
The best place to get your Admission questions answered is the Admissions Office. Admission is generally based on academic qualifications. It’s important to keep in mind that there are often many more applicants than the number of spaces available.
1. The admission process
All applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible prior to the published deadlines. It is important to review the information available online so that you know what the requirements are for admission, before you apply.
Please make sure your application is complete before you submit it.
Specific information is available for students applying to Grades-Plus programs, mature students, past students who wish to resume their studies, and students who would like to return to their programs after being Required to Withdraw (RTW). If you are a student who was given a Required to Withdraw (RTW) standing and you wish to be re-admitted to another program find more information here.
2. Application status
The majority of decisions about admission are made between February and late June - see the Admissions Decision Release Dates section of the Admissions website. Check the status of your ongoing application by going to your personal account at Choose TMU.
Your application may be approved, wait-listed or not-approved.
3. Being accepted
If your application is approved, you are accepted you will receive an official Offer of Admission. In order to reserve your place, you must accept the Offer of Admission and complete the process by responding to the Offer by the deadline set out in the Offer. You must also meet all conditions listed in the Offer of Admission. Visit the Approved Students section of the Admissions Website.
4. Being wait-listed
If you are wait-listed, it means that you were not admitted to the program. However, you may get in at a later date if a place becomes available, the Admissions Office will offer the place to the next-best qualified applicant on the wait-list.
5. NOT being accepted
There are a number of common reasons why applicants may not be accepted or why applications may be cancelled which are outlined in the Non-Approved Students Section of the Admissions website.
Consider the following steps :
Step 1: Get more information
For details regarding your admission decision(s), review the letter(s) posted under "My Documents" in your Choose>TMU Applicant Portal.
Admission requirements and procedures vary from program to program. Please remember that the admissions requirements for various programs are the absolute minimum necessary to be considered for admission. Stronger grades may be required in order to receive an Offer of Admission if the other applicants have much higher grades than the minimum requirement.
Admission can be very competitive. Keep in mind that some programs attract a huge number of applicants and have a relatively small number of spaces available. Also, certain programs have academic and non-academic requirements for admission.
If you have re-read your non-approval letter from the University and have checked the minimum requirements for the program and are still unsure of why you were not accepted, you can contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment.
Step 2: Assess the situation
If you find that your marks fall below the minimum requirements, it's probably best to work on improving your marks and acquiring additional relevant experience and applying again next year. If you want to speak with an Admissions Officer about your options for academic upgrading you can contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment.
Step 3: If appropriate, consider request for reconsideration
Admissions decisions are final, however in certain circumstances a request for reconsideration may be made.
Please review the information on the Admissions website for Current Ontario Secondary School Applicants (OUAC 101 Application) and OUAC 105/ Applicants.
Applications to the Yeates School of Graduate Studies (YSGS) and at TMU are considered on a continual basis as soon as complete applications are received. The Graduate School will continue to accept applications until the program is closed and is no longer accepting applications. Please refer to the deadlines posted on the Graduate School’s website. If you have any questions on the application process to the Graduate School, please reach out to
1. The admission process
All students are encouraged to submit their application as soon as possible and in advance of the following deadlines. Applicants are required to submit an online application as well as an extensive application package that among others includes but is not limited to a CV, letter of intent, transcripts, English proficiency tests, recommendation letters, and sample work (if applicable). Please refer to the document checklist provided by the Graduate School for detailed information on the requirements for the program you are interested in. Please note that an application is not processed until the application fee has been received by the University.
Students who voluntarily withdrew from a graduate program at the University in good academic standing may be considered for re-admission, but readmission is not guaranteed. As a condition for re-admission, additional course work or other academic work may be required.
If a student withdraws when the only outstanding program requirement is the capstone requirement (thesis, dissertation, project, MRP, etc.) and then wishes to re-enter the program, they may be required to pay fees for the terms during which they were absent.
2. Application status
Generally decisions will be made by programs starting in January and will be ongoing until programs are filled. Each applicant should receive an automatic e-mail acknowledging their on-line application and giving them instructions on how to create a RAMSS account to check the status of the submission of their application materials.
Acknowledgement emails are sent within 2-3 business days from the time you submit your application payment so if you don’t receive this information check your Junk mail or Spam.
Admission decisions are final.
Applicants to the Law School generally require a minimum of 3 years of university-level study, however, applicants who haven't completed university education but who are able to demonstrate how their employment or lived experiences make them a suitable canadidate are also encouraged to apply. Detailed information relating to admissions eligibility can be viewed on the Law admissions website.
Applications, which include the LSAT score, academic transcripts, a personal statement and other documents, are submitted through the Ontario Law School Application Service (OLSAS). The Law admissions webpage also outlines detailed information about the application requirements.
Further information about the application process can be found on the Law Admissions webpage.