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News & Events
- Congratulations to former philosophy student Jan Wozniak, who has been named TMU's first recipient of an Autism Scholars Award. Jan completed his BA in English and Philosophy, and also his MA in Philosophy, at TMU, and is currently completing a BA in Psychology.
- Congratulations to BA graduate Dinez Clarke (Class of 2021) who has been accepted into the doctoral program in Philosophy at Dalhousie University.
- Congratulations to this year's undergraduate philosophy award winners!
Overall Academic Excellence Awards in Philosophy:
First-Year: Isabel Luengo Zamora
Second-Year: Sam Samuel
Third-Year: Clare Lue Tam
Fourth-Year: Claire Stang
Essay Awards:
Gold Essay Award: Alison Leong, “Deepfakes and Dignity”
Silver Essay Award: Tristan MacLean, “Utopian Imaginations: Thinking Through Production with Simone Weil”
Bronze Essay Award: Elena Hudson, “The Case for Magic & Mystery”
Community Service Awards:
Alexander Casucci
Noelle Tabas
- Prof. Liz Jackson (external link) is leaving TMU, having accepted a position at St. Louis University. She will be missed, but we wish her well in her new role!
- Congratulations to Prof. Jeta Mulaj (external link) on being awarded a SSHRC Insight Grant (external link) for a five-year project entitled "Stable Justice" (Value: $42,900)
- Congratulations to Prof. Katharine O'Reilly (external link) on winning this year's Faculty of Arts New Instructor Teaching Award!
- Congratulations to Philosophy-English Double-Major student Charles Liu, who was selected to participate in the PIKSI-Boston (external link) summer institute.
- Congratulations to Philosophy BA student Alison Air, who was selected to participate in the Summer Institute of the Canadian Philosophical Association (external link) . This institute aims to give students from underrepresented groups an intensive immersion in academic philosophy.
- Congratulations to Philosophy BA students Elena Ristova and Vanessa Egan, who have been accepted into the summer school in mathematical philosophy (external link) for female students at the University of Munich!
- Philosophy BA student launches non-profit organization dedicated to countering psychological manipulation and coercive control.
- UPDATE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. The Society for Women of Ideas will host a roundtable on Simoe Weil and Work in the Digital Age, on March 22nd from 12:00-2:00pm. [Details and Registration Information]
- The Society for Women of Ideas (external link) will host a day-long symposium on Rosa Luxembourg on Friday, February 9th, from 9:30am-4:00pm in POD-250. [Details (external link) ]
- The Society for Women of Ideas (external link) will host a virtual roundable on Friday, December 8th, 12:00-2:00, on the topic of "Decolonial Feminism in Eastern Europe and the Balkans." [More information (external link) ]|
- Congratulations to Prof. Jennifer Komorowski, on the publication of her article entitled "'Bad Stories': a Theory of Indigenous Dispossession" in the journal English Studies in Canada.
- Also, congratulations to Prof. Jennifer Komorowski for her pivotal role in devising the TMU's new Minor in Indigenous Thought, which was recently approved by the TMU Senate!
- Darren Cheng (MA Class of 2022) has published a paper entitled "Ideal Theory and Real Politics: The Politics in Political Liberalism (external link) " in the journal Moral Philosophy and Politics. Congratulations, Darren!
- The Toronto Philosophy of Religion Work-in-Progress Group will hold a virtual conference on December 14th and 15th, 2023. The event will take place on Zoom, and will feature two keynote speakers: Meghan D. Page (external link) (Loyola University Maryland) and Matthew A. Benton (external link) (Seattle Pacific University). There will be 6-8 slots available for other presenters. There is no theme; all topics in analytic philosophy of religion are welcome. If you would like to be considered for one of these slots, please submit an abstract of 300 words or less, prepared for blind review, to Deadline: 11:59pm on November 1st, 2023. (Questions can be directed to any of the conference co-organizers: Liz Jackson (external link) , Klaas Kraay, and Daniel Rubio.)
- On October 26th and 27th, TMU will host a student-led Medical Humanities Conference (external link) . This event is sponsored by the Jehangir Saleh Fund.
- On Saturday, October 8th, there will be a workshop on Charles Travis' (King's College London) recent book Frege: The Pure Business of Being True (external link) . The format is an author-meets-critics session. The critics include Juliet Floyd (external link) (Boston), Jim Hutchinson (external link) (Nazarbayev), Sanford Shieh (external link) (Wesleyan), and Tom Ricketts (external link) (Pittsburgh). For more information, contact
- There will be a meeting for undergraduate students interested in launching a student philosophy journal - it will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 26th, from 3:00-5:00pm, in JOR-440.
- Prof. Jennifer Komorowski will be a panelist at an event titled "Indigenous Art as Teacher", organized by Public Humanities at Western University (external link) . Here is the description: "How can we incorporate Indigenous art and art practices into our educational systems to help teachers to Indigenize the curriculum? Our panelists are educators from across the disciplines and will discuss how the Indigenous arts are powerful pedagogical tools to connect students to perspectives on decolonization." Register to attend in-person (external link) here, and register to attend online (external link) here.
- The department is delighted to host the 61st Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP (external link, opens in new window) ), which will take place at the Hilton Toronto from October 12-14.
- Welcome to all our incoming BA and MA students, and welcome back to our returning students! We wish you all the best for the academic year ahead!
- Congratulations to Prof. David Hunter (external link) on being awarded a $52,600 Insight Grant (external link) from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Prof. Hunter's project is entitled Desire and the Varieties of Goodness.
- Congratulations to Prof. Katharine O'Reilly (external link) on the publication of her co-edited volume, entitled Ancient Women Philosophers (external link) (Cambridge University Press). It can be ordered for 20% off using discount code 'AWP2023'.
- TMU will host the Fifth Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy, together with the 23rd annual conference of the Ancient Philosophy Society, on April 5-6, 2024. [Details (opens in new window) ]
- Congratulations to Prof. Liz Jackson (external link) , whose research is profiled in this interview on the 3:16am website. (external link)
- Congratulations to MA graduate Samantha Arthurs (Class of 2022), whose Major Research Paper ("Divine Pronouns") has been published in the journal Charity in Truth: A Journal of Ethics, Religion, and Culture (external link) .
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