Harassment in the House of Commons: Progress or Regress? (external link) " (with Cheryl N. Collier) Canadian Journal of Political Science 51:4 (December 2018): 795-815.
- This article was short-listed for the John McMenemy Prize, which is awarded to the author(s) of the best paper published in the Canadian Journal of Political Science that year.
- “Understanding Sexism and Sexual Harassment in Politics: A Comparison of Westminster Parliaments in Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada (external link) ” (with Cheryl N. Collier). Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 25:3 (Fall 2018): 432–455.
- “ (PDF file) Finding Feminism(s) in Canadian Political Science Scholarship: Diversity and Resistance in an Era of Global Uncertainty [Introduction] (external link) .”Canadian Journal of Political Science 50:2 (June 2017): 403-410.
- “Nation-Building and Canada’s National Symbolic Order, 1993-2015 (external link) ” (with Tim Nieguth). Nations and Nationalism 23:1 (January 2017): 87-108.
- “Building a Conservative Nation: An Examination of Canada’s New Citizenship Guide, ‘Discover Canada’” (external link) (with Laura Tonon). International Journal of Canadian Studies 47 (2013): 202-219.
- “Le patriotisme par le bas au Canada: reconstruire l'identité nationale sur l’ Autoroute des héros.” Critique internationale 58 (janvier-mars 2013): 19-34.
- An English version also appears in the online version of the Critique Internationale 58 website under the title: “Grassroots Patriotism: Reconstructing Canada’s National Identity along the ‘Highway of Heroes’.” See Abstract
(external link)
- An English version also appears in the online version of the Critique Internationale 58 website under the title: “Grassroots Patriotism: Reconstructing Canada’s National Identity along the ‘Highway of Heroes’.” See Abstract
- “ (PDF file) Democratizing the Ontario Legislature: Change, but Change Enough? (external link) ” (with Greg Inwood and Sasha Tregebov). Studies of Provincial and Territorial Legislatures series. Canadian Study of Parliament Group, 07 March 2013.
- "Shifting Sands? Citizens' National Identities and Pride in Social Security in Canada (external link) " (with Loleen Berdahl). American Review of Canadian Studies 41:3 (September 2011): 259-273.
- “Quintessentially Un-American? Comparing Public Opinion on National Identity in English Speaking Canada and the United States (external link) .” International Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue Internationale d’Études Canadiennes 42 (2010): 105-123.
- “Being Canadian in the World: Mapping the Contours of National Identity and Public Opinion on International Issues in Canada (external link) ” (with Loleen Berdahl). International Journal 65:4 (Autumn 2010): 837-852.
- “As Canadian as Possible… Under What Circumstances? Public Opinion on National Identity in Canada Outside Québec.” (external link) Journal of Canadian Studies / /Revue d'études canadiennes 43:3 (Fall 2009): 5-29.
- “Birds of a Feather? Citizenship Norms, Group Identity, and Political Participation in Western Canada (external link) ” (with Loleen Berdahl). Canadian Journal of Political Science 42:1 (March 2009): 187-209.
- “An Ever Farther Apart Union? Prospects For A European Community and Identity in a Post-Referenda Europe.” Special Issue: European Identities and Minorities. Review of European and Russian Affairs2:4 (2006): 29-51.
Book Chapters
- “Introduction: Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Politics—A Threat to Gender Equality and Democracy.” (with Cheryl N. Collier). In Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Politics in the #MeToo Era, eds. Tracey Raney and Cheryl N. Collier, 3-24. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
- “Fixing the Upper House: A Gender and Intersectional Analysis of the Canadian Senate’s 2021 Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy.” In Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Politics in the #MeToo Era, eds. Tracey Raney and Cheryl N. Collier, 246-264. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
- “Provincial & Territorial Legislature-Based Sexual Harassment Policies for Elected Members: Variation in Approaches but Commonality in Ineffectiveness.” (with Cheryl N. Collier). In Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Politics in the #MeToo Era, eds. Tracey Raney and Cheryl N. Collier, 265-284. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
- “Canadian Experiences of Gender-Based Violence in Politics – Key Learnings, Action Items, and Avenues for more Research (Conclusion).” (with Cheryl N. Collier). In Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Politics in the #MeToo Era, eds. Tracey Raney and Cheryl N. Collier, 285-296. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
- “Evaluating Violence and Sexual Harassment Rules in Canada’s House of Commons” (with Cheryl N. Collier). In Gender and Violence against Political Actors (external link) , eds. Elin Bjarnegård and Pär Zetterberg, 231-240. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2023.
- “When the West was In? Public Opinion in the Western Provinces during the Harper Era” (with Loleen Berdahl). In Regional and Federal Dynamics in the Harper Era, eds. Jim Farney and Julie Simmons, 23-42. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021.
- “A Question of Ethics? Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Legislatures of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada” (with Cheryl N. Collier). In Women, Power, and Political Representation: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives, ed. Roosmarijn de Geus, Erin Tolley, Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant, and Peter John Loewen, 89-100. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021.
- “Canada’s Legislature: A (Gendered) Parliament for the People?” The Palgrave Handbook of Gender, Sexuality and Canadian Politics, eds. Manon Tremblay and Joanna Everitt, 167-186, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
- “Winning as a Woman/Winning as a Lesbian: Voter Attitudes towards Kathleen Wynne in the 2014 Ontario Election.” (with Joanna Everitt). In Queering Representation: LGBTQ People and Electoral Politics in Canada, ed. Manon Tremblay, 80-101. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2019.
- “Patriotisms of the People: Understanding the ‘Highway of Heroes’ as a Canadian National Landmark.” In Landscapes and Landmarks of Canada: Real, Imagined, (Re)Viewed, eds. Maeve Conrick, Munroe Eagles, Jane Koustas, and Caitríona Ní Chasaide, 47-61. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2017.
- An earlier version published in French: “Le patriotisme par le bas au Canada : Reconstruire l'identité nationale sur l' Autoroute des héros.” Critique international, Presses de Sciences Po., Paris, 58 (janvier-mars 2013): 19-34.
- “The Ontario Legislature: Living Up to its Democratic Potential Amidst Political Change?” In The Politics of Ontario, ed. Cheryl N. Collier and Jonathan Malloy, 81-99. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- “Gender in the Aftermath: Starbuck and the Future of Woman in Battlestar Galactica” (with Michelle Meagher). Chapter 3 in Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Post-apocalyptic T.V. and Film, ed. Barbara Gurr, 45-58. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015.
- “Gender Identity in Deep Space: Representations of Political Leadership in ‘Battlestar Galactica’.” Ch. 4 in The Politics of Popular Culture: Negotiating Power, Identity, and Place, ed. Tim Nieguth, 51-64. Montréal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
- “Guarding the Nation: Reconfiguring Canada in an Era of Neo-Conservatism (external link) ” (with Tim Nieguth). Ch. 10 in Canada: The State of the Federation 2012: Regions, Resources and Resiliency, ed. Loleen Berdahl, Carolyn Tuohy, and Andre Juneau, 189-210. Kingston: Queen’s University Institute of Intergovernmental Relations; Montréal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
- Also published as Paper #10 in the Working Paper Series of the Queen’s University Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, 2015.
- “Breaking the Holding Pattern: Women in Ontario Politics.” In Stalled: The Representation of Women in Canadian Governments, ed. Linda Trimble, Jane Arscott, and Manon Tremblay, 154-173. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.
Public Engagement
- The Province Needs to Make City Halls More Respectful and Less Toxic (external link) . The Hamilton Spectator (op.ed), online: 23 October 2024.
- “The Brave Example of Kamala Harris (external link) .” (with Cheryl Collier). The Tyee online, 5 August 2024.
- "Let’s improve our understanding of how we nominate candidates, and pass S-283 (external link) ." (with Jeanette Ashe). The Hill Times (op.ed.), online: 29 April 2024; print: 1 May 2024, p.10.
- “More inclusive parliaments start with better workplace conditions (external link) .” (with Jeanette Ashe). Policy Options, Institute for Research on Public Policy, 13 March 2023.
- Republished as “Breaking the White Male Status Quo in Parliament (external link) .” The Tyee online, 15 March 2023.
- “MeToo turns 5: Taking Stock of gender-based violence in Canadian politics (external link) .” The Conversation online, 27 October 2022.
- “Harassment and violence are threats to local democracy; it’s time for Ontario to take them seriously” (external link) Toronto Star (op.ed.), online 17 August 2022; print: 21 August p. IN7.
- “ (PDF file) Addressing Violence and Harassment in Canada’s Senate: Critical Actors and Institutional Responses (external link) .” Canadian Study of Parliament Group, October 2021.
- “Chrystia Freeland will have to navigate misogyny in her new roles (external link) ” (with Loleen Berdahl). The Conversation online, 26 November 2019.
- “The Problem With Canadian Politics Is Written Across Catherine McKenna‘s Window (external link) .” Op-Ed. HuffPost Canada, 25 October 2019.
- “Green with rage: Women climate change leaders face online attacks (external link) ” (with Mackenzie Gregory). The Conversation online, 12 September 2019
- “Another barrier for women in politics: Violence (external link) ” (with Cheryl N. Collier). The Conversation online, 05 May 2019.
- Democracy During #MeToo: Taking Stock of Violence Against Women in Canadian Politics – A comprehensive scope report prepared for Equal Voice (external link) (with Cheryl Collier, Grace Lore, and Andrea Spender). 08 March 2019.
- “Sharing power reduces gender-based violence (external link) ” (with Peggy Nash). Toronto Star (op. ed.), online: 05 December 2018; print: 06 December 2018, p. A17.
- “Democratic Renewal.” Dialogues: A Canada West Foundation Publication 2:1 (Winter 2006): 26.
- “A Nation of Self-Doubters? The Canadian National Identity in the New Canada.” In Diversity in Canada: Regions and Communities. CRIC (Centre for Research and Information on Canada) Paper 18 (October 2005): 5-8.
- “No Girls Allowed? Teaching Politics in the Classroom.” Canadian Teacher Magazine. (Fall 2005).
Book Reviews
- Review of Sexual Harassment in the UK Parliament: Lessons from the #MeToo Era, Christina Julios (New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 2022). In Politics & Gender, 2022, 1-3 (Available on FirstView: https://www.doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X22000630 (external link) ).
- Review of (external link) A Fragile Social Fabric? Fairness, Trust, and Commitment in Canada by Raymond Breton, Norbert J. Hartmann, Jos L. Lennards, and Paul Reed. Canadian Public Policy 31:3 (Fall 2005).
Present and recently completed externally-funded research projects include:
- Insight Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, “Women in the (Other) House: An Analysis of Gender Representation in Canada's Senate (2015-2019).” 2020-2025.
- James R. Mallory Grant, Canadian Study of Parliament Group, for the project “Gendering the Upper House: Combatting Sexual Harassment in Canada’s Senate in the #MeToo Era.” 2019-2020.
- Insight Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, “Gendering Canada's legislatures: a comparative examination of federal, provincial, and territorial efforts to combat sexism and sexual harassment in politics.” 2018-2021. Co-applicant [Principal Investigator, Dr. Cheryl Collier (external link) , University of Windsor]
- Partnership Engage Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, “Violence against women in politics: building knowledge and networks to improve gender equality in Canada’s legislatures.” Principal Investigator. 2017-2018. [Co-applicant, Dr. Cheryl Collier (external link) , University of Windsor; Partner Organization: Equal Voice (external link) , Dr. Grace Lore].
- Insight Development Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, “The True (Blue) North: the Prime Minister and Canadian Nation-Building since 2006”. 2015-2017. Co-applicant [Principal Investigator, Dr. Tim Nieguth (external link) , Laurentian University].
- Ontario/Baden-Württemberg Faculty Research Exchange Grant, Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities/Ontario Council on University Research (OCUR). 2013. “By the Numbers: The Representation of Women and Ethnic Minorities in the Legislatures of Ontario and Baden-Württemberg.” Co-applicant. (Co-applicant, Dr. Tim Nieguth (external link) , Laurentian University].
Dr. Raney has won several awards for her research and teaching:
2023 Jill Vickers Prize (Canadian Political Science Association) for her co-authored paper with Michael McGregor (TMU) entitled, “Beyond the Ballot Box: Public Opinion and Accountability in Addressing Sexual Harassment in Canadian Politics.” A published version of this paper can be found here (external link) .
2022 Jill Vickers Prize (Canadian Political Science Association) for her paper entitled, “Fixing the Upper House? A Gender and Race-based Analysis of the Canadian Senate's Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy”.
2013 Jill Vickers Prize (Canadian Political Science Association) for her paper entitled, “Leaving Parliament: Gender and Exit in the Ontario Legislature.”
The Jill Vickers Prize (external link) was established (in 2004) in honour of Professor Jill Vickers, an activist and leader in Canadian feminist scholarship, and the author of numerous books and articles in the fields of feminist political science, epistemology and interdisciplinary methodology, feminist theory and movements for change. It is awarded annually to the author or authors of the best paper presented, in English or French, at the annual conference of the Canadian Political Science Association on the topic of gender and politics. Tracey was shortlisted for the award in 2009 (with Loleen Berdahl) and again in 2017 (with Joanna Everitt).
2022 Prize for Teaching Excellence (external link, opens in new window) (Canadian Political Science Association). The CPSA Prize for Teaching Excellence was established to recognize the contributions of political scientists to excellence in teaching and student learning. The prize is awarded annually.
2021 Faculty of Arts Dean's Teaching Award (opens in new window) . This award recognises Tracey’s overall teaching approach and, in particular, her commitment to building students’ leadership capacities through practical, first-hand experiences such as TMU's ‘Women in the House’ program, which she co-founded with Distinguished Visiting Professor Peggy Nash in 2018.
2021 Faculty of Arts Innovation in Curriculum and Pedagogy Award. This award recognizes demonstrated excellence, creativity, inclusivity and innovation in curricular development and pedagogy.
Dr. Raney was elected to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Political Science Association (external link, opens in new window) at its Annual General meeting on 11 June 2021.
Dr. Raney also currently serves on the editorial board of the journal, Politics & Gender, (external link, opens in new window) which is the official journal of the American Political Science Association ‘Women, Gender and Politics’ Section. Her term commenced July 1st 2022 and is for a period of three years.