Grace-Edward Galabuzi
Grace-Edward Galabuzi is Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration, and a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies, at Toronto Metropolitan University. He is also a research associate at the Centre for Social Justice in Toronto. He serves as Undergraduate Program Director of the Politics and Governance BA program.
In addition to a Ph.D (Political Science) from York University, he also holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics from the University of Winnipeg, a BA (Honours) in Political Science from York University, and Master of Arts (MA) in Political Science from York University.
Grace-Edward's appointment began in 2003 and his current teaching areas include equity and human rights and third world politics. He has previously taught at York University (International Relations) and George Brown College (Anti-Racism; Multiculturalism; and Local Politics).
- Persistent Inequality: Ontario’s Colour-coded Labour Market (external link) (with Sheila Block). Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 11 December 2018.
- See media coverage: Sara Mojtehedzadeh, “Racism persists in job market, study says,” Toronto Star, 08 December 2018, A1, A3 (Online: “Study highlights ‘uncomfortable truth’ about racism in the job market (external link) ,” 11 December 2018)
- Race and Racialization: Essential Readings, 2nd ed. (ed. with Tania Das Gupta, Carl E. James, Roger C.A. Maaka, and Chris Andersen). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2018.
- Colonialism and Racism in Canada: Historical Traces and Contemporary Issues (with Maria A. Wallis and Lina Sunseri). Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., 2010.
- “Social Exclusion.” In Colonialism and Racism in Canada: Historical Traces and Contemporary Issues, Maria A. Wallis, Lina Sunseri, and Grace-Edward Galabuzi, 227-245. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., 2010. [Reprinted, with permission, from Social Determinants of Health, ed. Dennis Raphael and David Langille, 235-251. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2004.]
- Race and Racialization: Essential Readings (co-edited with Tania Das Gupta, Carl E. James, Roger C.A. Maaka, and Chris Andersen). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2007.
- “Building Hope: Confronting Social Exclusion and Violence in Toronto’s Black Community, 2001.” In Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives, ed. Lorne Tepperman and Harley Dickinson, 194-197. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2007.
- “Towards a Decade of Hope and Prosperity (external link) ,” Toronto Star (op. ed.), 08 July 2007, A17.
- “Marxism and anti-racism: Extending the dialogue on race and class.” Marxism: A Socialist Annual 5 (2007): 47-49.
- “Renewing Canada’s Great Expectations: Towards a Decade of Hope and Dignity.” Atkinson Charitable Foundation Annual Report, 2006, 3-6.
- Canada’s Economic Apartheid: The Social Exclusion of Racialized Groups in the New Century . Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2006.
- “Race, Racialization and Multiculturalism.” Canadian Diversity 5:2 (Spring 2006): 29-31. A special edition entitled Thirty-Five Years of Canadian Multiculturalism 1971-2006: Issues, Ideas and Insights.
- “Impact of race and immigrant status on employment opportunities and outcomes in the Canadian labour market” (with Cheryl Teelucksingh). (PDF file) Policy Matters (external link) 22 (November 2005): 1-12. A report of the Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS) – Toronto.
- “Factors Affecting the Social Economic Status of Canadian Immigrants in the New Millennium.” Canadian Issues (Spring 2005): 53-57.
- “Factors Affecting the Social Economic Status of Canadian Immigrants in the New Millennium.” Canadian Issues (Spring 2005): 53-57.
- “Working precariously: The impact of race and immigrants status on employment opportunities and outcomes in Canada” (with Cheryl Teelucksingh). Directions 2:1 (2005): 15-52.
- “Racializing the Division of Labour: Neoliberal Restructuring and the Economic Segregation of Canada’s Racialized Groups.” In Challenging the Market: The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income, ed. Jim Stanford and Leah Vosko, 175-204. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004.
- “Social Exclusion.” In Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives, ed. Dennis Raphael and David Langille, 235-251. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2004.
- “The Contemporary Struggle Against Racism in Canada (external link) .” Canadian Dimension 38:1 (Jan/Feb 2004): 21-22.
- “Race, Racialization and Multiculturalism.” Canadian Diversity 5:2 (Spring 2006): 29-31. A special edition entitled Thirty-Five Years of Canadian Multiculturalism 1971-2006: Issues, Ideas and Insights.
- “Factors Affecting the Social Economic Status of Canadian Immigrants in the New Millennium.” Canadian Issues (Spring 2005): 53-57.
Grace-Edward's research interests include, globalization from below - local community responses to global economic restructuring in the global North and South; the racialization of the Canadian labour market; and social exclusion and the social economic status of racialized groups in Canada.
In addition to his academic career, Dr. Galabuzi has also worked in the Ontario government as a senior policy analyst on justice issues, and he is a former provincial coordinator of the Ontario Alliance for Employment Equity. He has been involved in many community campaigns around social justice issues such as anti-racism, anti-poverty, community development, human rights, education reform, anti-poverty, and police reform. He is a frequent contributor to public debates on social justice issues in Toronto. On 24 October 2012, Grace-Edward received an Urban Alliance Award presented by the Urban Alliance on Race Relations (external link) to honour efforts to promote anti-racism, inclusion, and diversity.